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@gabrielmbmb gabrielmbmb released this 18 Sep 10:20
· 1115 commits to develop since this release

☀️ Highlights

This release comes with an auto save feature for the UI, an enhanced Argilla CLI app, new keyboard shortcuts for the annotation process in the Feedback Dataset and new integrations for the ArgillaTrainer.

💾 Auto save

Argilla UI Feedback Record getting auto saved

Have you been writing a long corrected text in a TextField for a completion given by an LLM and you have refreshed the page before submitting it? Well, since this release you are covered! The Argilla UI will save every few seconds the responses given in the annotation form of a FeedbackDataset. Annotators can partially annotate one record and then come back to finish the annotation process without losing the previous work.

👨🏻‍💻 More operations directly from the Argilla CLI

Argilla CLI displaying help information

The Argilla CLI has been updated to include an extensive list of new commands, from users and datasets management to training models all from the terminal!

⌨️ New keyboard shorcuts for the Feedback Dataset

Feedback dataset shortcuts

Now, you can seamlessly navigate within the feedback form using just your keyboard. We've extended the functionality of these shortcuts to cover all types of available questions: Label, Multi-label, Ranking, Rating and Text

QnA, Chat Completion with OpenAI and Sentence Transformers model training now in the ArgillaTrainer

The ArgillaTrainer doesn't stop getting new features and improvements!



  • Added ArgillaTrainer integration with sentence-transformers, allowing fine tuning for sentence similarity (#3739)
  • Added ArgillaTrainer integration with TrainingTask.for_question_answering (#3740)
  • Added Auto save record to save automatically the current record that you are working on (#3541)
  • Added ArgillaTrainer integration with OpenAI, allowing fine tuning for chat completion (#3615)
  • Added workspaces list command to list Argilla workspaces (#3594).
  • Added datasets list command to list Argilla datasets (#3658).
  • Added users create command to create users (#3667).
  • Added whoami command to get current user (#3673).
  • Added users delete command to delete users (#3671).
  • Added users list command to list users (#3688).
  • Added workspaces delete-user command to remove a user from a workspace (#3699).
  • Added datasets list command to list Argilla datasets (#3658).
  • Added users create command to create users (#3667).
  • Added users delete command to delete users (#3671).
  • Added workspaces create command to create an Argilla workspace (#3676).
  • Added datasets push-to-hub command to push a FeedbackDataset from Argilla into the HuggingFace Hub (#3685).
  • Added info command to get info about the used Argilla client and server (#3707).
  • Added datasets delete command to delete a FeedbackDataset from Argilla (#3703).
  • Added created_at and updated_at properties to RemoteFeedbackDataset and FilteredRemoteFeedbackDataset (#3709).
  • Added handling PermissionError when executing a command with a logged in user with not enough permissions (#3717).
  • Added workspaces add-user command to add a user to workspace (#3712).
  • Added workspace_id param to GET /api/v1/me/datasets endpoint (#3727).
  • Added workspace_id arg to list_datasets in the Python SDK (#3727).
  • Added argilla script that allows to execute Argilla CLI using the argilla command (#3730).
  • Added server_info function to check the Argilla server information (also accessible via rg.server_info) (#3772).


  • Move database commands under server group of commands (#3710)
  • server commands only included in the CLI app when server extra requirements are installed (#3710).
  • Updated PUT /api/v1/responses/{response_id} to replace values stored with received values in request (#3711).
  • Display a UserWarning when the user_id in Workspace.add_user and Workspace.delete_user is the ID of an user with the owner role as they don't require explicit permissions (#3716).
  • Rename tasks sub-package to cli (#3723).
  • Changed argilla database command in the CLI to now be accessed via argilla server database, to be deprecated in the upcoming release (#3754).
  • Changed visible_options (of label and multi label selection questions) validation in the backend to check that the provided value is greater or equal than/to 3 and less or equal than/to the number of provided options (#3773).


  • Fixed remove user modification in text component on clear answers (#3775)
  • Fixed Highlight raw text field in dataset feedback task (#3731)
  • Fixed Field title too long (#3734)
  • Fixed error messages when deleting a DatasetForTextClassification (#3652)
  • Fixed Pending queue pagination problems when during data annotation (#3677)
  • Fixed visible_labels default value to be 20 just when visible_labels not provided and len(labels) > 20, otherwise it will either be the provided visible_labels value or None, for LabelQuestion and MultiLabelQuestion (#3702).
  • Fixed DatasetCard generation when RemoteFeedbackDataset contains suggestions (#3718).
  • Add missing draft status in ResponseSchema as now there can be responses with draft status when annotating via the UI (#3749).
  • Searches when queried words are distributed along the record fields (#3759).
  • Fixed Python 3.11 compatibility issue with /api/datasets endpoints due to the TaskType enum replacement in the endpoint URL (#3769).

As always, thanks to our amazing contributors

Full Changelog: v1.15.1...v1.16.0