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game service

Game Service is designed to serve game app(s) on multiple devices via REST calls.
All Internal APIs & the Database are designed to support multiple games in future, with multiple supporting modes.
The Service is bootstrapped to work with a game named FAMOUS SHOOTER and supports following 3 modes:

  1. Battle Royal
  2. Team Deathmatch
  3. Capture the flag


  • gameid=1 is default game id for all endpoints
  • A player can play only one game at a time
  • Area is always 3 letter code
  • Game names are Unique & can support multiple modes
  • Multiple games can have same modes
  • A Game can support any number of players
  • JSON is the supported format for now


Retrieving game's top modes in a given area

  • GET /top-modes?area=blr
    • returns a json array of all active modes in the given area in descending order of popularility i.e. the mode with highest number of active players will be first followed by sencond highest and so on

Add new player to the game in a given area

  • POST /player?modeid=1&area=blr
    • returns the playerid assigned to the new player, this playerid can be used to remove the player from the game

Remove a player from the game

  • DELETE /player?playerid=1


Game Service at bare minimim needs docker installed/running and a .env at the project's root with following details

[email protected]


make up will bring up all services.

After all services have successfully come up visit localhost. To explore the postgres data visit postgres and login with LILA_DB_EXPLORER_EMAIL and LILA_DB_EXPLORER_PASSWORD and configure the database in there with the said configuration from .env file.

make down will teardown all services

load testing

$ bombardier -c 125 -n 100000 http://localhost:1234/top-modes\?area\=blr

Bombarding http://localhost:1234/top-modes?area=blr with 100000 request(s) using 125 connection(s)
 100000 / 100000 [========================================================================================================================] 100.00% 7453/s 13s
Statistics        Avg      Stdev        Max
  Reqs/sec      7543.95    1912.33   12149.01
  Latency       16.57ms    23.13ms   529.39ms
  HTTP codes:
    1xx - 0, 2xx - 100000, 3xx - 0, 4xx - 0, 5xx - 0
    others - 0
  Throughput:     1.54MB/s

architecture & performance

The Service is designed following the go conventions, executables are kept inside cmd directory, re-usable packages are kept under pkg directory & critical business logic is kept under internal directory.
All database tables have been properly indexed to suit the service's need.
Server has dependency on Service
Service has denepdency on storage layer or the Database which can be swapped with in-memory or elastic should there be a need pertaining to performance (in future).
We can also opt gRPC based communications using protobuf for performance & to cap bandwidth - keeping in view mobile devices.
Based on load-testing above the service is able to serve an average of 7.5K requets/second.

server -> service -> database

Game Service is composed up of three microservices

  • postgres
    • is the database used
  • game_app
    • actual game service serving the REST calls
  • postgres_explorer
    • handy UI for exploring the postgres database

problem solving time

It took ~6 hours in total to build the service.

Following are the bifurcation

  • Architecting the service, code structure and database structure took approximately 2 hours.
  • Coding & Dockerizing took 3 hours.
  • Testing took an 1 hour.


coding challenge






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