- Included Scripts
- Useful git aliases
- Installing
- Other useful git stuff
- Miscellaneous Tips
- Contributing
- Thanks
git-extra-commands is a ZSH plugin that packages some extra git
helper scripts I've found. This collection (and the scripts that I wrote in it) is licensed with the Apache Version 2 license.
This collection doesn't actually require ZSH, but packaging it as a ZSH plugin makes it more convenient for people using a ZSH framework to use this collection.
However, some of the scripts in this collection came from other sources and may have different licensing - if they do, their license information is included inline in the script source.
If you wrote one of these scripts and want it removed from this collection, please either make a PR and/or file an issue against the repository and I will remove it.
Script | Original Source | Description |
git-add-match |
Git: programmatic staging | Allows you to use expect to automatically stage hunks matching a search term |
git-add-username-remote |
Ryan Tomayko's dotfiles | Adds a remote for the current repository for the given GitHub username. |
git-age |
Kristoffer Gronlund's wiki | A git-blame viewer, written using PyGTK. |
git-amend-all |
John Wiegley's git scripts | Adds all modified and deleted files, except the new files and adds them to the recent commit by amending it. |
git-attic |
Leah Neukirchen's blog | Displays a list of deleted files in your repository. The output is designed to be copy and pasted: Pass the second field to git show to display the file contents, or just select the hash without ^ to see the commit where removal happened. |
git-authors |
Michael Markert's dotfiles (as git-changes ) |
List authors in the repository in descending commit-count order. |
git-big-file |
Mislav Marohnić's dotfiles | Show files in the repository larger than a threshold size. |
git-branch-clean |
@Hefeweizen | "branch clean" - rm various copies of a branch (e.g. foo-wip; origin/foo). |
git-branch-date |
Joe Block [email protected] | List branches in commit-date order. |
git-branch-diff |
Joe Block [email protected] | Diffs your current HEAD with the default branch of the origin remote. |
git-branch-name |
Joe Block [email protected] | Prints the current branch name in automation-friendly format. |
git-branch-rebaser |
Vengada Rangaraju [email protected] | Kicks off an interactive rebase of all the commits on your branch. Including pushed commits, so be careful. |
git-branch-status |
John Wiegley's git scripts | Colorized status report on all branches in your repository. |
git-branches-that-touch |
Mislav Marohnić's dotfiles | Shows which branches touch files under a path that are remote, unmerged, have a commit in the last six months and whose name doesn't start with 'enterprise-'. |
git-capture-wip |
@Hefeweizen | Capture in-progress file changes. |
git-change-author |
Michael Demmer in jut-io/git-scripts | Change one author/email in the history to another. |
git-change-log |
John Wiegley's git-scripts | Transform git log output into a complete Changelog for projects that haven't been maintaining one. |
git-changes |
Michael Markert's dotfiles | Symlink to git-authors . List authors in the repository in descending commit-count order. |
git-checkout-branches |
John Wiegley's git scripts | Checks out all remote branches. |
git-checkout-by-date |
Stack Overflow | Lets you checkout several files at once at the version specified by a date. |
git-checkout-commit |
From the fzf wiki | Uses fzf to checkout a commit, showing the commit diff as preview. |
git-checkout-default-branch |
I got tired of keeping track of which repositories use main , master or something else as default branch |
Checks out the default branch of the origin remote so you don't have to remember which repositories use master , main or whatever. |
git-checkout-pr |
Based on gist.github.com/gnarf/5406589 | Check out a PR locally. |
git-checkout-preview |
From the fzf wiki | Uses fzf to checkout a branch, showing what commits diverge between the branches. |
git-checkout-tag |
Joe Block [email protected] | Check out a tag into a branch named after the tag. |
git-children-of |
John Wiegley's git-scripts | Shows the children of a given git commit. |
git-churn |
Gary Bernhardt's dotfiles | Show which files are getting changed most often in the repository. |
git-clone-subset |
Rodrigo Silva (MestreLion) [email protected] | Uses git clone and git filter-branch to remove from the clone all files but the ones requested, along with their associated commit history. |
git-comma |
Leah Neukirchen's blog | Adds and commits a file in one command. |
git-commit-browser |
From the fzf wiki | Uses fzf to browse commit history. |
git-conflicts |
Seth Messer's bits and bobs repository | Show files with conflicts. |
git-copy-branch-name |
Zach Holman's dotfiles | Copy the current branch's name to the clipboard (macOS Only). |
git-credit |
git-credit-author |
Zach Holman's dotfiles |
git-current-branch |
Joe Block [email protected] | Prints the name of the current branch with no odd characters or formatting, mainly useful in automation scripts. |
git-current-commit |
Joe Block [email protected] | Prints the hash of the current commit with no odd characters or formatting, mainly useful in automation scripts. |
git-cut-branch |
Ryan Tomayko's dotfiles | Create a new branch pointed at HEAD and reset the current branch to the head of its tracking branch. |
git-delete-dangling-commits |
Stack Overflow | Clean up dangling commits that are not on any branch. |
git-delete-local-merged |
From a deleted post by @tekkub | Delete all local branches that have been merged into HEAD. |
git-delete-merged-branches |
? | Purges all branches that have been merged to a target branch (defaults to branches merged to master). |
git-delete-remote-branch |
Joe Block [email protected] | Delete a branch from a specified remote. |
git-delete-squashed-and-merged-branches |
Paul Irish's dotfiles | Purges all branches that have been squashed and merged to a target branch (defaults to branches merged to master). Requires pygithub . |
git-delete-tag |
Joe Block [email protected] | Delete a tag, both locally and from the origin remote. |
git-diff-last |
Sebastian Schuberth | Show the last change made to a file in the repository. |
git-divergence |
Gary Bernhardt's dotfiles | Shows differences between local branch and its tracking branch. |
git-edit-conflicts |
Joe Block [email protected] | Edit the files that are marked as conflicted during a merge/rebase in your $EDITOR/$VISUAL . |
git-fetch-prs |
Pretty sure I saw this on slack, but can't recall which one | Get all Pull Request branches from a given remote by refspec. |
git-files |
Jake Zimmerman's blog | List the files different between the current branch and $REVIEW_BRANCH , which if unset defaults to the repository's default branch. |
git-find-dirty |
Matthew McCullough's scripts repository. | |
git-flush |
John Wiegley's git-scripts | Compact your repository by dropping all reflogs, stashes, and other cruft that may be bloating your pack files. |
git-force-mtimes |
John Wiegley's git-scripts | Sets modification times of all files in the repository their last change date based on git 's log. Useful to avoid too new dates after a checkout confusing make or rake . |
git-forest |
Jan Engelhardt | Prints a text-based tree visualisation of your repository. Requires Git.pm. |
git-functionlog |
Joe Block [email protected] | Allows you to get a git log of a particular function, not a file. |
git-fzf-add |
Fuzzy Finding in Bash with fzf | Use fzf to select files to add to git . |
git-fzf-log-browser |
Fuzzy Finding in Bash with fzf | Use fzf to browse the repository's git log. |
git-fzf-pickaxe-browser |
Fuzzy Finding in Bash with fzf | Use fzf to display a git log list that has been filtered with pickaxe for a search term. |
git-fzf-reflog-browser |
Fuzzy Finding in Bash with fzf | Use fzf to browse the repository's git reflog list that can be filtered by entering a fuzzy term at the prompt. Navigation up and down the hash list will preview the changes of each hash. |
git-git |
Joe Block [email protected] | Typing git git foo will make git do a git foo instead of complaining. |
git-github-open |
? | Open GitHub file/blob page for FILE on LINE. |
git-gitlab-mr |
Noel Cower's gist | Open a merge request on GitLab. |
git-history-graph |
Stack Overflow | Pretty git log, single line per commit, with branch graphing. |
git-ignored |
? | Show files being ignored by git in the repository. |
git-improved-merge |
Mislav Marohnić's dotfiles | Sophisticated git merge with integrated CI check and automatic cleanup. |
git-incoming |
Michael Markert's dotfiles | Show commits in the tracking branch that are not in the local branch. |
git-jump |
Cowboy's dotfiles | Replays git commits by moving forward / backward through a branch's history. |
git-latest-tag |
Joe Block [email protected] | Fetch tags from all remotes and show the most recent tag name. |
git-lines |
Neil Killeen [email protected] | Gives you a list of author names with the number of lines last updated by that user in files in the current directory tree with the extension specified. |
git-log-single-file |
Joe Block [email protected] | Show the log for a single file. |
git-ls-branch-files |
Joe Block | List files changed between a specified branch and the current branch. |
git-ls-object-refs |
Ryan Tomayko's dotfiles | Find references to an object with SHA1 in refs, commits, and trees. All of them. |
git-maildiff |
Sanjeev Kumar's blogpost | A simple git command to email diff in color to reviewer/ co-worker. |
git-make-gitignore |
#commandline-fu on coffeeops | Prints a language-specific .gitignore file using gitignore.io. |
git-maxpack |
John Wiegley's git-scripts | Compress a repository's pack files as much as possible. |
git-merged-branches |
Sergei Boiko's Git housekeeping tutorial: clean-up outdated branches in local and remote repositories article | Lists all branches that have been merged. |
git-move-commits |
Corey Oordt's git-scripts | git move-commits num-commits correct-branch moves the last n commits to correct-branch (creating it if necessary). |
git-neck |
Leah Neukirchen's blog | Show commits from the HEAD until the first branching point. Companion script for git-trail . |
git-nuke |
Zach Holman's dotfiles | Nukes a branch locally and on the origin remote. |
git-object-deflate |
Ryan Tomayko's dotfiles | Deflate an loose object file and write to standard output. |
git-oldest-common-ancestor |
Lee Dohm's dotfiles | Finds the oldest common ancestor commit between two branches. |
git-open-jira |
? | If the branch name starts with JIRAPROJECT-NNNN , will open that issue in jira. Assumes that your JIRA server location is in ~/.jira-server or in the $JIRA_SERVER environment variable. |
git-origin-head |
Don't recall, maybe twitter | Prints the name of the origin remote's default branch. Not every repository uses main or master . |
git-outgoing |
Michael Markert's dotfiles | Show commits that are on the local branch that have not been pushed to the tracking branch. |
git-overwritten |
Mislav Marohnić's dotfiles | Aggregates git blame information about original owners of lines changed or removed in the '...' diff. |
git-pie-ify |
JeeBak Kim's gist | git pie-ify pattern replacement |
git-plotrepo |
Matthew McCullogh's scripts collection | Uses dot to draw a graph of the repository. |
git-pr-fetch |
Joe Block [email protected] | Fetch PR branches by refspec from one of a repository's remotes. |
git-pr-list |
Joe Block [email protected] | Lists pull requests. Requires gh . |
git-promote |
Trevor's Improving My git Workflow blog post (404 now) | Promotes a local topic branch to a remote tracking branch of the same name. |
git-prune-branches |
Michael Demmer in jut-io/git-scripts | Deletes each fully merged branch after prompting for confirmation, than asks if you want the deleted branches deleted from your upstream remotes. |
git-pruneall |
Ryan Tomayko's dotfiles | Prune branches from specified remotes, or all remotes when no remote is specified. |
git-publish |
Michael Markert's dotfiles | git publish remote [remote-branch] . |
git-purge-from-history |
David Underhill’s blog | Permanently delete files or folders from your git repository. |
git-pylint |
Joe Block [email protected] | Runs pylint on any .py files modified or added in the git status output. |
git-rank-contributors |
William Morgan [email protected] | Rummages through the changelog and orders contributors by the size of the diffs they're responsible for. |
git-rebase-authors |
Mislav Marohnić's dotfiles | Adds authorship info to interactive git rebase output. |
git-rebase-theirs |
Rodrigo Silva (MestreLion) [email protected] | Resolve rebase conflicts by favoring 'theirs' version. |
git-recent |
Mine | Shows information about most recent commit on all local branches. |
git-recently-checkedout-branches |
Mislav Marohnić's dotfiles | Shows timestamp and name of recently checked-out branches in reverse chronological order. |
git-ref-recent |
Y combinator article | Shows the date, branch name, commit hash, and commit subject of branches, from most recently modified to oldest branches. |
git-rel |
Ryan Tomayko's dotfiles | Shows the relationship between the current branch and ref. With no ref, the current branch's remote tracking branch is used. |
git-related |
Mislav Marohnić's dotfiles | Show other files that often get changed in commits that touch <file> . |
git-release-tag |
Mislav Marohnić's dotfiles | Create a GitHub release for a specified tag. The release notes are automatically populated with the contents of git log since the last tagged version. |
git-remote-default-branch |
Mine | Shows the default branch for a specified remote, defaults to origin when no remote is specified. |
git-remove-conflicts ours or theirs FILES... |
John Wiegley's git scripts | Automatically resolves conflicts by applying the changes from current branch (ours) or remote branch (theirs). |
git-rename-branches |
Rodrigo Silva (MestreLion) [email protected] | Rename multiple branches that start with a given name. |
git-replace-author |
Stack Overflow | Uses git-filter-branch to rewrite all commits with one name to use another name and email. |
git-reset-with-fire |
Joe Block [email protected] | Hard reset the working directory, then zap any files not known to git . |
git-restore-mtime |
Rodrigo Silva (MestreLion) [email protected] | Change mtime of files based on commit date of last change. |
git-reup |
Zach Holman's dotfiles | Like git pull but show a short and sexy log of changes after merging or rebasing. |
git-rm-deleted-from-repo |
Joe Block [email protected] | Removes files you deleted with rm from the repository for you. |
git-root-directory |
Joe Block [email protected] | Prints the path to the root of the git repository you're in. |
git-run-command-on-revisions |
Gary Bernhardt's dotfiles | Runs a given command over a range of git revisions. |
git-semvers |
Daniel Hoherd | List all the tags in a repo that are semver compliant |
git-shamend |
Danielle Sucher's git-shamend blog post | Amends your staged changes as a fixup (keeping the pre-existing commit message) to the specified commit, or HEAD if no revision is specified. |
git-show-overwritten |
Mislav Marohnić's dotfiles | Aggregates git blame information about the original owners of lines changed or removed in the '...' diff. |
git-shrink-repo |
Based on gimbo/gimbo-git.zsh | Shrinks your clone of a git repository. |
git-side-by-side |
Greg V's vmware-archive/git_scripts | @hefeweizen on the coffeeops slack |
git-sp |
A. Schwarz's git-sp | "Simple push", single short command to commit, and push. Use -a flag to add all files to commit. |
git-sr |
Noel Cower's git-sr | Use fzf to switch to a different git ref. |
git-stats |
Jake Zimmerman's blog | Displays stats for the files different between the current branch and $REVIEW_BRANCH , which if unset defaults to the repository's default branch. |
git-submodule-ls |
List all submodules in your project | |
git-submodule-paths |
git-submodule --help |
Show path to all submodules in your checkout, with their current commit SHA |
git-submodule-rm |
Greg V's dotfiles & Pascal Sommer | Allows you to remove a submodule easily with git submodule-rm path/to/submodule . |
git-superpull |
Greg V's vmware-archive/git_scripts | Pulls, then does a git submodule init and git submodule update . |
git-switch-branch |
Andrew Steele's dotfiles | Make it easier to switch to a branch by a substring of its name. More useful if you are good about deleting branches which have been merged upstream and if your branch names include unique identifiers like ticket/issue numbers or feature names. |
git-tag-and-sign |
? | Create and sign a new tag. |
git-tag-diff |
John Wiegley's git-scripts | Show the differences between local tags and ones on the remote, if any. |
git-thanks |
Mislav Marohnić's dotfiles | List the contributors to a repository in descending commit order, even if their contribution has been completely replaced. |
git-track |
Zach Holman's dotfiles | Sets up your branch to track a remote branch. Assumes you mean origin/localbranchname. |
git-trail |
Leah Neukirchen's blog | Show all branching points in the repository's git history so you can see how to reach commits in the current branch from other branches. |
git-undelete |
? | Undeletes a file. |
git-undo-push |
? | Undoes your last push to branch $1 of origin. |
git-undo |
Stack Overflow | Undoes your last commit but keeps the changes in place. |
git-unpushed |
Zach Holman's dotfiles | Show the diff of everything you haven't pushed to the origin remote yet. |
git-unreleased |
Mislav Marohnić's dotfiles | Shows git commits since the last tagged version. |
git-up |
Zach Holman's dotfiles | Like git pull but show a short and sexy log of changes after merging or rebasing. |
git-upstream-name |
Joe Block [email protected] | Print the name of the current branch's upstream. |
git-upstream-sync |
Joe Block [email protected] | Fetches upstream/yourforkname and rebases it into your local fork, then pushes to your origin remote. |
git-what-the-hell-just-happened |
Gary Bernhardt's dotfiles | Show what just happened. |
git-when-merged |
Michael Haggerty git-when-merged | Find when a commit was merged into one or more branches. |
git-where-pr |
Mislav Marohnić's dotfiles | Opens the Pull Request on GitHub where a specified commit originated. |
git-where |
Mislav Marohnić's dotfiles | Shows where a particular commit falls between releases. |
git-whoami |
Peter Eisentraut | Shows what username & email you have configured for the repository you're in. |
git-winner |
Garry Dolley https://github.com/up_the_irons/git-winner | Shows what authors have made the most commits, both by number of commits and by number of lines changed. |
git-wordiness |
Noel Cower | Shows how wordy people's commit messages are. Useful for shaming the folks who commit atrocities like git commit -m fixup . |
git-wtf |
William Morgan [email protected] | git-wtf displays the state of your repository in a readable, easy-to-scan format. It's useful for getting a summary of how a branch relates to a remote server, and for wrangling many topic branches. |
Here are some helpful aliases for your ~/.gitconfig
alias | Description |
ahead-of-master = log --oneline origin/master..HEAD |
Show commits that haven't made it to master yet. |
fetch-pull-requests = fetch origin '+refs/pull/*/head:refs/remotes/origin/pull/*' |
Fetch pull requests from GitHub so you can git checkout pull/123 and test them locally. |
roots = log --all --oneline --decorate --max-parents=0 |
Show the root commits. |
unpushed = log @{u}.. |
Show which commits have not been pushed to the tracking branch and are safe to amend/rebase. |
work-in-progress = rebase -i @{u} |
Starts an interactive rebase of all the commits you haven't pushed yet. Handy for collapsing a bunch of work-in-progress snapshots into logical commits before pushing, without having to worry about accidentally squashing a commit someone else has already referred to. |
- A relatively recent version of
. The version ofgit
Apple includes in macOS is very stale. You should reallybrew install git
to get the current version if you're on macOS - if not for features, for security updates. - Python 3+
- Ruby 2.2+
If you're using Zgenom:
- Add
zgenom load unixorn/git-extra-commands
to your.zshrc
along with your otherzgenom load
commands. zgenom reset && zgenom save
If you're using Antigen:
- Add
antigen bundle unixorn/git-extra-commands@main
to your.zshrc
where you've listed your other plugins. - Close and reopen your Terminal/iTerm window to refresh context and use the plugin. Alternatively, you can run
antigen bundle unixorn/git-extra-commands
in a running shell to haveantigen
load the new plugin.
If you're using oh-my-zsh:
- Clone the repository into a new
directory in oh-my-zsh's plugin folder:
git clone https://github.com/unixorn/git-extra-commands.git $ZSH_CUSTOM/plugins/git-extra-commands
- Edit your
and addgit-extra-commands
– same as clone directory – to the list of plugins to enable:
plugins=( ... git-extra-commands )
- Then, restart your terminal application to refresh context and use the plugin. Alternatively, you can source your current shell configuration:
source ~/.zshrc
Nothing here actually requires you to use ZSH or zgen, that's just a convenient distribution method for anyone using a ZSH framework.
If you aren't using any ZSH frameworks, or if you're using bash
, fish
or another shell, do the following steps:
git clone
this repository- Add
to your$PATH
in your shell's startup file.
- “Git” it together: Some tips on commit etiquette and best practices for junior developers is a good article explaining some best practices on how to write a good commit message, no matter what source control system you're using.
- 4 Branching Workflows for git by Patrick Porto discusses the pros and cons of four of the more popular
workflows. - 5 types of Git workflows that will help you deliver better code explains five different Git workflows and the way they tackle various aspects of code collaboration: introducing changes, solving conflicts, using branches, and more.
- A Git Walkthrough by Zach Dennis is a great blog post
- A Grab Bag of Git Tricks by Leah Neukirchen is a great blog post on
that is the source for several scripts in this collection. - A Guide to GIT using spatial analogies - Some developers find
takes a little getting used to, claiming that it is conceptually convoluted compared to other distributed version control systems. Here are a couple of simple spatial analogies to help become proficient and fluent in usinggit
's command-line interface. - A Thorough Introduction to Git's Interactive Patch Mode is an introduction on how to stage just parts of your changes to a commit.
- A Tidy, Linear Git History by Marcus Geelnard is a blog post about the value of a linear commit history.
- awesome-github - Faraz Fallahi maintains a curated list of GitHub & Git resources.
- Conditional .gitconfig by Marcus Crane explains how to have different
settings based on where the checkout is located. This makes it easy to have a work directory with work settings applied to all repositories in it, and a personal one with different settings. - Fixing commits with git commit --fixup and git rebase --autosquash - Jordan wrote a good summary of how to use fixup commits in your workflow.
- Fuzzy Finding in Bash with fzf is a great article about using fzf with some
helper scripts. - Fuzzy Git Checkout by Mark Nielsen explains how to use fzf for
checkouts. - Git Config - Instructions for using directory-specific
configurations. Automatically switching email addresses based on what directory agit
repository is in. - Git Exercises is a great blog post by Julia Evans. She also covers some other miscellaneous
facts here. - git flight rules by Kate Hudson is a collection of useful
usage tips. - Git From the Inside Out explains how
works, focusing on the graph structure underpinnings ofgit
and how they affect its behavior. - Git Log Customization - Good tutorial about customizing the format of
git log
. - Git Rebase in Depth is a good tutorial on
git rebase
that covers the common use cases for rebasing. - Git Rebase: What Can Go Wrong - Another good explanation by Julia Evans.
- Git Spelunking with Bisect - A brief introduction to
git bisect
. - Git Submodules Revisted is a good article by Dave Cridland on using submodules in your code.
- git-tips by Mislav Marohnić is a good article on
tips. Several of hisgit
scripts are in this collection. - git-tips/tips is a collection of
tips. - git, the simple guide by Roger Dudler is a good introduction to
. - GitHub Cheat Sheet is an excellent collection of tips and aliases maintained by Tim Green.
- gitimmersion.com/ is a guided tour that walks through the fundamentals of Git, inspired by the premise that to know a thing is to do it.
- How Core Git Developers Configure Git - What
git config
settings should be defaults by now? Here are some settings that even the core developers change. - How Does Git Work? - A basic introduction to
. - How I configure my Git identities - How to use
to (among other tricks) automatically change what email is credited as author depending on what git repository you're working on. - How to Review a Merge Commit is a good article on dealing with reviewing the changes made during a merge.
- Ignoring bulk change commits with
git blame
- Shows how to ignore certain commits in your repository ingit blame
output. Very useful for ignoring commits with large changes created by automated tools like black. - Introduction to git on learnxinyminutes.com is a quick intro.
- Learn Git Branching is the most visual and interactive way to learn
on the web; you'll be challenged with exciting levels, given step-by-step demonstrations of powerful features, and maybe even have a bit of fun along the way. - learnenough.com has a more detailed
tutorial on - More Productive Git by James Turnbull is a quick tutorial for beginning
users. - Oh Shit, Git! has a collection of bad situations explained in plain English and how to get yourself out of them . When you manage to get your
working directory in a sad state, you can run into the chicken-egg problem where if you just knew what command toman
, you could dig yourself out of the hole, but if you knew that, you wouldn't be in the bad place anyway. - Platform Specific Gitconfigs and the Wonderful includeif by Mike Mackintosh explains how to have different gitconfig settings based on what platform you're on or what directory you're in. Makes it easier to have personal and work repos on the same machine.
- Pro Git by Scott Chacon is a great resource for getting more out of
. - So You Think You Know Git? - Scott Chacon's FOSDEM 2024 talk on Git Tips and Tricks.
- The Git Pickaxe explains how you can use the
pickaxe to search easily for strings in commit messages - write good commit messages and it'll be easier to find the commits that actually implement changes. - Top ten pull request review mistakes is a great article by Scott Nonnenberg on how to do better code reviews on PRs.
- Tracing the evolution of a Python function with git log - Nice tutorial on making
git log
output more useful when you're only interested in the changes in a specific function. - Tracking diffs by scoping to file, range, function, method, or class changes in Git is a great article by Susan Potter about making
show file-specific diffs, or even function-specific diffs in a language-aware way.
- bfg repo-cleaner - Removes large or troublesome blobs like
git filter-branch
does, but faster. - bitbucket-git-helpers - Helper scripts to allow you to create bitbucket PRs from a shell session.
- blackbox - Tom Limoncelli open sourced the tool they use at Stack Exchange to use GPG to store secrets in a
repository. - branch-manager - ZSH plugin for branch management
- commit-helper - A python script that helps you write commits following commit conventions.
- diff-so-fancy - Better looking
diffs. - dunk - Another tool for prettier
diffs. - gig - a CLI
generator - git ZSH plugin - A replacement for the stock oh-my-zsh
plugin. Provides quite a few useful aliases and functions that are more consistent in their naming that the relatively unintuitive ones in the stock plugin. - git-absorb - Essentially, when your working directory has uncommitted changes on top of draft changesets, you can run
git absorb
and the uncommitted modifications are automagically folded ("absorbed") into the appropriate draft ancestor commits. The command essentially looks at the lines that were modified, finds a commit modifying those lines, and amends that commit to include your uncommitted changes. If the changes can't be made without conflicts, they remain uncommitted. This workflow is insanely useful for things like applying review feedback. - git-activity - Displays an activity graph (like the contribution graph on GitHub) for the current git repository and branch.
- git-aliases.zsh - Peter Hurford's
plugin which you may prefer to thegit
plugin from oh-my-zsh. - git-also - Shows what files are most often committed with a given file in the repository.
- git-amend - Bash script to amend older commits with staged changes.
- git-branch-status - A
utility to make managing large number of branches either across many remotes easier. Branch status allows comparing all branches against their upstream or any arbitrary branch to show the number of commit differences. - gitql - Gitql is a
query language. - git-branches - Prints the commit behind/ahead counts for branches.
- git-bump - Hook scripts to automatically bump the version file in a repository
- git-chart - A python script that builds charts from a
repository - git-clean-branch - Cleans up dead
branches. - git-cliff - git-cliff can generate changelog files from the Git history by utilizing conventional commits as well as regex-powered custom parsers. The changelog template can be customized with a configuration file to match the desired format.
- git-complete-urls - ZSH plugin to enhance
tab completion to include in the remotes completion (e.g. fromgit clone
) any URL in the clipboard. - git-crypt - Enables transparent encryption and decryption of files in a
repository. Files which you choose to protect are encrypted when committed, and decrypted when checked out. - git-deploy-s3 - Keeps your
repository's assets in sync with Amazon S3. - git-diffall - Provides a directory based diff mechanism for
. - git-extend - Extend
builtins with command wrappers. - git-fastclone - Think
git clone --recursive
on steroids. If you're doing repeated checkouts of a given repository on a machine (like a ci box),git-fastclone
will speed things up considerably. - git-flow-completion - Bash, Fish and ZSH completion support for git-flow
- git-follow - Follow lifetime changes of a pathspec.
- git-fuzzy - A CLI interface to
that relies heavily onfzf
. - git-graph - creates a Graphviz graph showing the high-level structure of a repository's history.
- git-gutter - Plugin for Sublime Text 2/3 to display the
diff in the edit window gutter. - git-it-on.zsh - Another plugin by Peter Hurford that adds a
command that will open your current directory on github, in your current branch. Also works with private GitHub servers. - git-lint - Enforces
rebase workflow with consistent commits for a clean and easy to read/debug project history. - git-prompt-kit - A configurable set of components for creating feature rich, high performance Git-aware zsh prompts (aka themes) with minimal coding.
- git-quick-stats - A simple and efficient way to access various statistics in a
repository. - git-repo-updater - Allows you to easily update multiple
repositories at once. - git-secrets - Prevents you from committing secrets and credentials into
repositories. - git-standup - Recall what you did on the last working day. Can work in a directory full of
repositories to see a consolidated view of all work in all the repositories. - git-stashd - Autostashing daemon for dirty worktrees.
- git-submodule-tools - A collection of scripts that should help make life with
submodules easier. - git-sweep - A utility script to remove branches that have been merged to master.
- git-todo - helper script to show all the todo entries in your repository.
- git-up (gem) - Fetch and rebase all locally-tracked remote branches.
- git-up (python) - Python implementation of Aanand's original ruby gem
- git-wayback-machine - A simple script to quickly navigate a project's state through it's
history - git-worktree - ZSH plugin that wraps
git worktree
for ease of use. - git_history_visualizer - python script to visualize the history of files in a
repository - gitgo - Open a GitHub/Gitlab hosted repository in your browser via the command-line (macOS only).
- gitsh - An interactive shell for
. From within gitsh you can issue anygit
command, even using your local aliases and configuration. - gunstage - There are at least eight ways to unstage files in a
repository. This is a command-line shell plugin for undoinggit add
. - hitch - Allows developers to be properly credited when Pair Programming and using
. - hub - A command-line tool that wraps
in order to extend it with extra features and commands that make working with GitHub easier. - igit - Interactively construct
commands using fzf. - joe - Generates
files from the command-line for you. - mergepbx - Helper script for merging XCode project files.
- more-hooks-for-git - Adds extra hooks for
git add
,git diff
andgit status
. - switch-git - Easy switching between
repositories. Just typesgr <some part of you repo's name>
, press enter and you're there. - ugit - Lets you undo your last
operation. - worktree - Adds functions that wrap
git worktree
. - xcode-build-scripts - Helper scripts to use with XCode projects.
Many repositories are switching away from using master as the default branch name. You can do git config --global alias.co-default '!'"git checkout \$(git branch -r | awk -F/ '/HEAD/ {print \$NF}')"
to add a co-default alias that will determine what the repository's default branch is for you.
Alternatively, add the following aliases from a tweet by @jnesselr to your .gitconfig
cdef = "!git checkout $(git originhead)"
originhead = "!git remote show origin | grep 'HEAD branch' | cut -d ' ' -f5"
This queries the remote to get the current up to date default branch, so it will work even if the remote's default branch changes after you did your initial checkout.
Do git config --global help.autocorrect 1
git will now try to figure out what you meant, for example:
$ git commt
WARNING: You called a Git command named 'commt', which does not exist.
Continuing in 0.1 seconds, assuming that you meant 'commit'.
git config --global url."https://github".insteadOf git://github
Use ssh
instead of https://
git config --global url."[email protected]:".insteadOf "https://github.com/"
Credit: @grawity & @hansdg1 by way of @Kovrinic's gist
- Please include an entry both in the credits section of README.md for any scripts and a credit comment in the script itself in your PRs so authors get their work credited correctly.
- Please use
#!/usr/bin/env interpreter
instead of a direct path to the interpreter, this makes it easier for people to use more recent versions when the ones packaged with their OS (macOS and CentOS, I'm looking at you!) are stale.
Many thanks to all the contributors over the years.
Made with contributors-img.