A simple react native mobile api that gives the user a rough estimate of what the thing they take a picture of is worth.
- react native - builds native apps in javascript
- expo - simplifies react native development
- express - for a simple http api to abstract over the necessary api's for security reasons
- clarifai - identifies images
- ebay api - values things
react native app that does image selection and upload
express app that basically wraps ebay and clarifai libaries to protect credentials and access.
To keep some sensitive credentials confidential (not pushed up to github) there are a few files that need to be created.
- server/src/secrets.ts
const ebayCredentials = {
production: {
appId: "appid",
certId: "certid"
const clarifaiApiKey = "the_key";
- server
cd server; npm start
- client
cd mobile; npm start
- install the expo app on your phone
- open it up
- make sure you're on the same wifi network
- select the app in expo to start it up