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Repository files navigation

Demo Swift Carthage


This demonstration shows:


To use this demo, you can clone this repo, or you can use this README to create your own project.

If you clone this repo, then be aware that there are multiple git branches, so pick the one you want.

  • swift-4-xcode-9: Swift version 4, Xcode version 9, iOS version 11.

  • swift-3-xcode-8: Swift version 3, Xcode version 8, iOS version 10.

Create the project

Launch Xcode and create a new Xcode project.

  • Use iOS template "Single View Application" and Product Name "Demo Swift Carthage".

  • Help

Get Carthage

To see if you have Carthage installed, and if the Carthage version is current, run this command:

$ carthage version

If Carthage is not installed, or the version is lower than 0.25.0:

Create a Cartfile

Create an empty text file named Cartfile at the top level of the project.

Edit the Cartfile.

  • You can add any framework you want.

  • For this demo, we add the "Prelude" framework, which is provides programming functions.

  • Add this text:

    github "robrix/Prelude"


$ carthage update
*** Fetching Prelude
*** Downloading Prelude.framework binary at "2.0"
*** xcodebuild output can be found in /var/folders/…

See the results if you like.

  • There is a new file Cartfile.resolved that lists the framework and its exact version number.

  • There is a new directory Carthage. This contains the Build directory and the framework files.

$ ls -1
Demo Swift Carthage
Demo Swift Carthage.xcodeproj
Demo Swift CarthageTests
Demo Swift CarthageUITests

$ ls Carthage

$ cat Cartfile.resolved
github "robrix/Prelude" "2.0.0"

Link the framework

Go to the Xcode project "General" area.

Scroll down the section "Linked Frameworks and Libraries", with the text that says "Add frameworks & libraries here".

Tap the "+" icon.

  • A dialog opens that says "Choose frameworks and libraries to add".

  • Tap the button "Add Other..."

Choose the framework.

  • A file chooser opens.

  • Navigate up a folder, and you see the "Carthage" folder.

  • Open the folder "Carthage", then the folder "Build", then the folder "iOS".

  • Tap the file "Prelude.framework" to highlight it.

  • Tap "Open"

The section "Linked Frameworks and Libraries" now shows "Prelude.framework".

Create the Run Script

Go to the Xcode project "Build Phases" settings area.

  • Click the "+" icon, then choose "New Run Script Phase".

  • Click the triangle by the new "Run Script" list item.

  • The "Shell" field should say /bin/sh.

  • The larger text field should say Type a script or drag a script file from your workspace to insert its path.

  • Set the larger text field to say /usr/local/bin/carthage copy-frameworks

Add input files.

  • In the area "Add input files here", click "+".

  • Set the "Input Files" to $(SRCROOT)/Carthage/Build/iOS/Prelude.framework


Run the project.

  • Xcode → Product → Run

The Simulator launches.

  • The app will launch normally.

  • This verifies that Carthage can connect the files.

  • Congratulations! You're successful!


  • Package: demo_swift_carthage
  • Version: 3.0.0
  • Created: 2016-04-09
  • Updated: 2017-09-22
  • License: BSD, MIT, GPL
  • Contact: Joel Parker Henderson ([email protected])