Introducing the fish-lsp, a Language Server Protocol (LSP) implementation for the fish shell language.
Please choose a method to install the language server and configure a client to use fish-lsp
in your editor.
A detailed explanation of how a language server connection works is described in the how it works section.
π¦ Efficiency: enhances the shell scripting experience with an extensive suite of intelligent text-editing features
π‘ Flexibility: allows for a highly customizable configuration
π Guidance: friendly hints and documentation to comfortably explore command line tooling
π¬ Community: improved by a vibrant user base, with supportive and insightful feedback
π Compatibility: integrates with a wide variety of tooling and language clients
π Reliability: produces an editor agnostic developer environment, ensuring all fish user's have access to a consistent set of features
Feature | Description | Status |
Completion | Provides completions for commands, variables, and functions | β |
Hover | Shows documentation for commands, variables, and functions. Has special handlers for --flag , commands , functions , variables |
β |
Signature Help | Shows the signature of a command or function | β |
Goto Definition | Jumps to the definition of a command, variable, or function | β |
Find References | Shows all references to a command, variable, or function | β |
Rename | Rename within matching global && local scope | β |
Document Symbols | Shows all commands, variables, and functions in a document | β |
Workspace Symbols | Shows all commands, variables, and functions in a workspace | β |
Document Formatting | Formats a document, full & selection | β |
Document Highlight / Semantic Token | Highlights all references to a command, variable, or function. | β |
Command Execution | Executes a server command from the client | β |
Code Action | Shows all available code actions | β |
Inlay Hint | Shows Virtual Text/Inlay Hints | β |
Code Lens | Shows all available code lenses | β |
Logger | Logs all server activity | β |
Diagnostic | Shows all diagnostics | β |
Folding Range | Toggle ranges to fold text | β |
Telescope Integration | Integrates with the telescope.nvim plugin | β |
CLI Interactivity | Provides a CLI for server interaction. Built by fish-lsp complete <option> |
β |
Client Tree | Shows the defined scope as a Tree | β |
Indexing | Indexes all commands, variables, and functions | β |
Some language clients might support downloading the fish-lsp directly from within the client, but for the most part, you'll typically be required to install the language server manually.
Below are a few methods to install the language server, and how to verify that it's working.
Stability across package managers can vary. Consider using another installation method if issues arise.
npm install -g fish-lsp
yarn global add fish-lsp
pnpm install -g fish-lsp
nix-shell -p fish-lsp
brew install fish-lsp
If you installed the language server using a node based package manager (i.e. npm/yarn/pnpm), you can install the completions by running the following command:
fish-lsp complete > ~/.config/fish/completions/
Recommended Dependencies: [email protected]
[email protected]
[email protected]
git clone && cd fish-lsp
yarn install
yarn dev # to watch for changes use `yarn dev:watch`
Using the yarn dev:watch
command will automatically rebuild the project when changes are detected. This allows easy testing of new features or bug fixes, if you're interested in contributing.
Building the project from source is the most portable method for installing the language server.
After installation, verify that fish-lsp
is working correctly:
fish-lsp --help
To properly configure fish-lsp, you need to define a client configuration after installing the language server.
Configuring a client should be relatively straightforward. Typically, you're only required to translate the shell command fish-lsp start
for fish
files, in the client's configuration. However, further configuration can be specified as a server configuration.
Some clients may also allow specifying the server configuration directly in the client configuration.
Theoretically, the language-server should generally be compatible with almost any text-editor or IDE you prefer using. Feel free to setup the project in any fish-lsp-client of your choice, or submit a PR for new configurations.
neovim (v0.8)
Full table of options available in the neovim documentation
vim.api.nvim_create_autocmd('FileType', {
pattern = 'fish',
callback = function()
name = 'fish-lsp',
cmd = { 'fish-lsp', 'start' },
cmd_env = { fish_lsp_show_client_popups = false },
Alternatively, you can also see official documentation for nvim-lspconfig, or use your client of choice below.
Neovim client using coc.nvim configuration, located inside coc-settings.json "languageserver"
"fish-lsp": {
"command": "fish-lsp",
"filetypes": ["fish"],
"args": ["start"]
YouCompleteMe configuration for vim/neovim
let g:ycm_language_server =
\ [
\ {
\ 'name': 'fish',
\ 'cmdline': [ 'fish-lsp', 'start' ],
\ 'filetypes': [ 'fish' ],
\ }
\ ]
Configuration of prabirshrestha/vim-lsp in your init.vim
or init.lua
if executable('fish-lsp')
au User lsp_setup call lsp#register_server({
\ 'name': 'fish-lsp',
\ 'cmd': {server_info->['fish-lsp', 'start']},
\ 'allowlist': ['fish'],
\ })
In config file ~/.config/helix/languages.toml
name = "fish"
language-servers = [ "fish-lsp" ]
command = "fish-lsp"
args= ["start"]
environment = { "fish_lsp_show_client_popups" = "false" }
Configuration for kakoune-lsp, located in ~/.config/kak-lsp/kak-lsp.toml
filetypes = ["fish"]
command = "fish-lsp"
args = ["start"]
Or in your ~/.config/kak/lsp.kak
hook -group lsp-filetype-fish global BufSetOption filetype=fish %{
set-option buffer lsp_servers %{
root_globs = [ "*.fish", "", ".git", ".hg" ]
args = [ "start" ]
Configuration using eglot (Built into Emacs 29+)
;; Add to your init.el or .emacs
(require 'eglot)
(add-to-list 'eglot-server-programs
'(fish-mode . ("fish-lsp" "start")))
;; Optional: auto-start eglot for fish files
(add-hook 'fish-mode-hook 'eglot-ensure)
or place in your languages/fish.el
(use-package fish-mode)
(with-eval-after-load 'eglot
(add-to-list 'eglot-server-programs
'(fish-mode . ("fish-lsp" "start"))))
Configuration using lsp-mode
;; Add to your init.el or .emacs
(require 'lsp-mode)
:new-connection (lsp-stdio-connection '("fish-lsp" "start"))
:activation-fn (lsp-activate-on "fish")
:server-id 'fish-lsp))
;; Optional: auto-start lsp for fish files
(add-hook 'fish-mode-hook #'lsp)
Full example configuration using doom-emacs can be found in the fish-lsp language clients repo.
To download the extension, visit the fish-lsp extension on the VSCode Marketplace.
VSCode configuration does not require a client configuration. The server will automatically start when a
file is opened.A server configuration can still be specified to control the server's behavior. (see below)
Specific functionality for the server can be set independently from the client. The server allows for both environment variables and command flags to customize how specific server processes are started.
Generated by
fish-lsp env --create
# fish_lsp_enabled_handlers <ARRAY>
# enables the fish-lsp handlers (options: 'popups', 'formatting', 'complete', 'hover', 'rename', 'definition', 'references', 'diagnostics', 'signatureHelp', 'codeAction', 'inlayHint')
set -gx fish_lsp_enabled_handlers
# fish_lsp_disabled_handlers <ARRAY>
# disables the fish-lsp handlers (options: 'popups', 'formatting', 'complete', 'hover', 'rename', 'definition', 'references', 'diagnostics', 'signatureHelp', 'codeAction', 'inlayHint')
set -gx fish_lsp_disabled_handlers
# fish_lsp_commit_characters <ARRAY>
# array of the completion expansion characters. Single letter values only.
# Commit characters are used to select completion items, as shortcuts. (default: [])
set -gx fish_lsp_commit_characters
# fish_lsp_logfile <STRING>
# path to the logs.txt file (default: '')
# example locations could be: '~/path/to/fish-lsp/logs.txt' or '/tmp/fish_lsp.logs'
set -gx fish_lsp_logfile
# fish_lsp_all_indexed_paths <ARRAY>
# fish file paths/workspaces to include as workspaces (default: ['/usr/share/fish', "$HOME/.config/fish"])
set -gx fish_lsp_all_indexed_paths
# fish_lsp_modifiable_paths <ARRAY>
# fish file paths/workspaces that can be renamed by the user. (default: ["$HOME/.config/fish"])
set -gx fish_lsp_modifiable_paths
# fish_lsp_diagnostic_disable_error_codes <ARRAY>
# disable diagnostics for matching error codes (default: [])
# (options: 1001, 1002, 1003, 1004, 2001, 2002, 2003, 3001, 3002, 3003, 4001, 4002, 4003, 4004, 5001)
set -gx fish_lsp_diagnostic_disable_error_codes
# fish_lsp_max_background_files <NUMBER>
# maximum number of background files to read into buffer on startup (default: 1000)
set -gx fish_lsp_max_background_files
# fish_lsp_show_client_popups <BOOLEAN>
# show popup window notification in the connected client (default: true)
set -gx fish_lsp_show_client_popups
If you're interested in disabling specific diagnostic messages, the wiki includes a table of error codes that should be helpful. Diagnostics are a newer feature so PRs are welcome to improve their support.
Alternatively, you can now use comments to disable diagnostics.
# @fish-lsp-disable-next-line
alias ls='ls -G' # all diagnostics have been disabled for this line
# @fish-lsp-disable 2001
alias ll='ls -l' # only the diagnostic 2001 has been disabled for this line
# @fish-lsp-enable
## all diagnostics are re-enabled till the next @fish-lsp-disable for this file
# @fish-lsp-disable 2001 2002
## now both diagnostics 2001 and 2002 have been disabled for the rest of this file
alias la='ls -la'
Both the flags --enable
and --disable
are provided on the fish-lsp start
subcommand. By default, all handlers will be enabled.
# displays what handlers are enabled. Removing the dump flag will run the server.
fish-lsp start --disable complete signature --dump
Any flags will overwrite their corresponding environment variables, if both are seen for the fish-lsp
process. For this reason, it is encouraged to wrap any non-standard behavior of the fish-lsp
in functions or aliases.
Example edit_command_buffer
wrapper to conditionally disable specific fish-lsp
function edit_command_buffer_wrapper --description 'edit command buffer with custom server configurations' # place any CUSTOM server configurations here set -lx fish_lsp_diagnostic_disable_error_codes 1001 1002 1003 1004 2001 2002 2003 3001 3002 3003 set -lx fish_lsp_show_client_popups false # open the command buffer with the custom server configuration, without # overwriting the default server settings edit_command_buffer end bind \ee edit_command_buffer_wrapper # now pressing alt+e in an interactive command prompt will open fish-lsp with the # options set above, but opening the `$EDITOR` normally will still behave as expectedThis allows normal editing of fish files to keep their default behaviour, while disabling unwanted server features for "interactive" buffers.
Due to the vast possibilities this project aims to support in the fish shell, sharing useful configurations is highly encouraged.
If you're new to the concept of the Language Server Protocol (LSP), this section should be useful to help you grasp its core purpose and benefits.
πΈ Check out this insightful video by TJ DeVries for an introduction to the subject.
The LSP is designed to create a uniform approach for supporting a programming language across various development tools, moving beyond the confines of specific Text-Editor/IDE ecosystems. This standardization enhances a language's appeal by allowing developers to maintain consistent tooling support without needing to switch developer environments.
The core of this system is the interaction between a 'language server', which provides language services, and a 'language client', which consumes these services. The protocol facilitates this interaction, ensuring that any language client can leverage a well-defined set of features provided by the server.
- Contributing - documentation describing how to contribute to the fish-lsp project.
- Roadmap - goals for future project releases.
- Wiki - further documentation and knowledge relevant to the project
- Discussions - interact with maintainers
- Site - website homepage
- Client Examples - testable language client configurations
- Sources - major influences for the project
Special thanks to anyone who contributed to the project! Contributions of any kind are welcome!
nick π» |
mimikun π» |
Jaakko Paju π» |
Sean Perry π» |
Fabio Coatti π» |
Peter Cardenas π» |
Peter Tri Ho π» |
bnwa π» |
Branch Vincent π» |
Jaeseok Lee π» |
This project follows the all-contributors specification.