Visitor overview, search and sort documents, analytics exports, and more. 👇
Highlights ✨
Visitor overview
Whether you are sharing a data room or individual documents, your documents are getting a lot of attention. We made it easier for you to see all your visitors and what documents they visited in one simple interface.
For every visitors that viewed your document, we add up the cumulative visit history. We break down the visitors by
- document name
- last viewed timestamp
- total time spent
- number of visits
In a future update, we plan to extend the visitor analytics overview with more details for each document, such as a cumulative page-by-page graph.
Search and sort documents
We made it easier to find the right document in your team account. You can search across all document by document name. Additionally, you can sort all documents by
- name
- upload date
- recently viewed
- number of views
- number of links
The best thing: it's part of the browser history, so you can use the browser back button to navigate between searches or share the search result page with a team member.
Archive visits
Document analytics can get cluttered fast, especially if you are testing your links or there's an outlier visit that skews the combined analytics. We added the ability to archive individual views, so that not one view ruins your overall statistics.
Quality-of-life improvements
- new email verification flow with OTP
- persist folder/file hierarchy when uploading folder with multiple documents
- subpages support in Notion document
- add last-used login indicator
- keep folder state in data room between document views
- export document visits to csv
- add custom favicon in social media cards
What's Changed
- chore: changes to access screen by @mfts in #603
- fix: email verification by @mfts in #604
- feat: improve link creation by @mfts in #605
- refactor(viewers): disconnect viewers from datarooms by @mfts in #606
- feat(prisma): adjust viewer table model by @mfts in #607
- fix: limit email sends by @mfts in #609
- fix: update plan check by @mfts in #610
- fix: limit api invitations by @mfts in #611
- feat: new file type support by @mfts in #612
- chore: update dependencies by @mfts in #615
- feat: billing updates and fix on email name by @shnai0 in #616
- fix: bulk download w/ groups by @mfts in #618
- feat(email-verification): persist email verification state locally by @mfts in #620
- feat: updates to groups by @mfts in #621
- feat: add docs and links limits by @mfts in #622
- style: fix progress color by @mfts in #624
- feat: enable upgrade if no stripeId but higher plan by @mfts in #626
- fix: issues with inconsistent theming in various components by @Ryadav0654 in #632
- chore: change email subject line by @mfts in #636
- feat(notion): fetch subpages by @mfts in #640
- feat: Add custom favicon icon in document link by @AshishViradiya153 in #608
- fix: made the dataroom route protected in case user hasn't opted for any trial or plan by @nidhish-srivastava in #613
- feat: change verification text in email by @mfts in #656
- chore: update index.ts by @eltociear in #653
- feat: implement new link verification for email by @mfts in #661
- feat: handle Duplicate Data Room Error and Display Subscription Modal When Limit Reached by @AshishViradiya153 in #659
- fix: add missing favicon by @mfts in #675
- fix: dataroom delete equal name issue by @AshishViradiya153 in #673
- feat: handled error on /documents page if there is error fetching documents from server by @nidhish-srivastava in #682
- oss.gg:no-code side quest by @adityadeshlahre in #681
- feat: add plaintext to emails by @mfts in #688
- feat: disable page links on free by @mfts in #689
- fix: Upload Zone UI by @ChaseNelson in #686
- feat: prevent free users from inviting to dataroom by @mfts in #691
- fix: remove black color for subheading in dataroom groups page by @yashsharma999 in #693
- fix: HotFix-Dataroom-name-trim by @AshishViradiya153 in #700
- docs: Update Node.js version requirement to >= 18.17.0 in README by @bhavyajain511 in #705
- feat: add unit-based pricing by @mfts in #750
- fix: inconsistent theme in 404 screen by @JeevaRamanathan in #709
- docs: Added Script for Prisma by @rishipatel9 in #724
- feat: added small changes to side bar and upgrade modal by @shnai0 in #753
- feat: make agreement name customizable by @DeepaPrasanna in #674
- fix: Single State for Button Disable and Loading by @mohdjami in #713
- feat: added last_used in login page by @RajuGangitla in #718
- fix: add proper spacing to add-document-button by @souvikjs01 in #754
- docs: add missing PostgreSQL link by @vamsi4845 in #802
- feat: Improve document 📄 "Action" tab by @AshishViradiya153 in #678
- fix: added all supported extensions in the file uploads by @JeevaRamanathan in #789
- fix: disabled to create links & duplicate documents due to free version limit by @JeevaRamanathan in #855
- fix: The Papermark logo on the top left on the sidebar should redirect to /documents when clicked by @hiralvavadiya in #870
- fix: trial banner random popup by @mfts in #930
- fix: hide sidebar notice by @mfts in #943
- feat: papermark logo redirect to /document by @tushar-agarwal7 in #806
- fix: login page should always be in light theme by @aritradevelops in #928
- fix: Keep state in dataroom view between document and dataroom view #783 by @Nithin-532 in #968
- refactor: link sidebar add bottom space by @AshishViradiya153 in #846
- feat: Added feature Export Visits to download the csv of Visits and Views by @aryany9 in #840
- feat: Add "report" button to document viewer to report abuse by @RajuGangitla in #997
- fix: invite group members by @mfts in #1060
- fix: only watermark pdfs by @mfts in #1065
- fix(temp): add size limit for presets to 4mb by @mfts in #1088
- fix: improve document nav on mobile devices by @mfts in #1115
- feat: search_bar by @shnai0 in #751
- fix: download original file type by @mfts in #1122
- fix: the unscrollability across the /settings/branding page across navbar-and-frontpage by @dhanyamd in #823
- feat: improve Loading Performance and UI in dark mode by @ShreyasLakhani in #824
- fix: added responsiveness to button for better visualization by @souvikjs01 in #845
- fix: Added Overflow-auto and Gap for team members details by @rishipatel9 in #945
- fix: adds scrollbar to add folder modal by @sateshcharan in #1066
- docs: Typos and Improve Clarity in Documentation by @UTSAVS26 in #1141
- fix: Upgrade button dark mode visibility by @JeevaRamanathan in #1144
- feat: View dataroom folder tree list and documnet list ui fix by @AshishViradiya153 in #952
- fix: resolve margin issues in DocumentList and Tree components by @JeevaRamanathan in #1155
- feat: add location data to user agent by @mfts in #1170
- feat: add sorting to documents by @mfts in #1169
- feat: add teamId to links and views by @mfts in #1175
- fix: delete team and group issue by @AshishViradiya153 in #1164
- feat: add visitors overview and details by @mfts in #1018
- feat: add teamId to links and viewer on document visit by @mfts in #1201
- feat: add teamId when creating link on document by @mfts in #1202
- chore: remove dataroomId from group viewer create by @mfts in #1203
- feat: enable visitors tab by @mfts in #1218
- fix: truncate long file names for better ui display by @JeevaRamanathan in #1185
- feat: Preserve Folder Hierarchy in Multi-file Uploads (#937) Completed by @SubhPB in #1131
- fix: pass theme option as url params by @DeepaPrasanna in #1097
- feat: Add help / info tips to link settings by @AshishViradiya153 in #1252
- feat: enhanced screenprotection by @mfts in #1292
- fix: hover issue in create link by @AshishViradiya153 in #1260
- feat: add doc from one dataroom to second by @AshishViradiya153 in #1258
- feat: Add dataroom folder to other dataroom by @AshishViradiya153 in #1267
- feat: validate email address by @mfts in #1296
- feat: add additional sorting options for documents by @JeevaRamanathan in #1273
- fix: create link issue by @AshishViradiya153 in #1277
- fix: DR trial link fails by @AshishViradiya153 in #1303
- fix: notion file upload by @AshishViradiya153 in #1316
- fix: Link Sheet toggles hidden on mobile devices when "custom social media card toggle" active by @AshishViradiya153 in #1307
- chore: cleanup of links by @mfts in #1323
- fix: Two scroll bars appear on small screens on almost every page by @AshishViradiya153 in #1309
- fix: added missing link in branding by @JeevaRamanathan in #1312
- feat: add ability to archive views by @mfts in #1342
- feat: Added delete folder modal with strong prompt, added logic to delete folder with its associated files and folders by @AndrewHamal in #1191
- feat: small fixes by @mfts in #1370
- fix: remove tooltip from version by @mfts in #1371
- chore: dependencies update by @mfts in #1373
- fix: return link password unencrypted when editing by @mfts in #1374
- chore: add redirect for special link by @mfts in #1376
- feat: login verification page by @mfts in #1375
- feat(beta): add tokens and incoming webhooks by @mfts in #1380
- feat: welcome links by @mfts in #1381
- fix: small fixes by @mfts in #1382
- fix: improve domain safety by @mfts in #1385
- fix: add plan checking to API by @mfts in #1386
New Contributors
- @Ryadav0654 made their first contribution in #632
- @adityadeshlahre made their first contribution in #639
- @AshishViradiya153 made their first contribution in #608
- @Ionfinisher made their first contribution in #650
- @eltociear made their first contribution in #653
- @thefool76 made their first contribution in #658
- @harshsbhat made their first contribution in #657
- @YashJsh made their first contribution in #683
- @ChaseNelson made their first contribution in #686
- @PiyushXmishra made their first contribution in #706
- @bhavyajain511 made their first contribution in #705
- @JeevaRamanathan made their first contribution in #709
- @rishipatel9 made their first contribution in #724
- @DeepaPrasanna made their first contribution in #674
- @mohdjami made their first contribution in #713
- @RajuGangitla made their first contribution in #718
- @souvikjs01 made their first contribution in #754
- @vamsi4845 made their first contribution in #802
- @hiralvavadiya made their first contribution in #870
- @tushar-agarwal7 made their first contribution in #806
- @aritradevelops made their first contribution in #928
- @Chirag8023 made their first contribution in #950
- @Nithin-532 made their first contribution in #968
- @aryany9 made their first contribution in #840
- @dhanyamd made their first contribution in #823
- @ShreyasLakhani made their first contribution in #824
- @sateshcharan made their first contribution in #1066
- @UTSAVS26 made their first contribution in #1141
- @SubhPB made their first contribution in #1131
- @AndrewHamal made their first contribution in #1191
Full Changelog: v0.16.0...v0.17.0