This project creates a publishable SDK.
For development we recommend packing SDKs with the following method:
cd <repo>/moe/tools/master
./gradlew :moe-sdk:devsdk
This will create the SDK structure under the build
directory, which can be used with the Gradle plugin.
This task requires the moe-core
project to be built.
Build and publish release version to Maven local repository:
cd <repo>/moe/tools/master
./gradlew :moe-sdk:publishMavenJavaPublicationToMavenLocal
Build and publish snapshot version to Maven local repository:
cd <repo>/moe/tools/master
./gradlew :moe-sdk:publishMavenJavaSnapshotPublicationToMavenLocal
Build and publish release version to Bintray:
cd <repo>/moe/tools/master
./gradlew :moe-sdk:bintrayUpload \
-Pbintray.user=<user> \
Build and publish snapshot version to Artifactory:
cd <repo>/moe/tools/master
./gradlew :moe-sdk:artifactoryPublish \
-Partifactory.url=<url> \
-Partifactory.key=<key> \
-Partifactory.user=<user> \
These tasks require the moe-core
project to be built.
During development, you might want to pack debug versions of dex2oat and MOE.framework. To do this we provide two parameters:
: pack the debug build of dex2oat instead of the release
: pack the debug build of the frameworks instead of the release build.
For example, if you want to use a release dex2oat with debug frameworks:
cd <repo>/moe/tools/master
./gradlew :moe-sdk:devsdk -Pmoe.moe_core.sdk.debug
This requires debug builds of the frameworks, for more information on how to create them, visit here.
By default the SDK contains tools executables for running on both Windows and macOS. To limit the SDK to contain tools for one single paltform we provide the following properties:
: build and pack SDK tools for Windows
: build and pack SDK tools for macOS only.
Custom SDKs require a customized Gradle plugin.