Terminal emulator component for React!
npm install --save rebash
git clone https://github.com/lpan/rebash
cd rebash
npm install
npm start # server will listen on localhost:8080
import React from 'react';
import ReactDOM from 'react-dom';
import Terminal from 'rebash';
const files = {
'/home/lawrence/test.txt': 'I am a test',
const directories = [
const initialPath = ['/home/goose'];
const commands = {
'open-window': args => { alert(args.targets[0]); },
'ghetto-cowsay': args => `cow says: "${args.targets[0]}"`,
const MyTerminal = () => (
export default MyTerminal;
- description: Unix username to display on the terminal.
- type:
- default:
- eg:
- description: A list of directories represented by their absolute paths
- type:
Array of Strings
- default:
- eg:
['/home', '/etc/nginx/']
- description: Map used to look up files.
{'/absolute/path': 'file content'}
- type:
Map of Strings
- default:
- eg:
{'/home/goose.txt': 'Mr. Goose is life', '/lmao.txt': null}
- description: Initial path when the
is rendered - type:
- default:
- eg:
- description: A list of custom commands.
- type:
Map of Functions
- default:
- eg:
{'say-hello': ({targets}) => 'hello ' + targets[0]}
See Custom commands for more information.
Before you begin, you may want to take a look at src/commands/index.js for all the built-in commands and how they are implemented.
A command
is a JavaScript function that takes 2 parameters, namely args
A typical command will look like this:
const clearThenSayHello = (args, self) => {
self.setState({ visibles: [] });
return `Hello ${args.targets[0]}`;
const commads = { 'clear-hello': clearThenSayHello };
// then we pass commands as a prop to the Terminal component
An object consists of three fields: targets
, flags
and fulls
When clear-hello -b -dc --all myDir yourDir
is entered, the Rebash argument
parser will produce the following object and pass it to the command function as
targets: ['myDir', 'yourDir'],
flags: ['b', 'c', 'd'],
fulls: ['all'],
See src/utils/parseArgs.js for more information
You do not want to mess with self
unless you want to mutate the internal state
of Rebash. In fact, self
is just a reference to the instance of the
top level React Component. You can access the component state from self.state
mutate the state and trigger the component to rerender with self.setState
see src/Terminal.js for more information.
To print out some text, you can either return a string, or throw an error. The
command shown above will print hello Lawrence
if I type clear-hello lawrence