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A CLI tool to work with EUIs

  • Work with EUIs
    • Verify whether a given string is a valid EUI
    • Convert an EUI to a specified format: colon, dash, dot, plain
    • Produce an EUI-64 modified from an EUI-48
    • Supply an IPv6 prefix and EUI-48/EUI-64 to produce an IPv6 address
  • Work with OUIs
    • Provide an EUI or just a hex prefix to look it up in IEEE registries to determine which company owns a particular OUI allocation

Design features

  • Regular CLI tool behavior: accept arguments from the standard input or as positional arguments and output results to the standard output in a form that is digestible by other CLI tools (like awk, jq)
  • Offline OUI lookup. euivator uses public registries to collect text files with OUI allocations. The files are stored locally
  • Although the files in the repositories are not static, they change quite rarely. But when they do change it's necessary to download ~5MB of data. The update process is manual: euivator oui update. To minimize impact on the network euivator implements client-side caching using ETags. (there are issues with caching on the IEEE side)
  • Local cache is stored according to XDG specification powered by adrg's library but the target directory is configurable
  • The result of an OUI lookup returns a list of allocations since IEEE allows duplicate allocations and euivator does not play god by trying to decide which one is correct
  • The OUI lookup performed in the longest prefix match manner


Binary release

The following command installs the latest version to ~/.local/bin

curl -sSfL | sh -s -- -b ~/.local/bin
Usage: [-b <bindir>] [-d] [<tag>]
  -b sets bindir or installation directory, Defaults to ./bin
  -d turns on debug logging
   <tag> is a tag from
   If tag is missing, then the latest will be used.

MacOS (brew)

brew tap ttl256/euivator && \
brew install euivator



echo "deb [trusted=yes] /" > /etc/apt/sources.list.d/ttl256.fury.list && \
apt update && \
apt install euivator


cat <<EOF >> /etc/yum.repos.d/ttl256.fury.repo

yum update && \
yum install euivator

Build from source

make build

After installation

OUI registries are not downloaded as part of the post-install to not mess users who just want to convert EUIs without OUI lookups.

Download OUI registries

euivator oui update


# Convert EUIs
$ euivator eui convert --format dot DE:AD:BE:EF:11:22
$ echo "DEADBEEF1122\nDE:AD:BE:EF:11:22:33:44" | euivator eui convert --format dash
# Generate EUI-64 modified
$ euivator eui modified DEADBEEF1122
# Generate IPv6 address from a prefix and an EUI
$ euivator eui addr6 2001:db8:dead:beef::/64 00:00:00:00:00:00
# Lookup OUI allocation by EUI
$ euivator oui lookup 28:6f:b9:11:22:33 | jq
  "input": "286FB9112233",
  "input_raw": "28:6f:b9:11:22:33",
  "records": [
      "assignment": "286FB9",
      "registry": "MA-L",
      "org_name": "Nokia Shanghai Bell Co., Ltd.",
      "org_address": "No.388 Ning Qiao Road,Jin Qiao Pudong Shanghai Shanghai   CN 201206"
# Lookup OUIs for interfaces on your machine
$ ifconfig | awk '/ether/ {print $2}' | euivator oui lookup | jq -c 'select(.records | length > 0)'

IEEE, ETags and two smoking nodes

Posted the issue to r/IEEE. No luck so far.

TLDR; IEEE uses default nginx config to generate ETags. The algorithm takes last-modified and content-length headers as an input to generate ETag. Multiple nodes serve the files and last-modified differs for each of them by a few seconds.


Refer to configs/euivator.yaml.sample to check available options. Same options are available via environment variables in the form of EUIVATOR_*.

Similar software

  • oui
    • Does not accept arguments from the standard input
    • Output is pretty-table-formatted which makes it hard to pipeline with other CLI tools
    • Does not cache OUI registries