- 1. Prerequisites
- 2. Two libraries
- 3. Installation
- 4. Recent change logs
- 5. How to use
- 6.
examples - 7.
examples - 8. Multiple use of
- 9.
examples - 10. Various options
- 10.1. String option
- 10.2.
:msg (or :m)
option - 10.3. Number option
- 10.4.
option - 10.5.
) option - 10.6.
) option - 10.7.
option - 10.8.
option - 10.9.
) option - 10.10.
) option (CSS Styling: CLJS only) - 10.11.
) option (CLJS only) - 10.12.
option (CLJS only)
- 11.
examples (CLJS only) - 12. Tagged literals:
- 13.
: Debugging inside the thread-last macro->>
- 14.
: Debugging the macros for ClojureScript at the macro-expansion time. - 15. Support for
added - 16. Support for
added - 17. Support for
(Babashka for Clojure) added. - 18. Support for
added - 19. Turning off the source info line printing
- 20. Setting the line bullet
- 21. Turning off the debux macros temporarily
- 22. How to configure the namespaces to debug
- 23. Using debux macros on Node.js
- 24. Usage in ClojureScript on Browser REPL
- 25.
for Emacs CIDER user - 26. License
Debux is a simple but useful library for debugging Clojure and ClojureScript. I wrote this library to debug my own Clojure(Script) code and to analyze other developer’s one.
Clojars repository: https://clojars.org/philoskim/debux
In development, use the philoskim/debux
library. When you use debux macros and
functions from this library, it will emit debugging messages to the REPL window or the
Chrome DevTools' console.
In production, use the philoskim/debux-stubs
(https://github.com/philoskim/debux-stubs) library. This has the same public API as
but the macros simply expand only to the given original form itself.
With this setup
in production, your use of debux macros will have zero run-time and compile-time cost,
in development, debux macros are able to be turned off too via the
Never use philoskim/debux library in production because it will impose too much
overhead on the peformance, especially in using dbgn and clogn , even though
(set-debug-mode! false) is run.
First, please be sure to read the "Two libraries" section immediately above for background.
To include debux
in your project for development, simply add the following to your
development dependencies:
[philoskim/debux "0.9.1"]
and this to your production dependencies.
[philoskim/debux-stubs "0.9.1"]
You can see All change logs since v0.3.0 here. |
option deprecated. Instead, use:final
) option. See the details here.
All the new features of this version are thanks to the pull request of George Lipov. Thanks a lot again!
The minimum version of Clojure is upgraded from 1.8.0 to 1.10.0
ClojureScript dependency in Clojure removed.
(Babashka for Clojure) support added. See the details here.-
(Babashka for Node) is not supported yet.
support added. See the details here.-
function added. -
function added.
option added.
A bug fixed: pull request #26
macro bugs fixed.
In Clojure, the following line should be included in your file.
(use 'debux.core)
In ClojureScript, the following (:require ...)
line has to be included in your
(ns examples.core
(:require [debux.cs.core :as d :refer-macros [clog clogn dbg dbgn break
clog_ clogn_ dbg_ dbgn_ break_]]))
dbg | dbgn | clog | clogn | break | |
(not supported)
can be used in Clojure REPL. -
can be used in ClojureScript REPL like weasel or figwheel.-
Refer to Usage in ClojureScript on Browser REPL for Browser REPL usage.
can be used in the browser console window like Chrome DevTools.TipI recommend that you should use clog
instead ofdbg
in the browser console window, becauseclog
uses theconsole.log
function of browser’s developer tools to style the form. You can see its effect here.
You can see every example source code of this document in examples folder. |
The features of clog are almost the same as those of dbg .
The macro dbg
prints an original form and pretty-prints the evaluated value on the REPL
window. Then it returns the value without interrupting the code evaluation.
(* 2 (dbg (+ 10 20)))
; => 60
{:ns examples.demo, :line 8} dbg: (+ 10 20) => | 30
Sometimes you need to see multiple forms evaluated. To do so, a literal vector form can be used like this.
(defn my-fun
[a {:keys [b c d] :or {d 10 b 20 c 30}} [e f g & h]]
(dbg [a b c d e f g h]))
(my-fun (take 5 (range)) {:c 50 :d 100} ["a" "b" "c" "d" "e"])
; => [(0 1 2 3 4) 20 50 100 "a" "b" "c" ("d" "e")]
{:ns examples.demo, :line 11} dbg: [a b c d e f g h] => | [(0 1 2 3 4) 20 50 100 "a" "b" "c" ("d" "e")]
You can use dbgn
for better results as well. See the detalis for dbgn
(defn my-fun2
[a {:keys [b c d] :or {d 10 b 20 c 30}} [e f g & h]]
(dbgn [a b c d e f g h]))
(my-fun2 (take 5 (range)) {:c 50 :d 100} ["a" "b" "c" "d" "e"])
; => [(0 1 2 3 4) 20 50 100 "a" "b" "c" ("d" "e")]
{:ns examples.demo, :line 15} dbgn: [a b c d e f g h] => | a => | (0 1 2 3 4) | b => | 20 | c => | 50 | d => | 100 | e => | "a" | f => | "b" | g => | "c" | h => | ("d" "e") | [a b c d e f g h] => | [(0 1 2 3 4) 20 50 100 "a" "b" "c" ("d" "e")]
Generally, dbg
prints the evaluated result of the outermost form except for the
following eight special cases (->
, ->>
, some->
, cond->
, cond->>
, let
, comp
When debugging the thread-first macro ->
or thread-last macro ->>
prints every expression in the thread macros.
This is an example of thread-first macro ->
(dbg (-> "a b c d"
(.replace "A" "X")
(.split " ")
;=> "X"
{:ns examples.demo, :line 18} dbg: (-> "a b c d" .toUpperCase (.replace "A" "X") (.split " ") first) => | "a b c d" => | "a b c d" | .toUpperCase => | "A B C D" | (.replace "A" "X") => | "X B C D" | (.split " ") => | ["X", "B", "C", "D"] | first => | "X"
Another example.
(def person
{:name "Mark Volkmann"
:address {:street "644 Glen Summit"
:city "St. Charles"
:state "Missouri"
:zip 63304}
:employer {:name "Object Computing, Inc."
:address {:street "12140 Woodcrest Dr."
:city "Creve Coeur"
:state "Missouri"
:zip 63141}}})
(dbg (-> person :employer :address :city))
; => "Creve Coeur"
{:ns examples.demo, :line 37} dbg: (-> person :employer :address :city) => | person => | {:name "Mark Volkmann", | :address | {:street "644 Glen Summit", | :city "St. Charles", | :state "Missouri", | :zip 63304}, | :employer | {:name "Object Computing, Inc.", | :address | {:street "12140 Woodcrest Dr.", | :city "Creve Coeur", | :state "Missouri", | :zip 63141}}} | :employer => | {:name "Object Computing, Inc.", | :address | {:street "12140 Woodcrest Dr.", | :city "Creve Coeur", | :state "Missouri", | :zip 63141}} | :address => | {:street "12140 Woodcrest Dr.", | :city "Creve Coeur", | :state "Missouri", | :zip 63141} | :city => | "Creve Coeur"
This is an example of thread-last macro ->>
(def c 5)
(dbg (->> c (+ 3) (/ 2) (- 1)))
; => 3/4
{:ns examples.demo, :line 42} dbg: (->> c (+ 3) (/ 2) (- 1)) => | c => | 5 | (+ 3) => | 8 | (/ 2) => | 1/4 | (- 1) => | 3/4
If you want to debug one of the expressions within the thread macro ->
, don’t do it like this.
(-> {:a [1 2]}
(dbg (get :a))
(conj 3))
; => java.lang.IllegalArgumentException
; Don't know how to create ISeq from: java.lang.Long
You will have some exception. Instead, do it like this.
(-> {:a [1 2]}
(get :a)
(conj 3))
; => [1 2 3]
{:ns examples.demo} dbg: (get {:a [1 2]} :a) => | [1 2]
Another example.
(->> [-1 0 1 2]
(filter pos?)
(map inc)
(map str))
; => ("2" "3")
{:ns examples.demo} dbg: (map inc (filter pos? [-1 0 1 2])) => | (2 3)
In the above examples, dbg doesn’t get the :line number information from the
Clojure compiler, so it is omitted. I don’t know why the Clojure compiler doesn’t
provide the line number informaton through the code of (:line (meta &form)) inside
the thread macros -> or ->> in this situation. If anyone knows
about it, please let me know.
See more examples here.
The thread macro some->
and some->>
are supported in dbg
and clog
(dbg (some-> {:a 10}
{:ns examples.lab, :line 54} dbg: (some-> {:a 10} :b inc) => | {:a 10} => | {:a 10} | :b => | nil
(dbg (some->> {:x 5 :y 10}
(- 30)))
{:ns examples.lab, :line 56} dbg: (some->> {:x 5 :y 10} :y (- 30)) => | {:x 5 :y 10} => | {:x 5 :y 10} | :y => | 10 | (- 30) => | 20
The thread macro cond->
and cond->>
are supported in dbg
and clog
(def a 10)
(dbg (cond-> a
(even? a) inc
(= a 20) (* 42)
(= 5 5) (* 3)))
{:ns examples.lab, :line 60}
dbg: (cond-> a (even? a) inc (= a 20) (* 42) (= 5 5) (* 3)) =>
| a =>
| 10
| (even? a) =>
| true
| inc =>
| 11
| (= a 20) =>
| false
| (= 5 5) =>
| true
| (* 3) =>
| 33
(def b 10)
(dbg (cond->> b
(even? b) inc
(= b 20) (- 42)
(= 2 2) (- 30)))
{:ns examples.lab, :line 65}
dbg: (cond->> b (even? b) inc (= b 20) (- 42) (= 5 5) (- 30)) =>
| b =>
| 10
| (even? b) =>
| true
| inc =>
| 11
| (= b 20) =>
| false
| (= 5 5) =>
| true
| (- 30) =>
| 19
When debugging let
(dbg (let [a (take 5 (range))
{:keys [b c d] :or {d 10 b 20 c 30}} {:c 50 :d 100}
[e f g & h] ["a" "b" "c" "d" "e"]]
[a b c d e f g h]))
; => [(0 1 2 3 4) 20 50 100 "a" "b" "c" ("d" "e")]
each binding will be printed like this.
{:ns examples.demo, :line 58} dbg: (let [a (take 5 (range)) {:keys [b c d], :or {d 10, b 20, c 30}} {:c 5 ... => | a => | (0 1 2 3 4) | {:keys [b c d], :or {d 10, b 20, c 30}} => | {:keys [20 50 100], :or {100 10, 20 20, 50 30}} | [e f g & h] => | ["a" "b" "c" & ("d" "e")]
When debugging comp
(def c (dbg (comp inc inc +)))
(c 10 20)
; => 32
the result of each function will be printed like this.
{:ns examples.demo, :line 64} dbg: (comp inc inc +) => | + => | 30 | inc => | 31 | inc => | 32
For example, if you want to see only the final result of the ->
put the option :final
or :f
like this.
(dbg (-> "a b c d"
(.replace "A" "X")
(.split " ")
;=> "X"
{:ns examples.demo, :line 18} dbg: (-> "a b c d" .toUpperCase (.replace "A" "X") (.split " ") first) => | "X"
This option apliies to ->
, ->>
, some->
, cond->
, cond->>
, let
The features of clogn are almost the same as those of dbgn .
The macro dbgn
is for Clojure/CloujureScript REPL and the macro clogn
is for
ClojureScript browser console only. The appended n to these two macro names means
Nested forms. You can debug every nested form without interrupting code
evaluations. This feature is very useful, especially when you analyze other developer’s
source code.
(dbgn (defn foo [a b & [c]]
(if c
(* a b c)
(* a b 100))))
(foo 2 3)
; => 600
(foo 2 3 10)
; => 60
{:ns examples.demo, :line 72} dbgn: (defn foo [a b & [c]] (if c (* a b c) (* a b 100))) => | c => | nil | a => | 2 | b => | 3 | (* a b 100) => | 600 | (if c (* a b c) (* a b 100)) => | 600 | c => | 10 | a => | 2 | b => | 3 | (* a b c) => | 60 | (if c (* a b c) (* a b 100)) => | 60
don’t have any problem in handling functions. -
, however, can have some problem in case of macros and special forms.-
Some macros such as
don’t have any problem when used indbgn
. -
Other macros such as
which has a binding vector can have problem because they have binding symbols which must not be evaluated indbgn
macros. In case of special forms and those macros inclojure.core
can handle them appropriately. -
In some cases, Clojure developers can write their own macros which
cannot handle appporiately. So I categorized those macros inclojure.core
namespace as the following table and you can register your own macros according to the macro types in the table. I will explain it in How to register your own macros in usingdbgn
Macro types | Macros in clojure.core and special forms |
This type of macros have the first argument which must not be evaluated and can have
optional doc-string
(dbgn (def my-function "my-function doc string"
(fn [x] (* x x x))))
(my-function 10)
; => 1000
{:ns examples.demo, :line 85} dbgn: (def my-function "my-function doc string" (fn [x] (* x x x))) => | (fn [x] (* x x x)) => | #function[example.core/eval24554/result--24229--auto----24555] | (def my-function "my-function doc string" (fn [x] (* x x x))) => | #'example.core/my-function | x => | 10 | (* x x x) => | 1000
This type of macros have the binding vector argument which must not be evaluated and can
have optional doc-string
, attr-map
, or prepost-map
(dbgn (defn add
"add doc string"
[a b]
(+ a b)))
(add 10 20)
; => 30
{:ns examples.demo, :line 92} dbgn: (defn add "add doc string" [a b] (+ a b)) => | a => | 10 | b => | 20 | (+ a b) => | 30
You can debug multiple-arity functions as well.
(dbgn (defn my-add
"my-add doc string"
([] 0)
([a] a)
([a b] (+ a b))
([a b & more] (apply + a b more))))
; The function body in this case doesn't have any symbol to evaluate,
; so no output will be printed.
; => 0
(my-add 10)
; => 10
(my-add 10 20)
; => 30
(my-add 10 20 30 40)
; => 100
{:ns examples.demo, :line 100} dbgn: (defn my-add "my-add doc string" ([] 0) ([a] a) ([a b] (+ a b)) ([a b ... => | a => | 10 | a => | 10 | b => | 20 | (+ a b) => | 30 | + => | #function[clojure.core/+] | a => | 10 | b => | 20 | more => | (30 40) | (apply + a b more) => | 100
You can have multiple dbgn
(dbgn (defn calc1 [a1 a2] (+ a1 a2)))
(dbgn (defn calc2 [s1 s2] (- 100 (calc1 s1 s2))))
(dbgn (defn calc3 [m1 m2] (* 10 (calc2 m1 m2))))
(calc3 2 5)
; => 760
{:ns examples.demo, :line 113} dbgn: (defn calc1 [a1 a2] (+ a1 a2)) => {:ns examples.demo, :line 114} dbgn: (defn calc2 [s1 s2] (- 100 (calc1 s1 s2))) => {:ns examples.demo, :line 115} dbgn: (defn calc3 [m1 m2] (* 10 (calc2 m1 m2))) => | m1 => | 2 | m2 => | 5 || s1 => || 2 || s2 => || 5 ||| a1 => ||| 2 ||| a2 => ||| 5 ||| (+ a1 a2) => ||| 7 || (calc1 s1 s2) => || 7 || (- 100 (calc1 s1 s2)) => || 93 | (calc2 m1 m2) => | 93 | (* 10 (calc2 m1 m2)) => | 930
This type of macros have the binding vector argument which must not be evaluated and can
have optional function name. So it is a little different from :defn-type
(dbgn (reduce (fn [acc i] (+ acc i)) 0 [1 5 9]))
; => 15
{:ns examples.demo, :line 121} dbgn: (reduce (fn [acc i] (+ acc i)) 0 [1 5 9]) => | (fn [acc i] (+ acc i)) => | #function[example.core/eval25034/result--24229--auto----25035] | [1 5 9] => | [1 5 9] || acc => || 0 || i => || 1 || (+ acc i) => || 1 || acc => || 1 || i => || 5 || (+ acc i) => || 6 || acc => || 6 || i => || 9 || (+ acc i) => || 15 | (reduce (fn [acc i] (clojure.core/binding [debux.common.util/*indent-l ... => | 15
(dbgn (map #(* % 10) [1 5 9]))
; => (10 50 90)
{:ns examples.demo, :line 123} dbgn: (map (fn* [p1__2514#] (* p1__2514# 10)) [1 5 9]) => | (fn* [p1__13193#] (try (clojure.core/reset! (:evals +debux-dbg-opts+) ... => | #object[example.dbgn$eval13194$result__4709__auto____13195 0x1b58788a "example.dbgn$eval13194$result__4709__auto____13195@1b58788a"] | [1 5 9] => | [1 5 9] || p1__13583# => || 1 || (* p1__13583# 10) => || 10 || p1__13583# => || 5 || (* p1__13583# 10) => || 50 || p1__13583# => || 9 || (* p1__13583# 10) => || 90 | (map (fn* [p1__13583#] (clojure.core/binding [debux.common.util/*inden ... => | (10 50 90)
This type of macros have the binding vector argument which must not be evaluated.
(dbgn (let [a (+ 1 2)
[b c] [(+ a 10) (* a 2)]]
(- (+ a b) c)))
; => 10
{:ns examples.demo, :line 127} dbgn: (let [a (+ 1 2) [b c] [(+ a 10) (* a 2)]] (- (+ a b) c)) => | (+ 1 2) => | 3 | a => | 3 | (+ a 10) => | 13 | (* a 2) => | 6 | [(+ a 10) (* a 2)] => | [13 6] | b => | 13 | (+ a b) => | 16 | c => | 6 | (- (+ a b) c) => | 10 | (let [a (+ 1 2) [b c] [(+ a 10) (* a 2)]] (- (+ a b) c)) => | 10
This type of macros are a little different from :let-type
macros in that they need only
one or two forms in their bodies.
(def a* 10)
(dbgn (if-let [s a*]
(+ s 100)
; => 110
{:ns examples.demo, :line 135} dbgn: (if-let [s a*] (+ s 100) false) => | a* => | 10 | s => | 10 | (+ s 100) => | 110 | (if-let [s a*] (+ s 100) false) => | 110
This type of macro has the special binding vector syntax which is a bit different from
(dbgn (letfn [(twice [x]
(* x 2))
(six-times [y]
(* (twice y) 3))]
(six-times 15)))
; => 90
{:ns examples.demo, :line 141} dbgn: (letfn [(twice [x] (* x 2)) (six-times [y] (* (twice y) 3))] (six-time ... => | y => | 15 | x => | 15 | (* x 2) => | 30 | (twice y) => | 30 | (* (twice y) 3) => | 90 | (six-times 15) => | 90 | (letfn [(twice [x] (* x 2)) (six-times [y] (* (twice y) 3))] (six-time ... => | 90
This type of macro is similiar to :let-type
but has a significant difference because the recur
has to be placed at the tail positon with the loop
form. So it needs a special handling in the implementation of dbgn
. Refer to Limited support for the form including recur
for details.
This type of macros have a little different syntax from :let-type
macros, because it
can have :let
, :when
, or :while
(dbgn (for [x [0 1 2 3 4 5]
:let [y (* x 3)]
:when (even? y)]
; => (0 6 12)
{:ns examples.demo, :line 149} dbgn: (for [x [0 1 2 3 4 5] :let [y (* x 3)] :when (even? y)] y) => | [0 1 2 3 4 5] => | [0 1 2 3 4 5] | x => | 0 | (* x 3) => | 0 | y => | 0 | (even? y) => | true | x => | 1 | (* x 3) => | 3 | y => | 3 | (even? y) => | false | x => | 2 | (* x 3) => | 6 | y => | 6 | (even? y) => | true | x => | 3 | (* x 3) => | 9 | y => | 9 | (even? y) => | false | x => | 4 | (* x 3) => | 12 | y => | 12 | (even? y) => | true | x => | 5 | (* x 3) => | 15 | y => | 15 | (even? y) => | false | (for [x [0 1 2 3 4 5] :let [y (* x 3)] :when (even? y)] (do (debux.com ... => | (0 6 12)
This type of macro has the special syntax. Refer to the details here.
(dbgn (let [mystr "hello"]
(case mystr
"" 0
"hello" (count mystr))))
; => 5
{:ns examples.demo, :line 156} dbgn: (let [mystr "hello"] (case mystr "" 0 "hello" (count mystr))) => | mystr => | "hello" | (count mystr) => | 5 | (case mystr "" 0 "hello" (count mystr)) => | 5 | (let [mystr "hello"] (case mystr "" 0 "hello" (count mystr))) => | 5
(dbgn (case 'a
(x y z) "x, y, or z"
; => "default"
{:ns examples.demo, :line 161} dbgn: (case (quote a) (x y z) "x, y, or z" "default") => | (case (quote a) (x y z) "x, y, or z" "default") => | "default"
This type of macros have the first argument which must not be evaluated. So dbgn
internally skips the evaluation of this argument.
(dbgn (with-precision 10 (/ 1M 6)))
; => 0.1666666667M
{:ns examples.demo, :line 167} dbgn: (with-precision 10 (/ 1M 6)) => | (/ 1M 6) => | 0.1666666667M | (with-precision 10 (/ 1M 6)) => | 0.1666666667M
This type of macros have the second argument which must not be evaluated. So dbgn
internally skips the evaluation of this argument.
(dbgn (as-> 0 n
(inc n)
(inc n)))
; => 2
{:ns examples.demo, :line 171} dbgn: (as-> 0 n (inc n) (inc n)) => | n => | 0 | (inc n) => | 1 | n => | 1 | (inc n) => | 2 | (as-> 0 n (inc n) (inc n)) => | 2
This type of macros have the first and second arguments which must not be evaluated. So
internally skips the evaluation of those arguments. However, I can’t find this
type of macros in clojure.core
namespace but add this type for completeness and the
future possibilities of this type of macros.
This type of macros have the first and third arguments which must not be evaluated. So
internally skips the evaluation of those arguments.
(defmulti greeting
(fn [x] (:language x)))
(dbgn (defmethod greeting :english [map]
(str "English greeting: " (:greeting map))))
(dbgn (defmethod greeting :french [map]
(str "French greeting: " (:greeting map))))
(def english-map {:language :english :greeting "Hello!"})
(def french-map {:language :french :greeting "Bonjour!"})
(greeting english-map)
; => "English greeting: Hello!"
(greeting french-map)
; => "French greeting: Bonjour!"
{:ns examples.demo, :line 180} dbgn: (defmethod greeting :english [map] (str "English greeting: " (:greetin ... => | (defmethod greeting :english [map] (str "English greeting: " (:greetin ... => | #object[clojure.lang.MultiFn 0x193bb809 "clojure.lang.MultiFn@193bb809"] {:ns examples.demo, :line 183} dbgn: (defmethod greeting :french [map] (str "French greeting: " (:greeting ... => | (defmethod greeting :french [map] (str "French greeting: " (:greeting ... => | #object[clojure.lang.MultiFn 0x193bb809 "clojure.lang.MultiFn@193bb809"] | map => | {:language :english, :greeting "Hello!"} | (:greeting map) => | "Hello!" | (str "English greeting: " (:greeting map)) => | "English greeting: Hello!" | map => | {:language :french, :greeting "Bonjour!"} | (:greeting map) => | "Bonjour!" | (str "French greeting: " (:greeting map)) => | "French greeting: Bonjour!"
This type of macros have the second and third arguments which must not be evaluated. So
internally skips the evaluation of those arguments.
(let [xs (float-array [1 2 3])]
(dbgn (areduce xs i ret (float 0)
(+ ret (aget xs i)))))
; => 6.0
{:ns examples.demo, :line 195} dbgn: (areduce xs i ret (float 0) (+ ret (aget xs i))) => | xs => | [1.0, 2.0, 3.0] | (float 0) => | 0.0 | ret => | 0.0 | i => | 0 | (aget xs i) => | 1.0 | (+ ret (aget xs i)) => | 1.0 | ret => | 1.0 | i => | 1 | (aget xs i) => | 2.0 | (+ ret (aget xs i)) => | 3.0 | ret => | 3.0 | i => | 2 | (aget xs i) => | 3.0 | (+ ret (aget xs i)) => | 6.0 | (areduce xs i ret (float 0) (+ ret (aget xs i))) => | 6.0
This type of macros have the first, second and third arguments which must not be evaluated. So
internally skips the evaluation of those arguments. However, I can’t find this
type of macros in clojure.core
namespace but add this type for completeness and the
future possibilities of this type of macros.
This type of macros ignores all the arguments and prints the outermost form and its result.
(dbgn (defmacro unless [pred a b]
`(if (not ~pred) ~a ~b)))
{:ns examples.demo, :line 200} dbgn: (defmacro unless [pred a b] (clojure.core/seq (clojure.core/concat (cl ... => | (defmacro unless [pred a b] (clojure.core/seq (clojure.core/concat (cl ... => | #'user/unless
This type of macros ignores the form itself and prints nothing.
(dbgn (try
(/ 1 0)
(catch ArithmeticException e (str "caught exception: " (.getMessage e)))))
{:ns examples.demo, :line 205} dbgn: (try (/ 1 0) (catch ArithmeticException e (str "caught exception: " (. ... => | (try (/ 1 0) (catch ArithmeticException e (str "caught exception: " (. ... => | "caught exception: Divide by zero"
The evaluated resuts of the catch form are not printed in the above example.
This type of macros will be expanded and then the output will be printed.
(dbgn (-> "a b c d"
(.replace "A" "X")
(.split " ")
; => "X"
{:ns examples.demo, :line 211} dbgn: (-> "a b c d" .toUpperCase (.replace "A" "X") (.split " ") first) => | (.toUpperCase "a b c d") => | "A B C D" | (.replace (.toUpperCase "a b c d") "A" "X") => | "X B C D" | (.split (.replace (.toUpperCase "a b c d") "A" "X") " ") => | ["X", "B", "C", "D"] | (first (.split (.replace (.toUpperCase "a b c d") "A" "X") " ")) => | "X"
(dbgn (.. "fooBAR" toLowerCase (contains "ooba")))
; => true
{:ns examples.demo, :line 217} dbgn: (.. "fooBAR" toLowerCase (contains "ooba")) => | (. "fooBAR" toLowerCase) => | "foobar" | (. (. "fooBAR" toLowerCase) (contains "ooba")) => | true
(let [x 1 y 2]
(dbgn (cond-> []
(odd? x) (conj "x is odd")
(zero? (rem y 3)) (conj "y is divisible by 3")
(even? y) (conj "y is even"))))
; => ["x is odd" "y is even"]
{:ns examples.demo, :line 220} dbgn: (cond-> [] (odd? x) (conj "x is odd") (zero? (rem y 3)) (conj "y is di ... => | [] => | [] | x => | 1 | (odd? x) => | true | G__14051 => | [] | (conj G__14051 "x is odd") => | ["x is odd"] | (if (odd? x) (conj G__14051 "x is odd") G__14051) => | ["x is odd"] | y => | 2 | (rem y 3) => | 2 | (zero? (rem y 3)) => | false | G__14051 => | ["x is odd"] | (if (zero? (rem y 3)) (conj G__14051 "y is divisible by 3") G__14051) => | ["x is odd"] | (even? y) => | true | (conj G__14051 "y is even") => | ["x is odd" "y is even"] | (if (even? y) (conj G__14051 "y is even") G__14051) => | ["x is odd" "y is even"] | (clojure.core/let [G__14051 [] G__14051 (if (odd? x) (conj G__14051 "x ... => | ["x is odd" "y is even"]
dbgn | clogn | |
(limitedly supported)
You can see the evaluated results of the form which incldues loop
~ recur
by using
in Clojure and ClojureScript.
(dbgn (loop [acc 1 n 3]
(if (zero? n)
(recur (* acc n) (dec n)))))
; => 6
{:ns examples.demo, :line 233} dbgn: (loop [acc 1 n 3] (if (zero? n) acc (recur (* acc n) (dec n)))) => | n => | 3 | (zero? n) => | false | acc => | 1 | (* acc n) => | 3 | (dec n) => | 2 | n => | 2 | acc => | 3 | (* acc n) => | 6 | (dec n) => | 1 | n => | 1 | acc => | 6 | (dec n) => | 0 | n => | 0 | (zero? n) => | true | (loop [acc 1 n 3] (debux.common.util/insert-blank-line) (if (zero? n) ... => | 6
(dbgn (defn fact [num]
(loop [acc 1 n num]
(if (zero? n)
(recur (* acc n) (dec n))))))
(fact 3)
; => 6
{:ns examples.demo, :line 239} dbgn: (defn fact [num] (loop [acc 1 n num] (if (zero? n) acc (recur (* acc n ... => | num => | 3 | n => | 3 | (zero? n) => | false | acc => | 1 | (* acc n) => | 3 | (dec n) => | 2 | n => | 2 | acc => | 3 | (* acc n) => | 6 | (dec n) => | 1 | n => | 1 | acc => | 6 | (dec n) => | 0 | n => | 0 | (zero? n) => | true | (loop [acc 1 n num] (debux.common.util/insert-blank-line) (if (zero? n ... => | 6
If you use dbgn in defn /defn- /fn ~ recur form without loop , you
will have the following exception. I am sorry about it, but this is inevitable due to the
implementation restriction.
(dbgn (defn factorial [acc n]
(if (zero? n)
(recur (* acc n) (dec n)))))
1. Caused by java.lang.UnsupportedOperationException Cannot recur across try
However, if you temporarily replace recur with function name itself, you can
debug the form as follows. Be careful not to forget to recover function name itself to
recur after debugging.
(dbgn (defn factorial [acc n]
(if (zero? n)
(factorial (* acc n) (dec n)))))
(factorial 1 3)
; => 6
{:ns examples.demo, :line 248} dbgn: (defn factorial [acc n] (if (zero? n) acc (factorial (* acc n) (dec n) ... => | n => | 3 | (zero? n) => | false | acc => | 1 | (* acc n) => | 3 | (dec n) => | 2 || n => || 2 || (zero? n) => || false || acc => || 3 || (* acc n) => || 6 || (dec n) => || 1 ||| n => ||| 1 ||| (zero? n) => ||| false ||| acc => ||| 6 ||| (* acc n) => ||| 6 ||| (dec n) => ||| 0 |||| n => |||| 0 |||| (zero? n) => |||| true |||| acc => |||| 6 |||| (if (zero? n) acc (factorial (* acc n) (dec n))) => |||| 6 ||| (factorial (* acc n) (dec n)) => ||| 6
If you have some error when analyzing some source code using
, first of all, you have to figure out what type of macro (refer to Categorized 19 types of macros indbgn
) caused the error and then register the macro by usingregister-macros!
. -
You can see the registered macros by using
(register-macros! macro-type macros)
(show-macros macro-type)
(defmacro my-let [bindings & body]
`(let ~bindings ~@body))
;; Registering your own macro
(register-macros! :let-type [my-let])
(dbg (show-macros :let-type))
(dbg (show-macros))
(dbgn (my-let [a 10 b (+ a 10)] (+ a b)))
{:ns examples.demo, :line 261} dbg: (show-macros :let-type) => | {:let-type | #{clojure.core/when-let example.dbgn/my-let clojure.core/let | clojure.core/with-local-vars clojure.core/when-some clojure.core/dotimes | clojure.core/with-open clojure.core/with-redefs clojure.core/binding | clojure.core/with-in-str clojure.core/with-out-str clojure.core/when-first}} {:ns examples.demo, :line 262} dbg: (show-macros) => | {:fn-type #{clojure.core/fn fn*}, | :skip-arg-1-2-3-type #{}, | :skip-form-itself-type | #{clojure.core/definterface clojure.core/defrecord clojure.core/deftype | finally clojure.core/gen-class clojure.core/definline catch | clojure.core/gen-interface clojure.core/defprotocol}, | :case-type #{clojure.core/case}, | :skip-arg-2-3-type #{clojure.core/areduce clojure.core/amap}, | :skip-arg-1-type #{clojure.core/with-precision set!}, | :let-type | #{clojure.core/when-let example.dbgn/my-let clojure.core/let | clojure.core/with-local-vars clojure.core/when-some | clojure.core/dotimes clojure.core/with-open clojure.core/with-redefs | clojure.core/binding clojure.core/with-in-str | clojure.core/with-out-str clojure.core/when-first}, | :skip-arg-2-type #{clojure.core/as->}, | :defn-type #{clojure.core/defn clojure.core/defn-}, | :loop-type #{clojure.core.async/go-loop clojure.core/loop}, | :for-type #{clojure.core/for clojure.core/doseq}, | :def-type #{clojure.core/defonce def}, | :if-let-type #{clojure.core/if-let clojure.core/if-some}, | :letfn-type #{clojure.core/letfn}, | :dot-type #{.}, | :skip-arg-1-2-type #{}, | :skip-all-args-type | #{clojure.core/proxy-super clojure.core/defmacro clojure.core/sync | clojure.core/declare clojure.core/refer-clojure clojure.core/memfn | clojure.core/extend-type new clojure.core/defstruct | clojure.core/defmulti clojure.core/ns clojure.core/proxy | clojure.core/extend clojure.core/extend-protocol var quote | clojure.core/reify clojure.core/import}, | :expand-type | #{clojure.core/doto clojure.core/->> clojure.core/some->> | clojure.core/.. clojure.core/-> clojure.core/some-> | clojure.core/cond-> clojure.core/condp clojure.core/import | clojure.core/cond->>}, | :skip-arg-1-3-type #{clojure.core/defmethod}} {:ns examples.demo, :line 264} dbgn: (my-let [a 10 b (+ a 10)] (+ a b)) => | a => | 10 | (+ a 10) => | 20 | b => | 20 | (+ a b) => | 30 | (my-let [a 10 b (+ a 10)] (debux.common.util/insert-blank-line) (+ a b ... => | 30
(ns example.macro)
(defmacro my-let [bindings & body]
`(let ~bindings ~@body))
(ns examples.demo
(:require [debux.cs.core :as d :refer-macros [clog clogn dbg dbgn break]])
(:require-macros [examples.macro :refer [my-let]]))
;; Registering your own macro
(d/register-macros! :let-type [my-let])
(dbg (d/show-macros :let-type))
(dbg (d/show-macros))
(clogn (my-let [a 10 b (+ a 10)] (+ a b)))
{:ns examples.demo, :line 261} dbg: (d/show-macros :let-type) => | {:let-type | #{example.macro/my-let cljs.core/with-redefs cljs.core/binding | cljs.core/when-first cljs.core/let cljs.core/with-out-str | cljs.core/when-let cljs.core/when-some cljs.core/dotimes}} {:ns examples.demo, :line 262} dbg: (d/show-macros) => | {:fn-type #{fn* cljs.core/fn}, | :skip-arg-1-2-3-type #{}, | :skip-form-itself-type | #{finally cljs.core/defprotocol cljs.core/defrecord cljs.core/deftype | cljs.core/js-comment cljs.core/js-inline-comment catch}, | :case-type #{cljs.core/case}, | :skip-arg-2-3-type #{cljs.core/amap cljs.core/areduce}, | :skip-arg-1-type #{set! cljs.core/this-as}, | :let-type | #{example.macro/my-let cljs.core/with-redefs cljs.core/binding | cljs.core/when-first cljs.core/let cljs.core/with-out-str | cljs.core/when-let cljs.core/when-some cljs.core/dotimes}, | :skip-arg-2-type #{cljs.core/as->}, | :defn-type #{cljs.core/defn- cljs.core/defn}, | :loop-type #{cljs.core/loop}, | :for-type #{cljs.core/doseq cljs.core/for}, | :def-type #{cljs.core/defonce def}, | :if-let-type #{cljs.core/if-some cljs.core/if-let}, | :letfn-type #{cljs.core/letfn}, | :dot-type #{.}, | :skip-arg-1-2-type #{}, | :skip-all-args-type | #{cljs.core/simple-benchmark cljs.core/defmulti cljs.core/specify! | cljs.core/goog-define cljs.core/import-macros cljs.core/specify | cljs.core/use cljs.core/use-macros cljs.core/extend-protocol new | cljs.core/import cljs.core/declare cljs.core/reify cljs.core/require | cljs.core/comment cljs.core/memfn cljs.core/require-macros var | quote cljs.core/refer-clojure cljs.core/extend-type cljs.core/defmacro}, | :expand-type | #{cljs.core/.. cljs.core/some-> cljs.core/-> cljs.core/cond->> | cljs.core/import cljs.core/doto cljs.core/condp cljs.core/cond-> | cljs.core/some->> cljs.core/->>}, | :skip-arg-1-3-type #{cljs.core/defmethod}}
This feature applies to the multiple use of clog and clogn as well.
can be used inside dbgn
or vice versa. For example, if you want to see the printed
results of ->
, ->>
, let
or comp
of dbg
in more compact way than
only using dbgn
, do it like this.
(defn my-fun [a b c]
(dbgn (+ a b c
(dbg (->> (range (- b a))
(map #(* % %))
(filter even?)
(take a)
(reduce +))))))
(my-fun 10 20 100)
; => 250
{:ns examples.demo, :line 271} dbgn: (+ a b c (->> (range (- b a)) (map (fn* [p1__3949#] (* p1__3949# ... => | a => | 10 | b => | 20 | c => | 100 |{:ns examples.demo, :line 272} |dbg: (->> (range (- b a)) (map (fn* [p1__41#] (* p1__41# p1__41#))) (filter ... => || (range (- b a)) => || (0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9) || (map (fn* [p1__41#] (* p1__41# p1__41#))) => || (0 1 4 9 16 25 36 49 64 81) || (filter even?) => || (0 4 16 36 64) || (take a) => || (0 4 16 36 64) || (reduce +) => || 120 | (+ a b c (->> (range (- b a)) (map (fn* [p1__41#] (* p1__41# p1__ ... => | 250
In other words, dbg
can be used selectively inside dbgn
like this, if you want to
avoid printing a deeply nested structure inside dbgn
(let [a 10 b 9 c 8 d 7 e 6 f 5 g 4 h 3]
(dbgn (* a b (dbg (+ c d (- e f (* g h)))))))
; => 360
The above dbg
will prevent dbgn
from printing (+ c d (- e f (* g h))))
{:ns example.demo, :line 15} dbgn: (* a b (+ c d (- e f (* g h)))) => | a => | 10 | b => | 9 |{:ns example.demo, :line 15} |dbg: (+ c d (- e f (* g h))) => || 4 | (* a b (dbg (+ c d (- e f (* g h))))) => | 360
You can use multiple dbgn
or dbg
(def n 10)
(defn add [a b]
(dbgn (+ a b)))
(defn mul [a b]
(dbgn (* a b)))
(dbgn (+ n (mul 3 4) (add 10 20)))
; => 52
{:ns examples.demo, :line 290} dbgn: (+ n (mul 3 4) (add 10 20)) => | n => | 10 |{:ns examples.demo, :line 288} |dbgn: (* a b) => || a => || 3 || b => || 4 || (* a b) => || 12 | (mul 3 4) => | 12 |{:ns examples.demo, :line 285} |dbgn: (+ a b) => || a => || 10 || b => || 20 || (+ a b) => || 30 | (add 10 20) => | 30 | (+ n (mul 3 4) (add 10 20)) => | 52
(def n 10)
(defn add2 [a b]
(dbg (+ a b)))
(defn mul2 [a b]
(dbg (* a b)))
(dbgn (+ n (mul2 3 4) (add2 10 20)))
; => 52
{:ns examples.demo, :line 299} dbgn: (+ n (mul2 3 4) (add2 10 20)) => | n => | 10 |{:ns examples.demo, :line 297} |dbg: (* a b) => || 12 | (mul2 3 4) => | 12 |{:ns examples.demo, :line 294} |dbg: (+ a b) => || 30 | (add2 10 20) => | 30 | (+ n (mul2 3 4) (add2 10 20)) => | 52
The Debux macros dbg
, dbgn
, dbg-last
in Clojure support the safe debugging in
multi-threads since the version 0.7.1.
The following example shows that the messages produced by the dbg
are printed in their
own separate units, not mixed by one another.
(defn my-fn [thread-no]
(dbg (-> "a b c d"
(.replace "A" "X")
(.split " ")
:msg (str "thread-no: " thread-no)))
(Thread/sleep 1000)
(my-fn 1))
(Thread/sleep 1000)
(my-fn 2))
(Thread/sleep 1000)
(my-fn 3))
(dbg (* 2 5))
{:ns examples.lab, :line 45} dbg: (* 2 5) => | 10 {:ns examples.lab, :line 26} dbg: (-> "a b c d" .toUpperCase (.replace "A" "X") (.split " ") first) <thread-no: 1> => | "a b c d" => | "a b c d" | .toUpperCase => | "A B C D" | (.replace "A" "X") => | "X B C D" | (.split " ") => | ["X", "B", "C", "D"] | first => | "X" {:ns examples.lab, :line 26} dbg: (-> "a b c d" .toUpperCase (.replace "A" "X") (.split " ") first) <thread-no: 3> => | "a b c d" => | "a b c d" | .toUpperCase => | "A B C D" | (.replace "A" "X") => | "X B C D" | (.split " ") => | ["X", "B", "C", "D"] | first => | "X" {:ns examples.lab, :line 26} dbg: (-> "a b c d" .toUpperCase (.replace "A" "X") (.split " ") first) <thread-no: 2> => | "a b c d" => | "a b c d" | .toUpperCase => | "A B C D" | (.replace "A" "X") => | "X B C D" | (.split " ") => | ["X", "B", "C", "D"] | first => | "X"
The features of clogt are almost the same as those of dbgt .
and clogt
macros are for debugging transducers.
Special thanks to Vincent Cantin for the idea and inspiration for my writing these macros.
(transduce (dbgt (filter odd?))
conj (range 5))
{:ns examples.lab, :line 5} dbgt: (filter odd?) |> 0 |< [] |> 1 |< [1] |> 2 |< [1] |> 3 |< [1 3] |> 4 |< [1 3]
(transduce (dbgt (comp (map inc) (filter odd?)))
conj (range 5))
{:ns examples.lab, :line 8} dbgt: (comp (map inc) (filter odd?)) |> 0 ||> 1 ||< [1] |< [1] |> 1 ||> 2 ||< [1] |< [1] |> 2 ||> 3 ||< [1 3] |< [1 3] |> 3 ||> 4 ||< [1 3] |< [1 3] |> 4 ||> 5 ||< [1 3 5] |< [1 3 5]
The various options can be added and combined in any order after the form.
Optio ns | dbg | dbgn | clog | clogn | dbgt | clogt | break |
(not supported)
You can add your own message in a string and it will be printed between less-than and more-than signs like this.
(dbg (repeat 5 "x") "5 times repeat"))
; => ("x" "x" "x" "x" "x")
{:ns examples.demo, :line 305} dbg: (repeat 5 "x") <5 times repeat> => | ("x" "x" "x" "x" "x")
Sometimes you need to create the message dynamically. This option can be useful in the multi-threads programming like this.
(defn my-fn2 [thread-no]
(dbg (* thread-no (+ 10 20)) :msg (str "thread-no: " thread-no)))
(Thread/sleep 3000)
(my-fn2 1))
(Thread/sleep 1000)
(my-fn2 2))
(Thread/sleep 2000)
(my-fn2 3))
(dbg (* 10 5))
{:ns examples.lab, :line 20} dbg: (* 10 5) => | 50 {:ns examples.lab, :line 6} dbg: (* thread-no (+ 10 20)) <thread-no: 2> => | 60 {:ns examples.lab, :line 6} dbg: (* thread-no (+ 10 20)) <thread-no: 3> => | 90 {:ns examples.lab, :line 6} dbg: (* thread-no (+ 10 20)) <thread-no: 1> => | 30
If the above String
option and this :msg
option both exist, the :msg
option has the
higher precedence.
If you don’t specify a number after the form returning the coll
data type, debux
macros will print the default 100 items.
(dbgn (count (range 200)))
; => 200
{:ns examples.demo, :line 309} dbgn: (count (range 200)) => | (range 200) => | (0 1 2 ...... 99 ...) | (count (range 200)) => | 200
So, if you want to print less or more than default 100 items, specify the number explicitly like this.
(dbgn (count (range 200)) 200) ; => 200
{:ns examples.demo, :line 311} dbgn: (count (range 200)) => | (range 200) => | (0 1 2 ...... 199) | (count (range 200)) => | 200
The same rule applies to the case of evaluating an infinite lazy-seq. If you omit the
number in evaluating an infinite lazy-seq, in the same manner it will print default 100
elements to prevent OutOfMemoryError
(dbgn (take 5 (range)))
; => (0 1 2 3 4)
{:ns examples.demo, :line 313} dbgn: (take 5 (range)) => | (range) => | (0 1 2 ...... 99 ...) | (take 5 (range)) => | (0 1 2 3 4)
The elements of the nested coll
types will be printed as much as specified numbers.
(def m
{:list (range)
:vector (vec (range 100))
:map (zipmap (range 100) (cycle [:a :b :c]))
:set (set (range 100))})
(dbgn (count m) 5)
; => 4
{:ns examples.demo, :line 328} dbgn: (count m) => | m => | {:list (0 1 2 3 4 ...), | :vector [0 1 2 3 4 ...], | :map {0 :a, 65 :c, 70 :b, 62 :c, 74 :c, ...}, | :set #{0 65 70 62 74 ...}} | (count m) => | 4
The Clojure source codes are the Clojure data structures as well, which is known as
homoiconcity. When the debux macros traverse the Clojure source code trees, they
enter the lists or vectors within the trees but don’t enter the maps or sets within
the trees. So the codes themselves within the above map m aren’t printed in the
middle of the evaluated results, because they are wrapped inside the map m .
If you want to change the default number globally, use set-print-length!
like this.
;; in Clojure
(set-print-length! 10)
(dbgn (take 5 (range)))
; => (0 1 2 3 4)
{:ns examples.demo, :line 318} dbgn: (take 5 (range)) => | (range) => | (0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 ...) | (take 5 (range)) => | (0 1 2 3 4)
;; in ClojureScript
(ns example.core
(:require [debux.cs.core :as d :refer-macros [clog clogn dbg dbgn break]]))
(d/set-print-length! 10)
(clogn (take 5 (range)))
You can set :if
option like this.
(doseq [i (range 10)]
(dbg i :if (even? i)))
; => (0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9)
{:ns examples.demo, :line 333} dbg: i => | 0 {:ns examples.demo, :line 333} dbg: i => | 2 {:ns examples.demo, :line 333} dbg: i => | 4 {:ns examples.demo, :line 333} dbg: i => | 6 {:ns examples.demo, :line 333} dbg: i => | 8
The :locals
option is added, according to the request
#issue 19.
(let [x 10 y 20]
(dbg (+ x y) :locals)
(dbg (-> 100 inc inc) :l)
(dbgn (-> 200 inc inc) :l))
{:ns examples.lab, :line 11}
dbg: (+ x y) =>
| :locals =>
| {x 10, y 20}
| 30
{:ns examples.lab, :line 12}
dbg: (-> 100 inc inc) =>
| :locals =>
| {x 10, y 20}
| 100 =>
| 100
| inc =>
| 101
| inc =>
| 102
{:ns examples.lab, :line 14}
dbgn: (-> 200 inc inc) =>
| :locals =>
| {x 10, y 20}
| (inc 200) =>
| 201
| (inc (inc 200)) =>
| 202
The :print (or :p in brief) option applies only to dbg /clog .
If you don’t want to see the evaluated result itself but the result applied to another operations, use ‘:print one-arg-fn’ (or ‘:p one-arg-fn’) option like this.
(+ 10 (dbg (* 20 30) :print #(type %)))
; => 610
;; equivalent to the above
(+ 10 (dbg (* 20 30) :print type))
; => 610
{:ns examples.demo, :line 337} dbg: (* 20 30) => | java.lang.Long
The above example prints java.lang.Long
, not 600
(def person
{:name "Mark Volkmann"
:address {:street "644 Glen Summit"
:city "St. Charles"
:state "Missouri"
:zip 63304}
:employer {:name "Object Computing, Inc."
:address {:street "12140 Woodcrest Dr."
:city "Creve Coeur"
:state "Missouri"
:zip 63141}}})
(dbg person :p #(get-in % [:employer :address :city]))
{:ns examples.demo, :line 339} dbg: person => | "Creve Coeur"
The above example prints the most inner :city
part, not person
The same duplicate evaluated results are not printed by default as follows.
(dbgn (def my-function "my-function doc string"
(fn [x] (* x x x))))
(my-function 10)
; => 1000
{:ns examples.demo, :line 343} dbgn: (def my-function "my-function doc string" (fn [x] (* x x x))) => | (fn [x] (* x x x)) => | #function[example.core/eval24554/result--24229--auto----24555] | (def my-function "my-function doc string" (fn [x] (* x x x))) => | #'example.core/my-function | x => | 10 | (* x x x) => | 1000
However, you can print the same duplicate evaluated values by :dup
(dbgn (def my-function "my-function doc string"
(fn [x] (* x x x))) :dup)
(my-function 10)
; => 1000
{:ns examples.demo, :line 349} dbgn: (def my-function "my-function doc string" (fn [x] (* x x x))) => | (fn [x] (* x x x)) => | #function[example.core/eval24554/result--24229--auto----24555] | (def my-function "my-function doc string" (fn [x] (* x x x))) => | #'example.core/my-function | x => | 10 | x => | 10 | x => | 10 | (* x x x) => | 1000
You will sometimes need to print every duplicate evaluated value to see exactly what’s going on.
Compare the results of the next two examples.
(dbgn (loop [acc 1 n 3]
(if (zero? n)
(recur (* acc n) (dec n)))))
; => 6
(dbgn (loop [acc 1 n 3]
(if (zero? n)
(recur (* acc n) (dec n)))) :dup)
; => 6
{:ns examples.demo, :line 355} dbgn: (loop [acc 1 n 3] (if (zero? n) acc (recur (* acc n) (dec n)))) => | n => | 3 | (zero? n) => | false | acc => | 1 | (* acc n) => | 3 | (dec n) => | 2 | n => | 2 | acc => | 3 | (* acc n) => | 6 | (dec n) => | 1 | n => | 1 | acc => | 6 | (dec n) => | 0 | n => | 0 | (zero? n) => | true | (loop [acc 1 n 3] (debux.common.util/insert-blank-line) (if (zero? n) ... => | 6 {:ns examples.demo, :line 360} dbgn: (loop [acc 1 n 3] (if (zero? n) acc (recur (* acc n) (dec n)))) => | n => | 3 | (zero? n) => | false | acc => | 1 | n => | 3 | (* acc n) => | 3 | n => | 3 | (dec n) => | 2 | n => | 2 | (zero? n) => | false | acc => | 3 | n => | 2 | (* acc n) => | 6 | n => | 2 | (dec n) => | 1 | n => | 1 | (zero? n) => | false | acc => | 6 | n => | 1 | (* acc n) => | 6 | n => | 1 | (dec n) => | 0 | n => | 0 | (zero? n) => | true | acc => | 6 | (loop [acc 1 n 3] (debux.common.util/insert-blank-line) (if (zero? n) ... => | 6
You can set the debug level by using with-level
macro and specify :level
option as
follows. You can specify the debug levels with any positive numbers including the floating
point numbers. The with-level
macro uses a dynamic var of Clojure internally, so you can
nest with-level
macros to whatever level you want.
;; The default debug level is 0.
(dbg (+ 10 20))
(dbg (+ 10 20 3) :level 3)
(dbg (+ 10 20 5) :level 5)
{:ns examples.lab, :line 18} dbg: (+ 10 20) => | 30 {:ns examples.lab, :line 19} dbg: (+ 10 20 3) => | 33 {:ns examples.lab, :line 20} dbg: (+ 10 20 5) => | 35
(with-level 3
(dbg (+ 10 20))
(dbg (+ 10 20 3) :level 3)
(dbg (+ 10 20 5) :level 5))
{:ns examples.lab, :line 12} dbg: (+ 10 20 3) => | 33 {:ns examples.lab, :line 13} dbg: (+ 10 20 5) => | 35
(defn my-add [a b]
(dbg (+ a b) :level 2))
(defn my-sub [a b]
(dbg (- a b) :level 3))
(with-level 3
(dbg (my-add 10 20))
(dbg (my-sub 100 10))
(with-level 0
(dbg (* 10 2))))
{:ns examples.lab, :line 20} dbg: (- a b) => | 90 {:ns examples.lab, :line 27} dbg: (* 10 2) => | 20
See the details here.
The following is the example of using clog
and clogn
in Chrome browser.
(ns example.core
(:require [debux.cs.core :as d :refer-macros [clog clogn dbg dbgn break]]))
(clog (repeat 5 "x") "5 times repeat")
(clogn (repeat 5 (repeat 5 "x")) "25 times repeat")
You can style the form, using the following predefined keywords.
keyword | abbreviation |
:style |
:s |
:error |
:e |
:warn |
:w |
:info |
:i |
:debug |
:d |
(clog (+ 10 20) :style :error "error style") (clog (+ 10 20) :style :warn "warn style") (clog (+ 10 20) :style :info "info style") (clog (+ 10 20) :style :debug "debug style") (clog (+ 10 20) "debug style is default")
Or in brief
(clog (+ 10 20) :s :e "error style") (clog (+ 10 20) :s :w "warn style") (clog (+ 10 20) :s :i "info style") (clog (+ 10 20) :s :d "debug style") (clog (+ 10 20) "debug style is default")
You can redefine the predefined styles or define your own new style by using
like this.
(d/merge-styles {:warn "background: #9400D3; color: white"
:love "background: #FF1493; color: white"})
(clog (+ 10 20) :style :warn "warn style changed")
(clog (+ 10 20) :style :love "love style")
;; You can style the form directly in string format in any way you want.
(clog (+ 10 20) :style "color:orange; background:blue; font-size: 14pt")
If you add :once
(or :o
in brief) option after the form, the same evaluated value will
not be printed. This is a very useful feature, when you are debugging a game programming,
where successive multiple frames usually have the same evaluated value.
(def a (atom 10))
; This will be printed.
(clog @a :once)
; This will not be printed,
; because the evaluated value is the same as before.
(clog @a :once)
(reset! a 20)
; This will be printed,
; because the evaluated value is not the same as before.
(clog @a :once)
; This will not be printed,
; because the evaluated value is the same as before.
(clog @a :once)
(:once mode) string is appended after the form header to remind you of :once
If :js
option is added after the form, the JavaScript object will be printed as well, so
you can inspect the internal structures of ClojureScript data types or the JavaScript
objects returned by JavaScript interops in ClojureScript.
(clog {:a 10 :b 20} :js)
You can use break
to set the breakpoint in the source code like this. You can add string
option for message, or :if
option for conditional break.
(break "hello world")
(break :if (> 10 20) "this will not be printed")
(break :if (< 10 20) "10 is less than 20")
You can see the message in DevTools' console window.
After setting the breakpoint, you can inspect the callstack, locals, etc. in the browser’s DevTools window.
(defn my-fun2
[a {:keys [b c d] :or {d 10 b 20 c 30}} [e f g & h]]
(break "in my-fun2")
(clog [a b c d e f g h]))
(my-fun2 (take 5 (range)) {:c 50 :d 100} ["a" "b" "c" "d" "e"])
You can see the message in DevTools' console window.
If you don’t use the above options at all, you can use the tagged literals: #d/dbg
, #d/dbgn
, #d/dbgt
, #d/clogn
, #d/clogt
. They behave exactly in the same way as their
counterparts dbg
, dbgn
, clog
, clogn
. So in the no options case, you don’t have
to wrap the form by the parentheses any more, if you want.
#d/dbg (+ 1 2 #d/dbg (* 3 4))
{:ns examples.lab, :line 5}
dbg: (+ 1 2 (* 3 4)) =>
|{:ns examples.lab, :line 5}
|dbg: (* 3 4) =>
|| 12
| 15
#d/dbgn (+ (* 2 5) #d/dbg (+ 10 (* 3 4)))
{:ns examples.lab, :line 7}
dbgn: (+ (* 2 5) (+ 10 (* 3 4))) =>
| (* 2 5) =>
| 10
|{:ns examples.lab, :line 7}
|dbg: (+ 10 (* 3 4)) =>
|| 22
| (+ (* 2 5) (+ 10 (* 3 4))) =>
| 32
#d/dbg (+ (* 2 5) #d/dbgn (+ 10 (* 3 4)))
{:ns examples.lab, :line 9}
dbg: (+ (* 2 5) (+ 10 (* 3 4))) =>
|{:ns examples.lab, :line 9}
|dbgn: (+ 10 (* 3 4)) =>
|| (* 3 4) =>
|| 12
|| (+ 10 (* 3 4)) =>
|| 22
| 32
You can comment out the tagged literals temporarily, by appending #d/dbg (+ 1 2 #_d/dbg (* 3 4)) REPL output
{:ns examples.lab, :line 5}
dbg: (+ 1 2 (* 3 4)) =>
| 15 |
The dbg-last /clog-last macros must be used inside the thread-last macro
The options of dbg-last /clog-last macros are the same as those of dbg /clog .
If you want to use dbg
macro with its options inside the thread-last macro
like this, you will have an exception.
(->> (range 10)
(filter odd?)
(dbg 5 "after filter")
(map inc))
; >> 1. Unhandled java.lang.IllegalArgumentException
; Don't know how to create ISeq from: java.lang.Long
The dbg-last
macro is to the rescue of this case.
(->> (range 20)
(filter odd?)
(dbg-last 5 "after filter")
(map inc))
; => (2 4 6 8 10 12 14 16 18 20)
{:ns examples.demo} dbg: (filter odd? (range 20)) <after filter> => | (1 3 5 7 9)
There is no problem in case of the dbg
macro with its options inside the thread-first
macro ->
(-> (range 10)
(conj 100)
(dbg 5 "after conj")
; => [100 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9]
{:ns examples.demo, :line 374} dbg: (conj (range 10) 100) <after conj> => | (100 0 1 2 3)
The function dbg-prn doesn’t follow the usage employed in dbg /clog . It is just
another name of println which can be used at the macro-expansion time.
dbg-prn can be used inside the macros for Clojure.
See the detailed explaination here.
Only dbg
, dbgn
and dbgt
will call the functions registered by add-tag
using tap>
function internally.
dbg | dbgn | clog | clogn | dbgt | clogt | |
The following is an example of using tap>
support in Debux.
(ns examples.tap-output
(:require [debux.tap-output :as d]
[java-time.api :as jt])
(defn log [x]
(spit "event.log" (str x \newline) :append true))
(defn my-date-time []
(->> (jt/local-date-time)
(jt/format :iso-date-time) ))
(defn -main []
(println "\nRunning debux examples...\n")
;; add log function to tap
(add-tap log)
;; For example, if you want to log the results of dbg/dbgn/dbgt
;; Firstly, run set-tap-output! function like this.
(d/set-tap-output! true)
;; Optionally run set-date-time-fn! like this.
;; This will add :time info to the src-info line additionally.
(d/set-date-time-fn! my-date-time)
(d/dbg (+ 10 20))
(d/dbgn (+ 10 (* 2 3)))
(transduce (dbgt (comp (map inc) (filter odd?)))
conj (range 5)))
file will have the follwing logs.
{:ns examples.tap-output, :line 30, :time "2023-10-18T20:40:56.183613"} dbg: (+ 10 20) => | 30 {:ns examples.tap-output, :line 31, :time "2023-10-18T20:40:56.191472"} dbgn: (+ 10 (* 2 3)) => | (* 2 3) => | 6 | (+ 10 (* 2 3)) => | 16 {:ns examples.tap-output, :line 32, :time "2023-10-18T20:40:56.192775"} dbgt: (comp (map inc) (filter odd?)) |> 0 ||> 1 ||< [1] |< [1] |> 1 ||> 2 ||< [1] |< [1] |> 2 ||> 3 ||< [1 3] |< [1 3] |> 3 ||> 4 ||< [1 3] |< [1 3] |> 4 ||> 5 ||< [1 3 5] |< [1 3 5]
supports cljs-devtools since the version0.5.9
If you want to use
printing in debux,-
firstly, call the
function in your source code explicitly like this.(debux.cs.core/set-cljs-devtools! true) ;; the default value is false
secondly, install
cljs compiler option like this, following cljs-devtools installition guide.project.clj(defproject your-project "0.1.0" :dependencies [[binaryage/devtools "1.0.2"] ,,,,,,] ,,,,,, :cljsbuild {:builds [{:compiler {:preloads [devtools.preload] ,,,,,,}}]})
Or install it manually like this.
(ns your-project.devtools (:require [devtools.core :as devtools])) (devtools/install!)
Don’t forget to to turn on the Chrome DevTools' [Settings — Preferences — Console — Enable custom formatters], before using
printing. -
You should read Why some custom formatters were not rendered? before using cljs-devtools printing.
You can confiugre
in various ways as you like. See the details in cljs-devtools configuration.
The running exampls is under the examples
subproject folder of this project.
{:paths ["src/clj"]
:deps {philoskim/debux {:mvn/version "0.9.1"} }}
# run in the `examples` subproject root folder examples> bb -m examples.bb-run
Electric has some problems on expanding the user-defined macros. See here for the related issue.
So according to the advice of dustingetz, the author of Electric, I created the new namespaces and wrote some macros for Electric in Debux as follows.
;;; The server side macros for Electric debux.electric namespace: dbg, dbgn, dbgt, dbg-last, dbg_, dbgn_, dbgt_, dbg-last_ ;;; The client side macros for Electric debux.cs.electric namespace: clog, clogn, clogt, clog-last, clog_, clogn_, clogt_, clog-last_ dbg, dbgn, dbgt, dbg-last, dbg_, dbgn_, dbgt_, dbg-last_
The following is the examples for Electric.
(ns user.demo-toggle (:require [hyperfiddle.electric :as e] [hyperfiddle.electric-dom2 :as dom] [hyperfiddle.electric-ui4 :as ui] #?(:cljs [debux.cs.electric :refer-macros [clog clogn clogt clog-last clog_ clogn_ clogt_ clog-last_ dbg dbgn dbgt dbg-last dbg_ dbgn_ dbgt_ dbg-last_]]) )) #?(:clj (use 'debux.electric)) #?(:clj (defonce !x (atom true))) ; server state (e/def x (e/server (e/watch !x))) ; reactive signal derived from atom (e/defn Toggle [] (e/client (dom/h1 (dom/text "Toggle Client/Server")) (dom/div (dom/text "number type here is: " (case x true (e/client (clogn (pr-str (type 1)))) ;; <-- Here false (e/server (dbgn (pr-str (type 1))) )))) ;; <-- Here (dom/div (dom/text "current site: " (case x true "ClojureScript (client)" false "Clojure (server)"))) (ui/button (e/fn [] (e/server (swap! !x not))) (dom/text "toggle client/server"))))
If you want to turn off the source info line printing in the debux
macros, use
(set-source-info-mode! false)
. The :ns
and :line
source info line will not be
(set-source-info-mode! false)
(dbg (+ 2 3))
(dbgn (* 10 (+ 2 3)))
(set-source-info-mode! true)
(dbg (+ 20 30))
(dbgn (* 10 (+ 2 3)))
dbg: (+ 2 3) => | 5 dbgn: (* 10 (+ 2 3)) => | (+ 2 3) => | 5 | (* 10 (+ 2 3)) => | 50 {:ns examples.lab, :line 11} dbg: (+ 20 30) => | 50 {:ns examples.lab, :line 12} dbgn: (* 10 (+ 2 3)) => | (+ 2 3) => | 5 | (* 10 (+ 2 3)) => | 50
You can change the default line bullet “|” by using set-line-bullet!
as follows.
(set-line-bullet! ";")
(dbg (+ 20 30))
(dbgn (* 10 (+ 2 3)))
(set-line-bullet! " ")
(dbg (+ 20 30))
(dbgn (* 10 (+ 2 3)))
{:ns examples.lab, :line 11} dbg: (+ 20 30) => ; 50 {:ns examples.lab, :line 12} dbgn: (* 10 (+ 2 3)) => ; (+ 2 3) => ; 5 ; (* 10 (+ 2 3)) => ; 50 {:ns examples.lab, :line 17} dbg: (+ 20 30) => 50 {:ns examples.lab, :line 18} dbgn: (* 10 (+ 2 3)) => (+ 2 3) => 5 (* 10 (+ 2 3)) => 50
You can temporarily turn off the debux macros by appending _
after the existing
debux macro names or turn off the tagged literals by appending _
after #
Macros | turning-off | Tagged literals | turning-off |
(set-debug-mode! false)
is run, the effects ofset-ns-whitelist!
will be ignored.(set-debug-mode! false) ;; The folowings take no effect at all. (set-ns-whitelist! ["my-app.*" ]) (set-ns-blacklist! ["my-app.foo" "my-app.bar.*"])
are both run like this, allmy-app.*
will be run.(set-ns-whitelist! ["my-app.*" ]) (set-ns-blacklist! ["my-app.foo" "my-app.bar.*"])
The following (in examples folder) is an example.
(defproject examples ,,,,,, :main examples.core ,,,,,,)
(ns examples.core
(:require [debux.core :as d])
(defn -main []
(println "\nRunning debux examples...\n")
;(d/set-debug-mode! false)
(d/set-ns-whitelist! ["examples.dbg*"])
(d/set-ns-blacklist! ["examples.dbgn"])
;; You should require dynamically the namespaces that you want to load.
(require 'examples.dbg)
(require 'examples.options)
(require 'examples.dbgn))
(defproject examples ,,,,,, :cljsbuild {:builds [{,,,,,, :compiler {,,,,,, :preloads [examples.preload] ,,,,,,}}]})
(ns examples.preload
(:require [debux.cs.core :as d]))
;(d/set-debug-mode! false)
(d/set-ns-whitelist! ["examples.clog*"])
(d/set-ns-blacklist! ["examples.clogn"])
You had better use dbg
instead of clog
on Node.js JavaScript
console, because Node.js doesn’t support colors in its console.log
function. The
following shows the example.
(ns examples.node
(:require [cljs.nodejs :as nodejs]
[debux.cs.core :refer-macros [clog clogn dbg dbgn]] ))
(defn -main [& args]
(dbgn (+ 2 (* 3 4)))
(clogn (+ 2 (* 3 4))))
(set! *main-cli-fn* -main)
{:ns examples.node :line 6} dbgn: (+ 2 (* 3 4)) => | (* 3 4) => | 12 | (+ 2 (* 3 4)) => | 14 {:ns examples.node :line 7} %cclogn: %c (+ 2 (* 3 4)) %c => color: #8b008b background: #ffc125; color: black color: black => | %c (* 3 4) %c => background: #ffc125; color: black color: black => | 12 | %c (+ 2 (* 3 4)) %c => background: #ffc125; color: black color: black => | 14
Of course, you should use the clog
instead of dbg
Electron apps on Node.js, because Electron supports colors
in its console.log
You can use both dbg
and clog
on the browser REPL. The following is
an example about running the figwheel.
(defproject examples "0.1.0-SNAPSHOT"
:dependencies [[org.clojure/clojure "1.10.0"]
[org.clojure/clojurescript "1.10.238"]
[philoskim/debux "0.9.1"]]
:plugins [[lein-cljsbuild "1.1.6"]
[lein-figwheel "0.5.10"]]
:source-paths ["src/clj"]
:clean-targets ^{:protect false}
:cljsbuild {:builds [{:id "dev"
:source-paths ["src/cljs"]
:figwheel true
:compiler {:main examples.core
:asset-path "js/out"
:output-to "resources/public/js/app.js"
:output-dir "resources/public/js/out"
:source-map true
:optimizations :none} }]})
And then run figwheel like this on terminal window.
$ lein figwheel Figwheel: Cutting some fruit, just a sec ... Figwheel: Validating the configuration found in project.clj Figwheel: Configuration Valid :) Figwheel: Starting server at Figwheel: Watching build - dev Compiling "resources/public/js/app.js" from ["src/cljs"]... Successfully compiled "resources/public/js/app.js" in 2.14 seconds. Launching ClojureScript REPL for build: dev Figwheel Controls: (stop-autobuild) ;; stops Figwheel autobuilder (start-autobuild [id ...]) ;; starts autobuilder focused on optional ids (switch-to-build id ...) ;; switches autobuilder to different build (reset-autobuild) ;; stops, cleans, and starts autobuilder (reload-config) ;; reloads build config and resets autobuild (build-once [id ...]) ;; builds source one time (clean-builds [id ..]) ;; deletes compiled cljs target files (print-config [id ...]) ;; prints out build configurations (fig-status) ;; displays current state of system (figwheel.client/set-autoload false) ;; will turn autoloading off (figwheel.client/set-repl-pprint false) ;; will turn pretty printing off Switch REPL build focus: :cljs/quit ;; allows you to switch REPL to another build Docs: (doc function-name-here) Exit: Control+C or :cljs/quit Results: Stored in vars *1, *2, *3, *e holds last exception object Prompt will show when Figwheel connects to your application
After that, connect to http://localhost:3449
on your browser.
To quit, type: :cljs/quit cljs.user=> (require '[debux.cs.core :refer-macros [clog clogn dbg dbgn break]]) nil cljs.user=> (dbg (+ 1 2)) {:ns cljs.user :line 4} dbg: (+ 1 2) => | 3 3 cljs.user=>
Now you can do anything in this browser REPL as in the Clojure REPL. When you evaluate
in your ClojureScript source code, the result will go to both the REPL window
and the browser’s console window. When you evaluate clog
in your ClojureScript
source code, the result will go only to your browser’s console window.
Inserting or deleting dbg
manually is very painful. As Emacs user
I wrote debux.el
for Emacs CIDER for my convenience. I think it’s not perfect but better
than nothing. If you find it useful, append the following debux.el
(which is in project
root folder) to the ~/.emacs.d/init.el
Refer to the source code of debux.el
If you are editing on
files,(dbg ...)
or(dbgn ...)
will be inserted or deleted. -
If you are editing on
files,(clog ...)
or(clogn ...)
will be inserted or deleted.
When you double-click the left mouse button on one of the open parentheses and the
following string is not dbg
or clog
, it will be inserted.
of the following examples marks the cursor position.
;; before
;; v
(let [a 1 b 2]
(+ a b))
;; after
(dbg (let [a 1 b 2]
(+ a b)))
When you double-click on a symbol, dbg
or clog
will be inserted as well.
;; before
; v
(+ a b)
;; after
(+ (dbg a) b)
When you double-click on one of the open parentheses while pressing <Ctrl>
key and the
following string is not dbgn
or clogn
, it will be inserted.
;; before
;; v
(defn foo [a b c]
(* a b c))
;; after
(dbgn (defn foo [a b c]
(* a b c)))
When you double-click on one of the open parentheses and the following string is dbg
, dbgn
or clogn
, it will be deleted.
;; before
;; v
(dbg (let [a 1 b 2]
(+ a b)))
;; after
(let [a 1 b 2]
(+ a b))
;; before
;; v
(dbgn (defn foo [a b c]
(* a b c)))
;; after
(defn foo [a b c]
(* a b c))