- A new xwiki.org project to provide a modern knowledge base front-end
- A wiki UI to rule them all: Provide a UI that can be plugged onto various content backends (XWiki, local file system, GitHub, etc.)
- Usable in various forms:
- From a URL in your browser
- Executable locally on your computer (Electron application).
- Embeddable in backends. For example, the intent on the long run is to have Cristal be used by XWiki as its native UI
- Ability to work offline, reconnect, and sync content.
- Roadmap
- Architecture
- Technological Choices
- Wireframes
- UI Components
- Backends
- GitHub repository
- Forum
- Project Lead: Manuel Leduc
- Documentation: Documentation
- Downloads:
on https://www.npmjs.com/org/xwiki- binary artifacts on https://github.com/xwiki-contrib/cristal/releases
- Issue Tracker
- Communication: Forum
- Development Practices
- Supported backends
- License: LGPL 2.1
- Translations: all components of https://l10n.xwiki.org/projects/xwiki-contrib/cristal/
- Sonar Dashboard: N/A
pnpm install
Starting on default port 9000.
pnpm run start
Starting on an arbitrary port (e.g., 9001)
HTTP_PORT=9001 pnpm run start
pnpm run start:electron
pnpm run build
Run Unit Tests with Vitest
pnpm run test
Run Functional Tests with Playwright
## Make sure to have the system dependencies and browsers up to date. By filtering
## on the web module we make sure the version of playwright that gets installed is
## the one specified in package.json
pnpm --filter ./web exec playwright install --with-deps
## Run the tests from the web module.
pnpm run --filter ./web test:e2e
## Or, if port 9000 is already used
HTTP_PORT=9001 pnpm run --filter ./web test:e2e
pnpm lint