Get last Microsoft Office 365 SKU / Service plans info (GUID, String ID, Product Name).
- You can use this module to :
- resolve GUID service plan / SKU and find the product name / plan name linked to it
- find in what SKU a service plan is covered
- get general informations about a Service Plan or SKU
(c) 2021 Distributed under Artistic Licence 2.0 (
- SKU / Service Plan informations updated directly from Microsoft Website and send back as powershell object.
- this module requires an internet access to get online information from Microsoft Website.
- if you are using an indirect internet access through a proxy, please use
object to set your environment before using the functions
- if you are using an indirect internet access through a proxy, please use
- this module is designed to be used on Windows system, compatible with both Windows PowerShell and PowerShell
com object is used to parse HTML table
- cmdlet to list all SKUs / Services Plan available in Microsoft catalog : Get-O365SKUCatalog
- information are downloaded from microsoft github doc repository
- cmdlet to get all availabe information about a SKU : Get-O365SKUinfo
- you can find a SKU based on its GUID, String ID (technical name), or friendly name (aka commercial name)
- cmdlet to get all availabe information about a Service Plan : Get-O365Planinfo
- you can find a Service Plan based on its GUID, String ID (technical name), or friendly name (aka commercial name)
- cmdlet to find in the SKUs containing a Service Plan : Get-O365SKUInfoFromPlan
- you can use a Service Plan based on its GUID, String ID (technical name), or friendly name (aka commercial name)
- fix IE com object issue (Windows pwsh crash with invoke-webrequest)
- using basic parsing and HTMLFile com object
- now compatible with Powershell Core on Windows system
- use now Github Markdown document as source instead of Microsoft website
- When you often deal with Office 365 SKUs and Services Plan (technically speaking) it's a nightmare to resolve name to technical GUID to be sure the proper SKU and Service Plan is linked to the right Azure AD user or Azure AD group.
- Moreover the licensing Graph API is built on a "black list" system regarding the Services Plans it means you have to specify all Services Plan to be disabled instead of just giving the one to be enabled...
- I hope it could help someone to deal with word instead of GUID in your scripts :)
- Also, sometimes some guys are asking me what SKU should be ordered in order to cover X ou Y Services Plan... So instead of looking for markdown or html document from Microsoft, you can quickly have your answer using a PowerShell oneliner command :)
- Last but not least... those informations (SKUs & Service Plans) could be updated several times a year ! it means you cannot have a static catalog file somewhere, you have to follow the updates... (you know... those famous O365 / Azure Microsoft mails you receive every day and never read... ^^)
You can easily install it from powershell gallery repository using a simple powershell command and an internet access :-)
Install-Module -Name Get-O365SKUsInfos
C:\PS> import-module Get-O365SKUsInfos
- Get-O365SKUCatalog
- Get-O365SKUinfo
- Get-O365SKUInfoFromPlan
- Get-O365Planinfo