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Completion files for Clink util. Bundled with Cmder.


These completions requires Clink v0.4.3 or newer.


The master branch of this repo contains all available completions. If you lack some functionality, post a feature request.

Some completion generators in this bundle use features from the latest Clink distribution. If you get an error messages while using these completions, consider upgrading Clink to the latest version.

If this doesn't help, feel free to submit an issue.

Installation and Updates

If you use Cmder

If you're using Cmder, then the clink-completions are already bundled with it.

Installing updates for Cmder also updates clink-completions, but not necessarily the latest clink-completions.

To update Cmder to use the very latest clink-completions, do this:

  1. Go to the Releases page.
  2. Download the "Source code (zip)" file under "Assets" for the latest release.
  3. Extract the files to your Cmder vendor\clink-completions directory.
  4. Start a new session of Cmder.

Otherwise, here are a couple of ways to install the clink-completions scripts, when using a recent version of Clink:

Using git

  1. Make sure you have git installed.
  2. Clone this repo into a new local directory via git clone local_directory (replace local_directory with the name of the directory where you want to install the scripts).

    Important: Avoid naming it completions, because that's a reserved subdirectory name in Clink. See Completion directories for more info.

  3. Tell Clink to load scripts from the repo via clink installscripts full_path_to_local_directory.

    Important: Specify the full path to the local directory (don't use a relative path).

  4. Start a new session of Clink.

Get updates using git pull and normal git workflow.

From the .zip file

  1. Go to the Releases page.
  2. Download the "Source code (zip)" file under "Assets" for the latest release.
  3. Extract the files to a local directory.

    Important: Avoid naming it completions, because that's a reserved subdirectory name in Clink. See Completion directories for more info.

  4. Tell Clink to load scripts from the repo via clink installscripts full_path_to_local_directory (only when installing the first time; skip this step when updating).

    Important: Specify the full path to the local directory (don't use a relative path).

  5. Start a new session of Clink.

Get updates by following the steps again, but skip step 4.

Repo structure

Script files in the root directory are loaded when Clink starts.

Scripts in the completions\ directory are not loaded until the associated command is actually used. Most completion scripts could be located in the completions directory, except that older versions of Clink don't load scripts from the completions directory.

Scripts in the modules\ directory contain helper functions. The !init.lua script (or .init.lua script) tells Clink about the modules and completions directories.

Scripts in the spec\ directory are tests which the busted package can run.

Development and contribution

The new flow is single master branch for all more or less valuable changes. The master should be clean and show nice history of project. The bugfixes are made and land directly into master.

Feature development should be done in a separate topic branch per feature. Submit a pull request for merging the feature into the master branch, and include a meaning commit description for the feature changes.

Avoid reusing a topic branch after it's been merged into master, because reusing leads to unnecessary merge conflicts. The more the topic branch is reused, the harder it will become to accurately resolve the merge conflicts.

The dev branch is volatile and should not be used by contributors.


You will need busted package to be installed locally (to lua_modules directory). To install it using Luarocks call luarocks --lua-version 5.2 install --tree=lua_modules busted. You might also want to install luacov to get the coverage information.

After installing call test.bat from repo root and watch tests passing. That's it.

Getting tests to run on Windows


Clink and clink-completions use Lua 5.2; be sure to download Lua 5.2 (not 5.4 or other versions).


  1. Make a local luabin directory, for example c:\luabin.
  2. set PATH=%PATH%;c:\luabin to add your luabin directory to the system PATH.
  3. Install Lua 5.2 executables from LuaBinaries to your luabin directory.
  4. Download Lua 5.2 sources zip from LuaBinaries, and extract the headers from its include subdirectory into include\lua\5.2 under your luabin directory.
  5. Install MinGW, which is needed because the luasystem luarock wants to build itself from scratch.
  6. Download luacheck into your luabin directory.
  7. Download the luarocks executable files into your luabin directory.
  8. luarocks --local config variables.lua c:\luabin\lua52.exe to tell luarocks where to find your Lua binaries.
  9. luarocks --lua-version 5.2 install busted to install busted.
  10. luarocks --lua-version 5.2 install luacov to install luacov.
  11. set PATH=%PATH%;%USERPROFILE%\AppData\Roaming\luarocks\bin to add the luarocks bin directory to the system PATH, so that busted can be found and executed.

That should get everything set up.

Running tests:

Make sure the PATH has your luabin directory and the luarocks bin directory (from steps 2 and 11 in the prerequisites above).

Then run tests from the clink-completions repo root.