This is a collection of configuration files, a.k.a. dotfiles. The repository is named "dotfiles" since UNIX-like systems, configuration files start with a dot, .
, to make them hidden in the user's $HOME
directory. The convention for GitHub users that want to manage and organize their configuration files is to create a "dotfiles" repository, so this repository has been similarly named to follow the convention. The leading dot, .
, has also been removed from the files to make the files visible within a terminal or file manager. The leading dot, .
, should be added when setting up (linking) a new machine.
The repository should be cloned into a reasonable location on the user's machine. The recommended location would be $HOME/dotfiles
, or even better $HOME/.dotfiles
if the user wants to hide the repository.
$ git clone $HOME/.dotfiles
After the repository has been cloned, symbolic links should be created for each configuration file for the system or application-specific location. This can be accomplished using the
script provided with the source code and run with:
$ cd $HOME/.dotfiles
Or, the symbolic links can be created manually as follows:
Since the -f
flag is used for the ln
command, any previous files or links will be overwritten.
$ ln -sf $(pwd)/vim/vimrc $HOME/.vimrc
$ ln -sf $(pwd)/vim/gvimrc $HOME/.gvimrc
$ ln -sf $(pwd)/bash/bashrc $HOME/.bashrc
$ mkdir -p $HOME/.hammerspoon
$ ln -sf $(pwd)/hammerspoon/init.lua $HOME/.hammerspoon/init.lua
$ ln -sf $(pwd)/hammerspoon/url.lua $HOME/.hammerspoon/url.lua
$ mkdir -p $HOME/.config/karabiner
$ ln -sf $(pwd)/karabiner/karabiner.json $HOME/.config/karabiner
$ ln -sf $(pwd)/emacs/spacemacs $HOME/.spacemacs