This is a Language Server Protocol client for the Kakoune editor (version v2021.11.08
or higher).
Alpine Linux (edge):
apk add kakoune-lsp
Arch Linux:
pacman -S kakoune-lsp
or AUR/kakoune-lsp-git -
pkg add kakoune-lsp
Fedora Copr:
sudo dnf copr enable atim/kakoune -y && sudo dnf install kakoune-lsp
brew install kakoune-lsp/kakoune-lsp/kakoune-lsp
Void Linux:
xbps-install -S kak-lsp
[ "$(uname -sm)" = 'Darwin arm64' ] &&
curl -OL
[ "$(uname -sm)" = 'Darwin x86_64' ] &&
curl -OL
[ "$(uname)" = Linux ] &&
curl -OL
tar xzvf kakoune-lsp-v18.1.2-*.tar.gz
# replace `~/.local/bin/` with something on your `$PATH`
mv kak-lsp ~/.local/bin/
kakoune-lsp doesn’t manage installation of language servers, please install them by yourself. To see the default set of servers, that work out of the box once installed, see rc/servers.kak or run this command
kak -e 'exec %{!kak-lsp<ret>/hook -group lsp-filetype<ret>vt}'
To enable LSP support for configured languages (see Configuration) add the following
commands to your kakrc
eval %sh{kak-lsp}
Alternatively, enable LSP only for specific filetypes you need
via lsp-enable-window
, e.g.:
eval %sh{kak-lsp}
hook global WinSetOption filetype=(rust|python|go|javascript|typescript|c|cpp) %{
There are three default mappings in goto-mode: gd
), gy
) and gr
). You can override them in your kakrc after
this plugin is loaded.
Here are additional recommended mappings. See below for the meaning of each command.
map global user l ':enter-user-mode lsp<ret>' -docstring 'LSP mode'
map global insert <tab> '<a-;>:try lsp-snippets-select-next-placeholders catch %{ execute-keys -with-hooks <lt>tab> }<ret>' -docstring 'Select next snippet placeholder'
map global object a '<a-semicolon>lsp-object<ret>' -docstring 'LSP any symbol'
map global object <a-a> '<a-semicolon>lsp-object<ret>' -docstring 'LSP any symbol'
map global object f '<a-semicolon>lsp-object Function Method<ret>' -docstring 'LSP function or method'
map global object t '<a-semicolon>lsp-object Class Interface Struct<ret>' -docstring 'LSP class interface or struct'
map global object d '<a-semicolon>lsp-diagnostic-object --include-warnings<ret>' -docstring 'LSP errors and warnings'
map global object D '<a-semicolon>lsp-diagnostic-object<ret>' -docstring 'LSP errors'
Contents below corresponds to the master branch HEAD and could be slightly out-of-sync with the version installed from pre-built binaries. The most common case is new commands being in a pre-release testing stage. Please refer to the README.asciidoc revision tagged with the version you use or the README.asciidoc from the release archive. |
If you have followed above steps you get
command to jump to the definition of the symbol under the main cursor (mapped togd
by default) -
command to find references to the symbol under the main cursor, mapped togr
by default -
command to jump to the declaration of the symbol under the main cursor -
command to jump to the definition of the type of the symbol under the main cursor, mapped togy
by default -
command to find implementations for the symbol under the main cursor-
for the previous five commands, the
buffer has filetypelsp-goto
, so you can press<ret>
on a line or use thejump
command to show hover info (including relevant diagnostics when available) in the info box.-
command to show the same in a scratch buffer. -
to automatically show hover when you move around, use
. -
to show hover anchored to hovered position, use
set global lsp_hover_anchor true
to exclude diagnostics, use
set-option global lsp_show_hover_format 'printf %s "${lsp_info}"'
command to jump to the next or previous error in the current file -
command to quickly select interesting ranges around selections.-
to navigate ranges fetched bylsp-selection-range
A polyfill of Kakoune’s
commands to jump to the next or previous location listed in a buffer with thelsp-goto
filetype. These also work for buffers*grep*
command to select (unless run in a hook context) all references to the symbol under the main cursor in the current buffer and highlight them with theReference
face (which is equal to theMatchingChar
face by default) -
command to list the current buffer’s symbols in a buffer of typelsp-document-symbol
command to jump to one of the current buffer’s symbols -
command to list project-wide symbols matching the query -
command to incrementally list project-wide symbols matching the query-
buffer has filetypelsp-goto
so you can press<ret>
on a line or use thejump
command to list project-wide diagnostics (current buffer determines project and language to collect diagnostics for)-
buffer has filetypelsp-diagnostics
so you can press<ret>
on a line or use thejump
commands to list callers and callees of the function at the cursor.-
buffers have filetypelsp-goto
so you can press<ret>
on a line or use thejump
command to show signature information of the function under the main cursor-
To automatically show signature information in insert mode, use
inline diagnostics highlighting using the
faces; can be disabled withlsp-inline-diagnostics-disable
command -
flags in the left margin on lines with errors or other diagnostics; can be disabled with
command -
for lines with code lenses, a
flag which can be customized via thelsp_code_lens_sign
command to execute a code lens from the current selection -
to toggle rendering of code lenses. -
You can change the code lenses' face with
set-face global InlayCodeLens <face>
command to format current buffer, according to thetabstop
options -
command to format current buffer synchronously, suitable for use in aBufWritePre
hook global BufSetOption filetype=rust %{
hook buffer BufWritePre .* lsp-formatting-sync
command to select adjacent or surrounding syntax tree nodes in object mode-
does something similar but for inline diagnostics.
command to go to the buffer’s next and current/previous symbol. -
to show hover of the buffer’s next and current/previous symbol. -
lsp-rename <new_name>
commands to rename the symbol under the main cursor. -
Breadcrumbs in the modeline indicating the symbol around the main cursor, like (
somemodule > someclass > somefunction
To implement this, kakoune-lsp adds
to the front of your globalmodelinefmt
at load time.
An hourglass character (⌛) in the modeline whenever the language server indicates it’s busy.
To customize this behavior, override
, a lightbulb (💡) in the modeline whenever code actions are available at the main cursor position-
To customize the lightbulb, you can override
to open a menu to choose a code action to run-
To customize the menu, you can override
to run the code action matching the given pattern. -
to synchronously run that code action, suitable for use in aBufWritePre
hook. -
options which contain the number of diagnostics of the respective level for the current buffer. For example, you can put it into your modeline to see at a glance if there are errors in the current file -
command to execute server-specific commands (listed bylsp-capabilities
). -
Commands starting with either of
, that provide server specific features.
By default, kak-lsp exits when it doesn’t receive any request from Kakoune for 5 hours,
even if the Kakoune session is still up and running. Change the lsp_timeout option before
starting kak-lsp (or use lsp-restart ) to change this duration, or set it to 0 to disable this behavior. In any
scenario, a new request would spin up a fresh server if it is down.
user mode with the following default mappings:
Binding | Command |
a |
lsp-code-actions |
c |
lsp-capabilities |
d |
lsp-definition |
e |
lsp-diagnostics |
f |
lsp-formatting |
h |
lsp-hover |
i |
lsp-implementation |
j |
lsp-outgoing-calls |
k |
lsp-incoming-calls |
l |
lsp-code-lens |
r |
lsp-references |
R |
lsp-rename-prompt |
s |
lsp-goto-document-symbol |
S |
lsp-document-symbol |
o |
lsp-workspace-symbol-incr |
n |
lsp-find-error |
p |
lsp-find-error --previous |
v |
lsp-selection-range |
y |
lsp-type-definition |
9 |
lsp-hover-previous-function |
0 |
lsp-hover-next-function |
& |
lsp-highlight-references |
( |
lsp-previous-function |
) |
lsp-next-function |
[ |
lsp-hover-previous-symbol |
] |
lsp-hover-next-symbol |
{ |
lsp-previous-symbol |
} |
lsp-next-symbol |
To know which subset of LSP commands is backed by the current buffer’s language server use
the lsp-capabilities
kakoune-lsp uses Kakoune options to customize its behavior.
The lsp_servers
option is a TOML table that specifies the list
of servers to use for the current buffer. By default, this option is populated by hooks such as:
hook -group lsp-filetype-clangd global BufSetOption filetype=(?:c|cpp) %{
set-option buffer lsp_servers %{
args = ["--log=error"]
root_globs = ["compile_commands.json", ".clangd", ".git", ".hg"]
See rc/servers.kak for the default set of servers and some commented-out alternatives.
To use different servers, add the appropriate hooks to your kakrc
after the eval %sh{kak-lsp}
To remove all default servers, use remove-hooks global lsp-filetype-.*
Please let us know if you have any ideas about how to make the default config more sensible.
Many servers accept configuration options that are not part of the LSP spec. The TOML table
holds those configuration options. It has the same structure as
the corresponding fragments from VSCode’s settings.json
. For example:
hook global BufSetOption filetype=go %{
set-option buffer lsp_servers %{
root_globs = ["Gopkg.toml", "go.mod", ".git", ".hg"]
settings_section = "gopls"
"formatting.gofumpt" = true
kakoune-lsp sends the section specified by settings_section
, in this
case {"formatting.gofumpt":true}
as part of initializationOptions
. Additionally, kakoune-lsp will send any sections requested
by the server in workspace/configuration
The current buffer’s lsp_language_id
option value is sent to the language server as languageId
It should usually be the same as Kakoune’s filetype option but depending on the language server it may need to be different.
See rc/servers.kak for the default set of exceptions.
It is possible to map more than one language server to a filetype. For example, if you want to set up TSServer and TailwindCSS to use in React projects:
hook global BufSetOption filetype=(?:javascript|typescript) %{
set-option buffer lsp_servers %{
root_globs = ["package.json", "tsconfig.json", "jsconfig.json", ".git", ".hg"]
args = ["--stdio"]
root_globs = ["tailwind.*"]
args = ["--stdio"]
editor = {}
Snippets are completions that come with placeholders ("tabstops") in the places you likely want
to insert text (for example as arguments in a function call). The placeholders are highlighted with
the two faces SnippetsNextPlaceholders
and SnippetsOtherPlaceholders
The lsp-snippets-select-next-placeholders
command allows to jump to the next tabstop (like
function call arguments). The suggested mapping uses <tab>
(see Configure key mappings). Here’s
a way to bind it to <c-n>
instead (might need to hide the completion menu with Kakoune’s
map global insert <c-n> '<a-;>:lsp-snippets-select-next-placeholders<ret>' -docstring 'Select next snippet placeholder'
hook global InsertCompletionShow .* %{
unmap global insert <c-n> '<a-;>:lsp-snippets-select-next-placeholders<ret>'
hook global InsertCompletionHide .* %{
map global insert <c-n> '<a-;>:lsp-snippets-select-next-placeholders<ret>' -docstring 'Select next snippet placeholder'
Snippet support can be disabled via set-option global lsp_snippet_support false
before starting kak-lsp
kakoune-lsp declares the following Kakoune options:
(str): This option is set to a Kakoune command, which is executed every time the user pauses in insert mode. If the command succeeds, kakoune-lsp will send a completion request to the language server. -
, andlsp_diagnostic_line_warning_sign
(str): When usinglsp-diagnostic-lines-enable
and the language server detects an error or another diagnostic, kakoune-lsp will add a flag to the left-most column of the window, using this string and one of the corresponding facesLineFlagError
. -
(bool): When usinglsp-hover
, if this option istrue
then the hover information will be displayed next to the active selection. Otherwise, the information will be displayed in a box in the lower-right corner. -
(int): If greater than 0 then limit information in the hover box to the given number of lines. Default is 20. -
(int): If greater than 0 then limit diagnostics in the hover box to the given number of lines. Default is 20. -
(str): This option is set to a Kakoune command. When usinglsp-auto-hover-insert-mode-enable
, this command is executed every time the user pauses in insert mode. If the command succeeds, kakoune-lsp will send a hover-information request for the text selected by the command. -
(bool): When usinglsp-formatting
, if this option istrue
, kakoune-lsp will ask the language server to indent with spaces rather than tabs. -
(bool): If this option istrue
is executed every time the user pauses in normal mode. -
(bool): If this option istrue
is executed every time the user pauses in normal mode. -
(bool): toggles snippet support (completions with placeholders), see Snippets -
(bool): toggles file watch support, see Limitations
Inlay hints are used to show inferred types, parameter names in function calls, and the types of chained calls inline in the code. To enable support for it, add the following to your kakrc
lsp-inlay-hints-enable global
You can change the hints' face with set-face global InlayHint <face>
kakoune-lsp supports the semanticTokens feature for semantic highlighting. If the language server supports it, you can enable it with:
hook global WinSetOption filetype=<language> %{
hook window -group semantic-tokens BufReload .* lsp-semantic-tokens
hook window -group semantic-tokens NormalIdle .* lsp-semantic-tokens
hook window -group semantic-tokens InsertIdle .* lsp-semantic-tokens
hook -once -always window WinSetOption filetype=.* %{
remove-hooks window semantic-tokens
The faces used for semantic tokens and modifiers are defined via the lsp_semantic_tokens
option, for example:
hook global BufSetOption filetype=<language> %{
{face="const_variable_declaration", token="variable", modifiers=["constant", "declaration"]},
where face
is the face that will be applied in Kakoune (you’ll want to define these in your theme/config), token
is the token’s name as reported by the language server (see lsp-capabilities
) and modifiers
is an array of modifier names (also reported by the language server). modifiers
may be omitted, but token
and face
are required.
You may create any arbitrary number of definitions with permutations between the token names and modifiers reported by the server. For an entry to match a token, all the entry’s modifiers must exist on the token. However, the token may have additional modifiers not assigned in the config entry.
kakoune-lsp will find the most specific matching configuration to apply, where specificity is defined as the number of matching modifiers. If multiple matching entries have the same number of modifiers, the one that was defined last in the configuration wins.
Assuming the following configuration,
set-option global lsp_semantic_tokens %{
{face="const_variable_declaration", token="variable", modifiers=["constant","declaration"]},
{face="const_variable", token="variable", modifiers=["constant"]},
{face="variable", token="variable"},
kakoune-lsp will perform these mappings:
Token | Modifiers | Face | Comment |
First entry matches with 2 modifiers. |
First and second entry match with 1 modifier, second wins. |
Only third entry matches. First entry doesn’t match, because |
Third entry matches. |
No entries match and no face is applied. |
kakoune-lsp supports showing diagnostics inline after their respective line, but this behavior can be somewhat buggy and must be enabled explicitly:
lsp-inlay-diagnostics-enable global
kakoune-lsp shows some additional information provided by the language server in an info box. This information includes documentation for the token under the cursor (lsp-hover
) and documentation for completion candidates. In both cases, the Language Server Protocol allows for both plain text and Markdown, and most servers do implement Markdown.
To make use of Markdown, kakoune-lsp transpiles it into Kakoune’s markup language, utilizing various faces for styling.
These faces all default to the Information
face, to ensure that the text in the info box works with any color scheme.
To enable Markdown highlighting, define some of the following faces in your theme or kakrc
Face | Usage |
The default text color. You’ll likely want to leave this at the default |
The face used for code blocks. Language specific syntax highlighting for code blocks is not supported. |
The face used for block quotes. The |
The face used to highlight the list symbol for both ordered and unordered lists. For list items' text, |
The face used for headings. There is currently no distinction between different heading levels. |
The face used to highlight link titles. Maybe some classic |
This face is assigned to inline code spans within link titles, such as in the following Markdown snippet. Here, the word [the `format` function]( |
The face used for inline code spans (backtick strings). |
The face used for horizontal lines (rules). |
Used for error messages in the diagnostics inside hover info. This defaults to Kakoune’s built-in |
Used for hints in the diagnostics inside hover info. |
Used for informational messages in the diagnostics inside hover info. |
Used for warnings in the diagnostics inside hover info. |
For convenience, here is a snippet to paste into your theme/config:
face global InfoDefault Information
face global InfoBlock Information
face global InfoBlockQuote Information
face global InfoBullet Information
face global InfoHeader Information
face global InfoLink Information
face global InfoLinkMono Information
face global InfoMono Information
face global InfoRule Information
face global InfoDiagnosticError Information
face global InfoDiagnosticHint Information
face global InfoDiagnosticInformation Information
face global InfoDiagnosticWarning Information
Current limitations of this feature are:
Language specific syntax highlighting for code blocks is not supported.
For hyperlinks, only their title (the pretty name) is shown.
The original syntax for headings is retained to visualize their level.
is disabled by default; use set-option global lsp_file_watch_support true
before starting kak-lsp
to enable it.
The LSP spec says that column offsets (Position.character
) are to be
interpreted as UTF-16 code units. Many servers violate the spec. Please refer to
microsoft/language-server-protocol#376 for some background.
kakoune-lsp adheres to the spec but will prefer UTF-8 offsets if the server advertises
support for UTF-8 offsets via client capabilities general.positionEncodings
clangd protocol extension.
If kakoune-lsp fails, check the log in the *debug*
To get more verbose logs, run:
set global lsp_debug true
If this does not give enough insight to fix the problem, don’t hesitate to raise an issue.
Please also try to reproduce your issue with a minimal configuration.
Sometimes a problem occurs only with specific lsp*
settings in your ~/.config/kak/{kakrc,autoload}
To start both Kakoune and kakoune-lsp without user-specific configuration, use this command:
env -u XDG_CONFIG_HOME HOME=$(mktemp -d) kak -e '
eval %sh{kak-lsp}
set global lsp_debug true
# Now reproduce the issue and check the *debug* buffer for logs.
If this works and your configuration doesn’t, remove lines from your configuration until you find the one that causes the problem.
Submit questions, feedback or patches on GitHub, or by sending email to the public mailing list (see archives).
Chat with us on Libera IRC at #Kakoune or on the Kakoune Community Discord.