TZF is a fast timezone finder package designed for Go. It allows you to quickly find the timezone for a given latitude and longitude, making it ideal for geo queries and services such as weather forecast APIs. With optimized performance and two different data options, TZF is a powerful tool for any Go developer's toolkit.
Here are some language or server which built with tzf or it's other language bindings:
Language or Sever | Link | Note |
Go | ringsaturn/tzf |
Ruby | HarlemSquirrel/tzf-rb |
build with tzf-rs |
Rust | ringsaturn/tzf-rs |
Swift | ringsaturn/tzf-swift |
Python | ringsaturn/tzfpy |
build with tzf-rs |
HTTP API | ringsaturn/tzf-server |
build with tzf |
HTTP API | racemap/rust-tz-service |
build with tzf-rs |
Redis Server | ringsaturn/tzf-server |
build with tzf |
Redis Server | ringsaturn/redizone |
build with tzf-rs |
JS via Wasm(browser only) | ringsaturn/tzf-wasm |
build with tzf-rs |
Online | ringsaturn/tzf-web |
build with tzf-wasm |
To start using TZF in your Go project, you first need to install the package:
go get
Then, you can use the following code to locate:
// Use about 150MB memory for init, and 60MB after GC.
package main
import (
func main() {
finder, err := tzf.NewDefaultFinder()
if err != nil {
fmt.Println(finder.GetTimezoneName(116.6386, 40.0786))
If you require a query result that is 100% accurate, use the following to locate:
// Use about 900MB memory for init, and 660MB after GC.
package main
import (
tzfrel ""
pb ""
func main() {
input := &pb.Timezones{}
// Full data, about 83.5MB
dataFile := tzfrel.FullData
if err := proto.Unmarshal(dataFile, input); err != nil {
finder, _ := tzf.NewFinderFromPB(input)
fmt.Println(finder.GetTimezoneName(116.6386, 40.0786))
It's expensive to init tzf's Finder/FuzzyFinder/DefaultFinder, please consider reuse it or as a global var. Below is a global var example:
package main
import (
var f tzf.F
func init() {
var err error
f, err = tzf.NewDefaultFinder()
if err != nil {
func main() {
fmt.Println(f.GetTimezoneName(116.3883, 39.9289))
fmt.Println(f.GetTimezoneName(-73.935242, 40.730610))
In addition to using TZF as a library in your Go projects, you can also use the tzf command-line interface (CLI) tool to quickly get the timezone name for a set of coordinates. To use the CLI tool, you first need to install it using the following command:
go install
Once installed, you can use the tzf command followed by the latitude and longitude values to get the timezone name:
tzf -lng 116.3883 -lat 39.9289
Alternatively if you want to look up multiple coordinates efficiently you can specify the ordering and pipe them to the tzf command one pair of coordinates per line:
echo -e "116.3883 39.9289\n116.3883, 39.9289" | tzf -stdin-order lng-lat
You can download the original data from
The preprocessed protobuf data can be obtained from, which has Go's embedded
These files are Protocol Buffers messages for more efficient binary
distribution, similar to Python wheels. You can view the
pb/tzinfo.proto file
or its
HTML format documentation for information about the internal format.
The data pipeline for tzf can be illustrated as follows:
graph TD
Raw[GeoJSON from evansiroky/timezone-boundary-builder]
Full[Full: Probuf based data]
Lite[Lite: smaller of Full data]
Compressed[Compressed: Lite compressed via Polyline]
Preindex[Tile based data]
Finder[Finder: Polygon Based Finder]
FuzzyFinder[FuzzyFinder: Tile based Finder]
DefaultFinder[DefaultFinder: combine FuzzyFinder and Compressed Finder]
Raw --> |cmd/geojson2tzpb|Full
Full --> |cmd/reducetzpb|Lite
Lite --> |cmd/compresstzpb|Compressed
Lite --> |cmd/preindextzpb|Preindex
Full --> |tzf.NewFinderFromPB|Finder
Lite --> |tzf.NewFinderFromPB|Finder
Compressed --> |tzf.NewFinderFromCompressed|Finder --> |tzf.NewDefaultFinder|DefaultFinder
Preindex --> |tzf.NewFuzzyFinderFromPB|FuzzyFinder --> |tzf.NewDefaultFinder|DefaultFinder
The complete dataset (~80MB) can be used anywhere, but requires higher memory usage.
The lightweight dataset (~10MB) may not function optimally in some border areas.
You can observe points with different outcomes on this page.
If a slightly longer initialization time is tolerable, the compressed dataset (~5MB) derived from the lightweight dataset will be more suitable for binary distribution.
The pre-indexed dataset (~1.78MB) consists of multiple tiles.
It is used within the DefaultFinder
, which is built on FuzzyFinder
, to
reduce execution times of the raycasting algorithm.
I have written an article about the history of tzf, its Rust port, and its Rust port's Python binding; you can view it here.
The tzf package is intended for high-performance geospatial query services, such as weather forecasting APIs. Most queries can be returned within a very short time, averaging around 2000 nanoseconds.
Here is what has been done to improve performance:
- Using pre-indexing to handle most queries takes approximately 1000 nanoseconds.
- Using an RTree to filter candidate polygons, instead of iterating through all polygons, reduces the execution times of the Ray Casting algorithm.
- Using a finely-tuned Ray Casting algorithm package to verify whether a polygon contains a point.
That's all. There are no black magic tricks inside the tzf package.
The benchmark was conducted using version
goos: darwin
goarch: arm64
cpu: Apple M3 Max
BenchmarkDefaultFinder_GetTimezoneName_Random_WorldCities-16 823786 1261 ns/op 1000 ns/p50 5000 ns/p90 8000 ns/p99 8 B/op 0 allocs/op
BenchmarkFuzzyFinder_GetTimezoneName_Random_WorldCities-16 2239102 572.1 ns/op 1000 ns/p50 1000 ns/p90 1000 ns/p99 8 B/op 0 allocs/op
BenchmarkGetTimezoneName-16 423015 2852 ns/op 3000 ns/p50 3000 ns/p90 4000 ns/p99 8 B/op 0 allocs/op
BenchmarkGetTimezoneNameAtEdge-16 399050 3036 ns/op 3000 ns/p50 3000 ns/p90 4000 ns/p99 8 B/op 0 allocs/op
BenchmarkGetTimezoneName_Random_WorldCities-16 288864 3867 ns/op 4000 ns/p50 6000 ns/p90 8000 ns/p99 8 B/op 0 allocs/op
coverage: 65.5% of statements
ok 7.995s
- displays continuous benchmarking results.
- displays a continuous benchmark comparison with other packages.
- Preprocessed probuf data release repo
- Continuous Benchmark Compared with other packages
- Rust port of tzf
- Rust port's Python binding
- HTTP&Redis server build with tzf
- Redis compatible server build with tzf-rs