An inky color scheme for prose and code.
Feb 3, 2025 - CSS
Tailwind is an utility-first CSS framework for rapid UI development written in PostCSS and configured through JavaScript, making it highly customizable by design. Tailwind doesn’t have a default theme nor built-in UI components. This means it has no opinion about how your site should look and doesn’t impose design decisions that can be difficult to undo.
An inky color scheme for prose and code.
🚀 The easiest, free and open-source Tailwind CSS component library with semantic classes.
Clean, modern and beautiful Tailwind CSS components.
👨🎨 An open-source portfolio template built with React and Tailwind.
Clean card Hugo theme for blog, created by using tailwindcss
Generate Tailwind utility stylesheets on demand.
⛵ Replicate GitHub Flavored Markdown with Tailwind CSS components
Habu it's a minimalistic startpage made with the essence of neovim dashboard with the catppuccin mocha palette. Fully customizable and easy to setup
Integrate Tailwind CSS in a Create React App setup
A JupyterLab theme extension inspired by Tailwind.
A landing page made with tailwindcss and the new Gradient feature.
A barebone Hugo starter with Tailwind 3.2.* - Build your own theme on top.
🌊 build rich, performant UIs with the best possible developer experience
A Tailwind CSS preset for seamless integration with Mantine UI components.
Convert plain CSS to TailwindCSS classes. Demo:
Tailwind colors replaced (in Tailwind style) by the USG standards for accesibility colors defined at:
Created by Adam Wathan, Jonathan Reinink, David Hemphill, Steve Schoger
Released October 2017
Latest release 4 days ago