This is a legacy project. Development has been moved to a new repository:
IVPN Daemon is a core module of IVPN Client software for desktop platforms (Windows/macOS/Linux) built mostly using Go language.
It runs under privileged user as a system service/daemon.
Some of the features include:
- multiple protocols (OpenVPN, WireGuard)
- Kill-switch
- custom DNS
- Multi-Hop
- AntiTracker
This project is in use by IVPN Client UI and IVPN CLI projects.
IVPN Client app is distributed on the official site
- About this Repo
- Installation
- Versioning
- Contributing
- Security Policy
- License
- Authors
- Acknowledgements
This is the official Git repo of the IVPN Daemon.
These instructions will get you a copy of the project up and running on your local machine for development and testing purposes.
- Build Tools for Visual Studio 2019 ('Windows SDK 10.0', 'MSVC v142 C++ x64 build tools', 'C++ ATL for latest v142 build tools')
- gcc compiler e.g. TDM GCC
- Go 1.13+
- Git
- Xcode Command Line Tools
- Go 1.13+
- Git
- Go 1.13+
- packages: 'rpm' and 'libiw-dev'
- Git
IVPN Daemon must be installed appropriately on a target system.
We recommend using IVPN Client UI project to build a Windows installer for IVPN software.
To compile IVPN service binary run the batch file from the terminal.
Use Developer Command Prompt for Visual Studio (required for building native sub-projects).
git clone
cd desktop-app-daemon
References/Windows/scripts/build-all.bat <VERSION_X.X.X> exclude32bit
IVPN Daemon must be installed appropriately on a target system.
We recommend using IVPN Client UI project to build a macOS DMG package for IVPN software.
git clone
cd desktop-app-daemon
References/macOS/scripts/ -v <VERSION_X.X.X>
The batch script will compile IVPN Service binary and all required dependencies (OpenVPN, WireGuard). Compiled binaries location:
- WireGuard:
- OpenVPN:
- IVPN Service:
IVPN Agent
Note! In order to run application as macOS daemon, the binary must be signed by Apple Developer ID.
IVPN Daemon must be installed appropriately on a target system.
We recommend using:
- IVPN CLI project to build a 'base' Linux redistributable packages of IVPN software
- IVPN Client UI project to build a 'UI' Linux redistributable packages of IVPN software
git clone
cd desktop-app-daemon
./References/Linux/scripts/ -v <VERSION_X.X.X>
The compiled binary can be found at References/Linux/scripts/_out_bin
Project is using Semantic Versioning (SemVer) for creating release versions.
SemVer is a 3-component system in the format of x.y.z
stands for a major version
stands for a minor version
stands for a patch
So we have: Major.Minor.Patch
If you are interested in contributing to IVPN Daemon for IVPN Client Desktop project, please read our Contributing Guidelines.
If you want to report a security problem, please read our Security Policy.
This project is licensed under the GPLv3 - see the License file for details.
See the Authors file for the list of contributors who participated in this project.
See the Acknowledgements file for the list of third party libraries used in this project.