Lottie is a mobile library for iOS that parses Adobe After Effects animations exported as json with Bodymovin and renders them natively on mobile!
This library is a port of https://github.com/Baseflow/LottieXamarin/ to .NET 6 but limited to iOS.
You can build the sample app yourself: Lottie.iOS.Demo
Lottie supports iOS 8 and above. Lottie animations can be loaded from bundled JSON or from a URL
The simplest way to use it is with LOTAnimationView:
LOTAnimationView animation = LOTAnimationView.AnimationNamed("LottieLogo1");
animation.PlayWithCompletion((animationFinished) => {
// Do Something
//You can also use the awaitable version
//var animationFinished = await animation.PlayAsync();
Or you can load it programmatically from a NSUrl
LOTAnimationView animation = new LOTAnimationView(new NSUrl(url));
Lottie supports the iOS UIViewContentModes
ScaleAspectFit and ScaleAspectFill
You can also set the animation progress interactively.
CGPoint translation = gesture.GetTranslationInView(this.View);
nfloat progress = translation.Y / this.View.Bounds.Size.Height;
animationView.AnimationProgress = progress;
Want to mask arbitrary views to animation layers in a Lottie View? Easy-peasy as long as you know the name of the layer from After Effects
UIView snapshot = this.View.SnapshotView(afterScreenUpdates: true);
lottieAnimation.AddSubview(snapshot, layer: "AfterEffectsLayerName");
Lottie comes with a UIViewController
animation-controller for making custom viewController transitions!
#region View Controller Transitioning
public class LOTAnimationTransitionDelegate : UIViewControllerTransitioningDelegate
public override IUIViewControllerAnimatedTransitioning GetAnimationControllerForPresentedController(UIViewController presented, UIViewController presenting, UIViewController source)
LOTAnimationTransitionController animationController =
new LOTAnimationTransitionController(
animation: "vcTransition1",
fromLayer: "outLayer",
toLayer: "inLayer");
return animationController;
public override IUIViewControllerAnimatedTransitioning GetAnimationControllerForDismissedController(UIViewController dismissed)
LOTAnimationTransitionController animationController =
new LOTAnimationTransitionController(
animation: "vcTransition2",
fromLayer: "outLayer",
toLayer: "inLayer");
return animationController;
If your animation will be frequently reused, LOTAnimationView
has an built in LRU Caching Strategy.
Linear Interpolation
Bezier Interpolation
Hold Interpolation
Rove Across Time
Spatial Bezier
Transform Anchor Point
Transform Position
Transform Scale
Transform Rotation
Transform Opacity
Multiple Masks (additive)
- Alpha Matte
Multiple Parenting
Rectangle (All properties)
Ellipse (All properties)
Polystar (All properties)
Polygon (All properties. Integer point values only.)
Path (All properties)
Anchor Point
Group Transforms (Anchor point, position, scale etc)
Multiple paths in one group
Stroke Color
Stroke Opacity
Stroke Width
Line Cap
Fill Color
Fill Opacity
Trim Paths Start
Trim Paths End
Trim Paths Offset
- If the composition has no masks or mattes then the performance and memory overhead should be quite good. No bitmaps are created and most operations are simple canvas draw operations.
- If the composition has mattes, 2-3 bitmaps will be created at the composition size. The bitmaps are created automatically by lottie when the animation view is added to the window and recycled when it is removed from the window. For this reason, it is not recommended to use animations with masks or mattes in a RecyclerView because it will cause significant bitmap churn. In addition to memory churn, additional bitmap.eraseColor() and canvas.drawBitmap() calls are necessary for masks and mattes which will slow down the performance of the animation. For small animations, the performance hit should not be large enough to be obvious when actually used.
- If you are using your animation in a list, it is recommended to use a CacheStrategy in LottieAnimationView.setAnimation(String, CacheStrategy) so the animations do not have to be deserialized every time.
Clone this repository and run the Lottie.iOS.Demo module to see a sample animation.
Contributors are more than welcome. Just upload a PR with a description of your changes.
Lottie uses Facebook screenshot tests for Android to identify pixel level changes/breakages. Please run ./gradlew --daemon recordMode screenshotTests
before uploading a PR to ensure that nothing has broken. Use a Nexus 5 emulator running Lollipop for this. Changed screenshots will show up in your git diff if you have.
If you would like to add more JSON files and screenshot tests, feel free to do so and add the test to LottieTest
File github issues for anything that is unexpectedly broken. If an After Effects file is not working, please attach it to your issue. Debugging without the original file is much more difficult.