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Releases: per1234/Arduino-AVRISPmkII-fix


26 Sep 19:31
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It's a workaround, not a fix

Attempts to alleviate the semantic inaccuracy kindly pointed out to me


25 Sep 13:38
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Upload Using Programmer fix

I started getting "Error while uploading: missing
'program.params.verbose' configuration parameter" when trying to Upload
Using Programmer although I have successfully done it before. The
solution was to add a platform.txt that specifies the parameter. This
platform.txt file is only used for Upload Using Programmer, the
platform.txt associated with the selected board(or the default one if
the selected board doesn't have an associated platform.txt) is used for
Burn Bootloader so I can't move the fix from programmers.txt  by
modifying the "erase" and "bootloader" avrdude platform.txt entries in
the included platform.txt unfortunately. By replacing the
{program.extra_params} with -Pusb in tools.avrdude.program.pattern I was
able to fix the issue of the Burn Bootloader workaround causing Upload
Using Programmer to upload the bootloader also.


07 Sep 12:20
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