$ git clone https://github.com/varundey/srmAnnouncementInformer.git
$ cd srmAnnouncementInformer/
$ nano announcer.py
- Change the number of notifications you want to see from the top in the global variable name
. Max is 10
$ python announcer.py
$ pip install beautifulsoup4
$ pip install requests
$ apt-get install python-gobject
$ apt-get install libnotify-bin
The announcer.py file can be set under as a cron-job to be run at every minute/hour/boot. Alas the OSD of linux kernel and cronTab are set up under different environment, and thus we have to work our way around a bit. In order to create a cronjob for the python file, keep reading:
$ chmod 700 srmAnnouncementInformer/bin/export_x_info
$ sh srmAnnouncementInformer/bin/export_x_info
- Now open Dash and under Startup Applications, add the
script - Under
crontab -e
add the following two lines in the begining
- Depending on your schedule and path, your crontab should look along the line of the following:
@reboot source ~/.Xdbus; python srmAnnouncementInformer/announcer.py
This project was inspired from Result-Reminder by @Sandeeprds95. Why not make a general announcement notifier. 😃
Report it at issue tracker 🔫 💣
MIT License http://varundey.mit-license.org/ © Varun Dey