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Releases: argilla-io/argilla


21 Jul 07:35
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🔆 Highlights

✨ Suggestions

Dataset with suggestions You can now add suggestions to your Feedback datasets. This feature enhances the feedback collection process by providing machine-generated feedback to labelers that appears as pre-filled responses. In this way, they act as an aid for labelers' efficiency, who will only need to correct the responses that they don't agree with.

All question types in the Feedback task support suggestions, but you can only add one suggestion per question.

Learn more about this feature in our docs.

🗄️ List workspaces

We've added functionalities to list all the workspaces that a user has access to. From the Python client you will be able to list all workspaces of the current user using rg.Workspace.list() and in the UI you will be able to see the list of workspaces in the user settings page.

User settings page with workspace list

Read more in the docs.

🏋️‍♂️ Extended training support

We are extending the support we give to help preparing data from Feedback datasets to use during training. As part of this release we include strategies to unify responses to RankingQuestions and also provide a task mapping for text classification TrainingTaskMapping.for_text_classification.

Read more about how to use these methods to train models with Feedback collected in Argilla here.

Changelog 1.13.0


  • Added GET /api/v1/users/{user_id}/workspaces endpoint to list the workspaces to which a user belongs (#3308 and #3343).
  • Added HuggingFaceDatasetMixin for internal usage, to detach the FeedbackDataset integrations from the class itself, and use Mixins instead (#3326).
  • Added GET /api/v1/records/{record_id}/suggestions API endpoint to get the list of suggestions for the responses associated to a record (#3304).
  • Added POST /api/v1/records/{record_id}/suggestions API endpoint to create a suggestion for a response associated to a record (#3304).
  • Added support for RankingQuestionStrategy, RankingQuestionUnification and the .for_text_classification method for the TrainingTaskMapping (#3364)
  • Added PUT /api/v1/records/{record_id}/suggestions API endpoint to create or update a suggestion for a response associated to a record (#3304 & 3391).
  • Added suggestions attribute to FeedbackRecord, and allow adding and retrieving suggestions from the Python client (#3370)
  • Added allowed_for_roles Python decorator to check whether the current user has the required role to access the decorated function/method for User and Workspace (#3383)
  • Added API and Python Client support for workspace deletion (Closes #3260)
  • Added GET /api/v1/me/workspaces endpoint to list the workspaces of the current active user (#3390)


  • Updated output payload for GET /api/v1/datasets/{dataset_id}/records, GET /api/v1/me/datasets/{dataset_id}/records, POST /api/v1/me/datasets/{dataset_id}/records/search endpoints to include the suggestions of the records based on the value of the include query parameter (#3304).
  • Updated POST /api/v1/datasets/{dataset_id}/records input payload to add suggestions (#3304).
  • The POST /api/datasets/:dataset-id/:task/bulk endpoints don't create the dataset if does not exists (Closes #3244)
  • Added Telemetry support for ArgillaTrainer (closes #3325)
  • User.workspaces is no longer an attribute but a property, and is calling list_user_workspaces to list all the workspace names for a given user ID (#3334)
  • Renamed FeedbackDatasetConfig to DatasetConfig and export/import from YAML as default instead of JSON (just used internally on push_to_huggingface and from_huggingface methods of FeedbackDataset) (#3326).
  • The protected metadata fields support other than textual info - existing datasets must be reindex. See docs for more detail (Closes #3332).
  • Updated Dockerfile parent image from python:3.9.16-slim to python:3.10.12-slim (#3425).
  • Updated quickstart.Dockerfile parent image from elasticsearch:8.5.3 to argilla/argilla-server:${ARGILLA_VERSION} (#3425).


  • Removed support to non-prefixed environment variables. All valid env vars start with ARGILLA_ (See #3392).


  • Fixed GET /api/v1/me/datasets/{dataset_id}/records endpoint returning always the responses for the records even if responses was not provided via the include query parameter (#3304).
  • Values for protected metadata fields are not truncated (Closes #3331).
  • Big number ids are properly rendered in UI (Closes #3265)
  • Fixed ArgillaDatasetCard to include the values/labels for all the existing questions (#3366)


  • Integer support for record id in text classification, token classification and text2text datasets.

As always, thanks to our amazing contributors

Full Changelog: v1.12.1...1.13.0


12 Jul 13:06
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  • Using rg.init with default argilla user skips setting the default workspace if not available. (Closes #3340)
  • Resolved wrong import structure ArgillaTrainer TrainingTaskMapping (Closes #3345)
  • Pin pydantic dependency to version < 2 (Closes 3348)


29 Jun 14:27
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🔆 Highlights

New RankingQuestion in Feedback Task datasets

Ranking Question snapshot
Now you will be able to include RankingQuestions in your Feedback datasets. These are specially designed to gather feedback on labeler's preferences, by providing a set of options that labelers can order.
Here's how you can add a RankingQuestion to a FeedbackDataset:

dataset = FeedbackDataset(
        rg.TextField(name="reply-1", title="Reply 1"),
        rg.TextField(name="reply-2", title="Reply 2"),
        rg.TextField(name="reply-3", title="Reply 3"),
            title="Order replies based on your preference",
            description="1 = best, 3 = worst. Ties are allowed.",
            values={"reply-1": "Reply 1", "reply-2": "Reply 2", "reply-3": "Reply 3"} # or ["reply-1", "reply-2", "reply-3"]

More info in our docs.

Extended training support

You can now format responses from RatingQuestion, LabelQuestion and MultiLabelQuestion for your preferred training framework using the prepare_for_training method.

Also, we've added support for spacy-transformers in our Argilla Trainer.

Here's an example code snippet:

import as rg

dataset = rg.FeedbackDataset.from_huggingface(
task_mapping = rg.TrainingTaskMapping.for_text_classification(
trainer = rg.ArgillaTrainer(

To learn more about how to use Argilla Trainer check our docs.

Changelog 1.12.0


  • Added RankingQuestionSettings class allowing to create ranking questions in the API using POST /api/v1/datasets/{dataset_id}/questions endpoint (#3232)
  • Added RankingQuestion in the Python client to create ranking questions (#3275).
  • Added Ranking component in feedback task question form (#3177 & #3246).
  • Added FeedbackDataset.prepare_for_training method for generaring a framework-specific dataset with the responses provided for RatingQuestion, LabelQuestion and MultiLabelQuestion (#3151).
  • Added ArgillaSpaCyTransformersTrainer class for supporting the training with spacy-transformers (#3256).


  • All docker related files have been moved into the docker folder (#3053).
  • release.Dockerfile have been renamed to Dockerfile (#3133).
  • Updated rg.load function to raise a ValueError with a explanatory message for the cases in which the user tries to use the function to load a FeedbackDataset (#3289).
  • Updated ArgillaSpaCyTrainer to allow re-using tok2vec (#3256).


  • Check available workspaces on Argilla on rg.set_workspace (Closes #3262)

New Contributors

Full Changelog: v1.11.0...v1.12.0


22 Jun 15:14
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🔆 Highlights

New owner role and user update command

We've added a new user role, owner, that has permissions over all users, workspaces and datasets in Argilla (like the admin role in earlier versions). From this version, the admin role will only have permissions over datasets and users in workspaces assigned to them.
You can change a user from admin to owner using a simple CLI command: python -m argilla users update argilla --role owner.

Improved user and workspace management

You can now get lists of users and workspaces, create new ones and give users access to workspaces directly from the Python SDK. Note that only owners will have permissions for all these actions. Admins will be able to give users access to workspaces where they have access.

Metadata fields for Feedback records

You can now add metadata information to your records. This is useful to store information that's not needed for the labeling UI but important for downstream usage (e.g., prompt id, model IDs, etc.)

Changelog 1.11.0


  • Replaced np.float alias by float to avoid AttributeError when using find_label_errors function with numpy>=1.24.0 (#3214).
  • Fixed format_as("datasets") when no responses or optional respones in FeedbackRecord, to set their value to what 🤗 Datasets expects instead of just None (#3224).
  • Fixed push_to_huggingface() when generate_card=True (default behaviour), as we were passing a sample record to the ArgillaDatasetCard class, and UUIDs introduced in 1.10.0 (#3192), are not JSON-serializable (#3231).
  • Fixed from_argilla and push_to_argilla to ensure consistency on both field and question re-construction, and to ensure UUIDs are properly serialized as str, respectively (#3234).


  • Added metadata attribute to the Record of the FeedbackDataset (#3194)
  • New users update command to update the role for an existing user (#3188)
  • New Workspace class to allow users manage their Argilla workspaces and the users assigned to those workspaces via the Python client (#3180)
  • Added User class to let users manage their Argilla users via the Python client (#3169).
  • Added an option to display tqdm progress bar to FeedbackDataset.push_to_argilla when looping over the records to upload (#3233).


  • The role system now support three different roles owner, admin and annotator (#3104)
  • admin role is scoped to workspace-level operations (#3115)
  • The owner user is created among the default pool of users in the quickstart, and the default user in the server has now owner role (#3248), reverting (#3188).


As always, thanks to our amazing contributors!


16 Jun 11:04
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Search records in Feedback Task

We've added a search bar in the Feedback Task UI so you can filter records based on specific words or phrases.

Extended markdown support

Annotation guidelines are now rendered as markdown text to make them easier to read and have a more flexible format.

Train button in Feedback Task

Admin users have access to a Train </> button in the Feedback Task UI with quick links to all the information needed to train a model with the feedback gathered in Argilla.

Changelog 1.10.0


  • Added search component for feedback datasets (#3138)
  • Added markdown support for feedback dataset guidelines (#3153)
  • Added Train button for feedback datasets (#3170)


  • Updated SearchEngine and POST /api/v1/me/datasets/{dataset_id}/records/search to return the total number of records matching the search query (#3166)


  • Replaced Enum for string value in URLs for client API calls (Closes #3149)
  • Resolve breaking issue with ArgillaSpanMarkerTrainer for Named Entity Recognition with span_marker v1.1.x onwards.
  • Move ArgillaDatasetCard import under @requires_version decorator, so that the ImportError on huggingface_hub is handled properly (#3174)
  • Allow flow FeedbackDataset.from_argilla -> FeedbackDataset.push_to_argilla under different dataset names and/or workspaces (#3192)

As always, thanks to our amazing contributors!

Full Changelog: v1.9.0...v1.10.0


09 Jun 12:07
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🔆 Highlights

New question types in Feedback Datasets

Screenshot of a Feedback Dataset with the new Label and MultiLabel questions and markdown support

We've included two new question types in Feedback Datasets: LabelQuestion and MultiLabelQuestion. These are specially useful for applying one or multiple labels to a record, for example, for text classification tasks. In this new view, you can add multiple classification questions and even combine them with the other question types available in Feedback Datasets: RatingQuestion and TextQuestion.

Markdown support in Feedback Fields and Text Questions

You can now add the use_markdown=True tag to a TextField or a TextQuestion to have the UI render the text as markdown. You can use this to read and write code, tables or even add images.

Screenshot of a Feedback Dataset with rendered markdown in a record field and a text question

Further improvements in Feedback Datasets

We continue to add improvements to our new Feedback Datasets:

  • We've added checks to avoid having fields and questions with repeated names.
  • Dataset cards generated using FeedbackDataset.push_to_huggingface(generate_card=True) now follow the official Hugging Face template.

Changelog 1.9.0


  • Added boolean use_markdown property to TextFieldSettings model (#3000)
  • Added boolean use_markdown property to TextQuestionSettings model (#3000).
  • Added new status draft for the Response model (#3033)
  • Added LabelSelectionQuestionSettings class allowing to create label selection (single-choice) questions in the API (#3005)
  • Added MultiLabelSelectionQuestionSettings class allowing to create multi-label selection (multi-choice) questions in the API (#3010).
  • Added POST /api/v1/me/datasets/{dataset_id}/records/search endpoint (#3068).
  • Added new components in feedback task Question form: MultiLabel (#3064) and SingleLabel (#3016).
  • Added docstrings to the pydantic.BaseModels defined at argilla/client/feedback/ (#3137)


  • Updated GET /api/v1/me/datasets/:dataset_id/metrics output payload to include the count of responses with draft status (#3033)
  • Database setup for unit tests. Now the unit tests use a different database than the one used by the local Argilla server (Closes #2987).
  • Updated alembic setup to be able to autogenerate revision/migration scripts using SQLAlchemy metadata from Argilla server models (#3044)
  • Improved DatasetCard generation on FeedbackDataset.push_to_huggingface when generate_card=True, following the official HuggingFace Hub template, but suited to FeedbackDatasets from Argilla (#3110)


  • Disallow fields and questions in FeedbackDataset with the same name (#3126).

As always, thanks to our amazing contributors!


31 May 14:53
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🔆 Highlights

New Feedback Task 🎉

snapshot-feedback-demo Big welcome to our new `FeedbackDataset`! This new type of dataset is designed to cover the specific needs of working with LLMs. Use this task to gather demonstration examples, human feedback, curate other datasets... Questions of different types can be combined so you can adapt your dataset to the specific needs of your project. Currently, it supports `RatingQuestion` and `TextQuestion`, but more question types will be added shortly in the coming releases.

In addition, these datasets support multiple annotations: all users with access to the dataset can give their responses.

The FeedbackDataset has an enhanced integration with the Hugging Face Hub, so that saving a dataset to the Hub or pushing a FeedbackDataset from the Hub directly to Argilla is seamless.

Check all the things you can do with Feedback Tasks in our docs

New LLM section in our docs

We've added a new section in our docs that covers:

More training integrations

We've added new frameworks for the ArgillaTrainer: ArgillaPeftTrainer for Text and Token Classification and ArgillaAutoTrainTrainer for Text Classification.

Changelog 1.8.0


  • /api/v1/datasets new endpoint to list and create datasets ([#2615]).
  • /api/v1/datasets/{dataset_id} new endpoint to get and delete datasets ([#2615]).
  • /api/v1/datasets/{dataset_id}/publish new endpoint to publish a dataset ([#2615]).
  • /api/v1/datasets/{dataset_id}/questions new endpoint to list and create dataset questions ([#2615])
  • /api/v1/datasets/{dataset_id}/fields new endpoint to list and create dataset fields ([#2615])
  • /api/v1/datasets/{dataset_id}/questions/{question_id} new endpoint to delete a dataset questions ([#2615])
  • /api/v1/datasets/{dataset_id}/fields/{field_id} new endpoint to delete a dataset field ([#2615])
  • /api/v1/workspaces/{workspace_id} new endpoint to get workspaces by id ([#2615])
  • /api/v1/responses/{response_id} new endpoint to update and delete a response ([#2615])
  • /api/v1/datasets/{dataset_id}/records new endpoint to create and list dataset records ([#2615])
  • /api/v1/me/datasets new endpoint to list user visible datasets ([#2615])
  • /api/v1/me/dataset/{dataset_id}/records new endpoint to list dataset records with user responses ([#2615])
  • /api/v1/me/datasets/{dataset_id}/metrics new endpoint to get the dataset user metrics ([#2615])
  • /api/v1/me/records/{record_id}/responses new endpoint to create record user responses ([#2615])
  • showing new feedback task datasets in datasets list ([#2719])
  • new page for feedback task ([#2680])
  • show feedback task metrics ([#2822])
  • user can delete dataset in dataset settings page ([#2792])
  • Support for FeedbackDataset in Python client (parent PR [#2615], and nested PRs: [#2949], [#2827], [#2943], [#2945], [#2962], and [#3003])
  • Integration with the HuggingFace Hub ([#2949])
  • Added ArgillaPeftTrainer for text and token classification #2854
  • Added predict_proba() method to ArgillaSetFitTrainer
  • Added ArgillaAutoTrainTrainer for Text Classification #2664
  • New database revisions command showing database revisions info [#2615]: #2615


  • Avoid rendering html for invalid html strings in Text2text ([#2911]#2911)


  • The database migrate command accepts a --revision param to provide specific revision id
  • tokens_length metrics function returns empty data (#3045)
  • token_length metrics function returns empty data (#3045)
  • mention_length metrics function returns empty data (#3045)
  • entity_density metrics function returns empty data (#3045)


  • Using argilla with python 3.7 runtime is deprecated and support will be removed from version 1.9.0 (#2902)
  • tokens_length metrics function has been deprecated and will be removed in 1.10.0 (#3045)
  • token_length metrics function has been deprecated and will be removed in 1.10.0 (#3045)
  • mention_length metrics function has been deprecated and will be removed in 1.10.0 (#3045)
  • entity_density metrics function has been deprecated and will be removed in 1.10.0 (#3045)


  • Removed mention density, tokens_length and chars_length metrics from token classification metrics storage (#3045)
  • Removed token char_start, char_end, tag, and score metrics from token classification metrics storage (#3045)
  • Removed tags-related metrics from token classification metrics storage (#3045)

As always, thanks to our amazing contributors!


10 May 13:42
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🔆 Highlights

OpenAI fine-tuning support

Use your data in Argilla to fine-tune OpenAI models. You can do this by getting your data in the specific format through the prepare_for_training method or train directly using ArgillaTrainer.

Argilla Trainer improvements

We’ve added CLI support for Argilla Trainer and two new frameworks for training: OpenAI & SpanMarker.

Logging and loading enhancements

We’ve improved the speed and robustness of rg.log and rg.load methods.

typer CLI

A more user-friendly command line interface with typer that includes argument suggestions and colorful messages.

Changelog 1.7.0


  • add max_retries and num_threads parameters to rg.log to run data logging request concurrently with backoff retry policy. See #2458 and #2533
  • rg.load accepts include_vectors and include_metrics when loading data. Closes #2398
  • Added settings param to prepare_for_training (#2689)
  • Added prepare_for_training for openai (#2658)
  • Added ArgillaOpenAITrainer (#2659)
  • Added ArgillaSpanMarkerTrainer for Named Entity Recognition (#2693)
  • Added ArgillaTrainer CLI support. Closes (#2809)


  • Argilla quickstart image dependencies are externalized into quickstart.requirements.txt. See #2666
  • bulk endpoints will upsert data when record id is present. Closes #2535
  • moved from click to typer CLI support. Closes (#2815)
  • Argilla server docker image is built with PostgreSQL support. Closes #2686
  • The rg.log computes all batches and raise an error for all failed batches.
  • The default batch size for rg.log is now 100.


  • bugfixes and unification (#2665)
  • Resolved several small bugs in the ArgillaTrainer.


  • The rg.log_async function is deprecated and will be removed in next minor release.

As always, thanks to out amazing contributors!


09 Apr 12:50
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🔆 Highlights

User roles & settings page

We've introduced two user roles to help you manage your annotation team: admin and annotator. admin users can create, list and delete other users, workspaces and datasets. The annotator role is specifically designed for users who focus solely on annotating datasets.

User settings page

We've also added a page to see your user's settings in the Argilla UI. To access it click on your user avatar at the top right corner and then select My settings.

Argilla Trainer

The new module deals with all data transformations and basic default configurations to train a model with annotations from Argilla using popular NLP frameworks. It currently supports spacy, setfit and transformers.

Additionally, admin users can access ready-made code snippets to copy-paste directly from the Argilla UI. Just go to the dataset you want to use, click the </> Train button in the top banner and select your preferred framework.

Ready-made code snippet to train a model using the `alpaca-clean-en` dataset and `setfit` as shown in the Argilla UI

Learn more about in our docs.

Database support

Argilla will now create a default SQLite database to store users and workspaces. PostgreSQL is also officially supported. Simply set a custom value for the ARGILLA_DATABASE_URL environment variable pointing to your PostgreSQL instance.

Changelog 1.6.0


  • ARGILLA_HOME_PATH new environment variable (#2564).
  • ARGILLA_DATABASE_URL new environment variable (#2564).
  • Basic support for user roles with admin and annotator (#2564).
  • id, first_name, last_name, role, inserted_at and updated_at new user fields (#2564).
  • /api/users new endpoint to list and create users (#2564).
  • /api/users/{user_id} new endpoint to delete users (#2564).
  • /api/workspaces new endpoint to list and create workspaces (#2564).
  • /api/workspaces/{workspace_id}/users new endpoint to list workspace users (#2564).
  • /api/workspaces/{workspace_id}/users/{user_id} new endpoint to create and delete workspace users (#2564).
  • argilla.tasks.users.migrate new task to migrate users from old YAML file to database (#2564).
  • argilla.tasks.users.create new task to create a user (#2564).
  • argilla.tasks.users.create_default new task to create a user with default credentials (#2564).
  • argilla.tasks.database.migrate new task to execute database migrations (#2564).
  • release.Dockerfile and quickstart.Dockerfile now creates a default argilladata volume to persist data (#2564).
  • Add user settings page. Closes #2496
  • Added module with support for spacy, setfit, and transformers. Closes #2504


  • Now the prepare_for_training method is working when multi_label=True. Closes #2606


  • ARGILLA_USERS_DB_FILE environment variable now it's only used to migrate users from YAML file to database (#2564).
  • full_name user field is now deprecated and first_name and last_name should be used instead (#2564).
  • password user field now requires a minimum of 8 and a maximum of 100 characters in size (#2564).
  • quickstart.Dockerfile image default users from team and argilla to admin and annotator including new passwords and API keys (#2564).
  • Datasets to be managed only by users with admin role (#2564).
  • The list of rules is now accessible while metrics are computed. Closes#2117
  • Style updates for weak labelling and adding feedback toast when delete rules. See #2626 and #2648


  • email user field (#2564).
  • disabled user field (#2564).
  • Support for private workspaces (#2564).
  • ARGILLA_LOCAL_AUTH_DEFAULT_APIKEY and ARGILLA_LOCAL_AUTH_DEFAULT_PASSWORD environment variables. Use python -m argilla.tasks.users.create_default instead (#2564).
  • The old headers for API Key and workspace from python client
  • The default value for old API Key constant. Closes #2251

As always, thanks to our amazing contributors!

  • feat: add ArgillaSpaCyTrainer for both TokenClassification and TextClassification (#2604) by @alvarobartt
  • Move dataset dump to train, ignored unnecessary imports, & remove _required_fields attribute (#2642) by @alvarobartt
  • fix: update field name in metadata for image url (#2609) by @burtenshaw
  • fix Install doc spell error by @PhilipMay
  • fix: broken link (#2616) by @alvarobartt


31 Mar 08:00
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  • Copying datasets between workspaces with proper owner/workspace info. Closes #2562
  • Copy dataset with empty workspace to the default user workspace. See #2618
  • Using elasticsearch config to request backend version. Closes #2311
  • Remove sorting by score in labels. Closes #2622


  • Update field name in metadata for image url. See #2609