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Automatically Mirror Github Repo To Your Gitea Server


image pulls


This script automatically mirrors the repositories from a github-user or github-organization to your gitea server. Once started, it will create a mirrored repository under a given token for a gitea user, completely automatically.

Example: A github user github-user has public repositories dotfiles and zsh-config. Starting the script with a gitea token for the account gitea-user will create the following mirrored repositories:

  • → your-gitea.url/gitea-user/dotfiles
  • → your-gitea.url/gitea-user/zsh-config

The mirror settings are default by your gitea instance.

It is also possible to mirror private repos, which can be configred here in #parameters. When mirroring private repos, they will be created as private repos on your gitea server.


  • A github user or organization with repositories
  • Configured Gitea instance up and running
  • User for Gitea with generated token (Settings -> Applications -> Generate New Token)
  • Docker or Docker Compose



All configuration is performed through environment variables. Flags are considered true on true, TRUE or 1.

Parameter Required Type Default Description
GITHUB_USERNAME yes string - The name of the GitHub user or organisation to mirror.
GITEA_URL yes string - The url of your Gitea server.
GITEA_TOKEN yes string - The token for your gitea user (Settings -> Applications -> Generate New Token). Attention: if this is set, the token will be transmitted to your specified Gitea instance!
GITHUB_TOKEN no* string - GitHub token (PAT). Is mandatory in combination with MIRROR_PRIVATE_REPOSITORIES.
MIRROR_PRIVATE_REPOSITORIES no bool FALSE If set to true your private GitHub Repositories will be mirrored to Gitea. Requires GITHUB_TOKEN.
SKIP_FORKS no bool FALSE If set to true will disable the mirroring of forks from your GitHub User / Organisation.
DELAY no int 3600 Number of seconds between program executions. Setting this will only affect how soon after a new repo was created a mirror may appar on Gitea, but has no affect on the ongoing replication.
DRY_RUN no bool FALSE If set to true will perform no writing changes to your Gitea instance, but log the planned actions.
INCLUDE no string "*" Name based repository filter (include): If any filter matches, the repository will be mirrored. It supports glob format, multiple filters can be separated with commas (,)
EXCLUDE no string "" Name based repository filter (exclude). If any filter matches, the repository will not be mirrored. It supports glob format, multiple filters can be separated with commas (,). EXCLUDE filters are applied after INCLUDE ones.
SINGLE_RUN no bool FALSE If set to TRUE the task is only executed once.


docker container run \
 -d \
 --restart always \
 -e GITHUB_USERNAME=github-user \
 -e GITEA_URL=https://your-gitea.url \
 -e GITEA_TOKEN=please-exchange-with-token \

This will a spin up a docker container which will run forever, mirroring all your repositories once every hour to your gitea server.

Docker Compose

version: "3.3"
    image: jaedle/mirror-to-gitea:latest
    restart: unless-stopped
    container_name: mirror-to-gitea
      - GITHUB_USERNAME=github-user
      - GITEA_URL=https://your-gitea.url
      - GITEA_TOKEN=please-exchange-with-token



  • nodejs
  • task
  • docker

Execute verification

task world

Running locally

Create .secrets.rc containing at least the following variables:

export GITHUB_USERNAME='...'
export GITHUB_TOKEN='...'
export GITEA_URL='...'

Execute the script in foreground:

task run-local


Kudos to all contributors! 🙏