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ExtractTelemetry.cpp is a C++ tool that processes video frames, extracts telemetry data using OCR (Tesseract), and outputs the results in a structured format.

(Note: was abandoned because it was too slow, but I checked it in anyway in case someone wants to try to improve it.)

Sample Plot (after some manual cleanup of OCR mistakes)

Chart of Starship IFT-7 Speed and Altitude


  • Extracts numerical telemetry values from video overlays
  • Uses OpenCV for video frame processing
  • Uses Tesseract OCR for text recognition
  • Outputs telemetry data with confidence levels
  • Supports logging and real-time data display



Ensure you have the following dependencies installed:

  • C++ Compiler (g++ or clang++)
  • OpenCV (for video processing)
  • Tesseract OCR (for text extraction)
  • JSON for Modern C++ (for structured output)
  • CMake (optional, for easier builds)

Installing Dependencies

Ubuntu / Debian

sudo apt update
sudo apt install g++ cmake libopencv-dev tesseract-ocr libtesseract-dev libleptonica-dev

MacOS (Homebrew)

brew install cmake opencv tesseract

Windows (vcpkg)

vcpkg install opencv tesseract jsoncpp


Using g++

g++ -o extractTelemetry.exe extractTelemetry.cpp `pkg-config --cflags --libs opencv4 jsoncpp` -llept -ltesseract -std=c++17

Using CMake

  1. Create a CMakeLists.txt file:
cmake_minimum_required(VERSION 3.10)

find_package(OpenCV REQUIRED)
find_package(Tesseract REQUIRED)

add_executable(extractTelemetry extractTelemetry.cpp)
target_link_libraries(extractTelemetry ${OpenCV_LIBS} tesseract jsoncpp)
  1. Build the project:
mkdir build
cd build
cmake ..

Downloading and Preparing Video to Process

Navigate to the twitter/X post that contains a video of the livestream that you want, right click on it, and select "Copy Video Address".

You will need to install the command line tool "yt-dlp" and then run it using the copied link.

 & 'C:\Program Files\yt-dlp\yt-dlp.exe' ""

You can install ffmpeg and use it to trim the video down to just the portion containing the telemetry. For example...

ffmpeg -ss 0:40:00.0 -to 0:48:35 -i '.\Starship''s Seventh Flight Test [1OwGWNYrzZVKQ].mp4' StarshipIFT7.mp4

Running the Program

After compiling, run the program with:

./extractTelemetry path/to/video.mp4

Example Usage

./extractTelemetry StarshipIFT7.mp4

This will extract telemetry data from StarshipIFT7.mp4.

You can also add the options "-ss" and "-to" (with timestamps) to extract telemetry from a portion of the video.


The program prints extracted telemetry values in real-time:

Extracted:   45  3200  12000   5000  15000 (Conf:  98%  95%  92%  89%  99%)

Additionally, it saves the results in a structured JavaScript file:

export const StarshipIFT7 = [
	"boost_alt" : 0,
	"boost_alt_confidence" : 95.621681213378906,
	"boost_speed" : 117,
	"boost_speed_confidence" : 96.331283569335938,
	"frame" : 546,
	"ship_alt" : 0,
	"ship_alt_confidence" : 96.276702880859375,
	"ship_speed" : 117,
	"ship_speed_confidence" : 76.103164672851562,
	"timeInSec" : 11.06640625,
	"timer" : "T+00:00:11",
	"timer_confidence" : 86.704505920410156
	"boost_alt" : 0,
	"boost_alt_confidence" : 95.621681213378906,
	"boost_speed" : 117,
	"boost_speed_confidence" : 96.331283569335938,
	"frame" : 547,
	"ship_alt" : 0,
	"ship_alt_confidence" : 96.276702880859375,
	"ship_speed" : 117,
	"ship_speed_confidence" : 86.489372253417969,
	"timeInSec" : 11.099609375,
	"timer" : "T+00:00:11",
	"timer_confidence" : 86.199371337890625


  • Error: Could not open video file

    • Ensure the video file exists and the path is correct.
    • Try using an absolute file path.
  • Error: Invalid resolution 0 dpi

    • Ensure ocr.SetSourceResolution(300); is set in the code.
  • OCR Accuracy Issues

    • Try adjusting the thresholding parameters in OpenCV.
    • Use a higher-resolution input video.


Contributions are welcome! Feel free to open an issue or submit a pull request.


This project is licensed under the MIT License.


No description, website, or topics provided.






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