A from scratch C++ implementation of ChaCha20 & Poly1305
stream cipher described in RFC - 8439.
All test from RFC-8439 is implemented here and is inside the tests
git clone https://github.com/mrdcvlsc/ChaCha20-Poly1305.git
cd ChaCha20-Poly1305
git submodule update --init --recursive
- std=c++20
- x86_64 or aarch64 architecture
- little endian system
If your system does not have these requirements, it might produce wrong results or might not even compile.
Note: one byte is equivalent to one unsigned char
, If we have an array with a size of 5 bytes, that is an array of type unsigned char
with 5 elements.
The sizes of the parameter arrays are mentioned in the documentation comments in the example code below:
* @param outputCipher resulting cipher text output,
* The size of outputCipher in bytes is equivalent to textLen.
* @param outputTag resulting 128bit / 16 byte array,
* @param inputText plain text to be ENCRYPTED.
* @param textLen size of the inputText in bytes.
* @param AAD Arbitrary length additional authenticated data.
* @param AAD_len size of the AAD in bytes.
* @param key a 256-bit key or 32 byte unsigned char array.
* @param nonce number only/use once, a 12 byte array with random values
unsigned char *outputCipher,
unsigned char *outputTag,
const unsigned char *inputText,
size_t textLen,
const unsigned char *AAD,
size_t AAD_len,
const unsigned char *key,
const unsigned char *nonce
* @param outputText recovered plain text output,
* The size of outputText in bytes is equivalent to cipherLen.
* @param outputTag resulting 128bit / 16 byte array,
* @param inputCipher cipher text to be DECRYPTED.
* @param cipherLen size of the input inputCipher in bytes.
* @param AAD Arbitrary length additional authenticated data.
* @param AAD_len size of the AAD in bytes.
* @param key a 256-bit key or 32 byte unsigned char array.
* @param nonce number only/use once, a 12 byte array with random values
unsigned char *outputText,
unsigned char *outputTag,
const unsigned char *inputCipher,
size_t cipherLen,
const unsigned char *AAD,
size_t AAD_len,
const unsigned char *key,
const unsigned char *nonce
To know if the message is authentic:
The outputTag of generated by encryption should match the outputTag generated by decryption.
The sender will send the encrypted cipher text along with the encrypted tag.
Then the receiver will decrypt the cipher text, the decryption function will generate the output recovered plain text and the output decryption tag.
The receiver then compares the sender's encryption tag to the generated output decryption tag; if both tag matched / is-equal then the message was authentic / not altered.
There are TWO WAYS to use the library, either using the header only mode, or building the static library.
Directly include the Header-Mode-Chaha20-Poly1305.hpp in your source code, and you can directly compile it without building the static library.
#include "Header-Mode-Chaha20-Poly1305.hpp"
But you always need to enable the optimization flags for this method to work.
g++ main.cpp main.out -O2
clang++ main.cpp main.out -O2
Build & install static library
make -f staticlib sudo make -f staticlib install
Run tests (optional)
make -f staticlib build_test
#include <ChaCha20-Poly1305.hpp>
in your program then compile with -lchacha20g++ main.cpp -o main.out -lchacha20
To uninstall library
sudo make -f staticlib uninstall
Clean Up compiled objects
make -f staticlib cleanup
Build static library with clang
make -f staticlib CC=clang++ sudo make -f staticlib install
Run tests with clang (optional)
make -f staticlib build_test CC=clang++
#include <ChaCha20-Poly1305.hpp>
in your program then compile with -lchacha20clang++ main.cpp -o main.out -lchacha20
To uninstall library
sudo make -f staticlib uninstall
Clean Up compiled objects
make -f staticlib cleanup
Build & install static library
mingw32-make -f staticlib mingw32-make -f staticlib install INSTALL_PREFIX=(path/to/mingw64)
Run tests (optional)
mingw32-make -f staticlib build_test
#include <ChaCha20-Poly1305.hpp>
in your program then compile with -lchacha20g++ main.cpp -o main.out -lchacha20
To uninstall library
mingw32-make -f staticlib uninstall INSTALL_PREFIX=(path/to/mingw64)
Clean Up compiled objects
mingw32-make -f staticlib cleanup
You can also modify the installation path in linux by setting up a new value for the INSTALL_PREFIX=
when executing the make build commands similar to what is shown in the windows build.