Command-line utility written in Go to check total line of code in a file present in a directory.
- go 1.22.5
- v0.0.9
- v0.0.5
Benchmark was run on the clone of 'Redis' repository
**N.B: stto is no way near the more established options like 'scc' or 'tokei' in terms of features. It is in early development stage and isn't production ready.
All the tools read over 1.5k files
Install using the following command for latest features
go install
Alternatively you can use the optimized builds from the release section
N.B. Release builds are generally more optimized but lack latest features, 'go install' command is the prefered way to download the executable.
Full usage details available in
stto --help
N.B. 'jproc' is a json query tool writtrn in javascript. For more details check out the repo.
I'm a Tech enthusiast and a hobby programmer. You can visit my Github profile to see my other works :)