A full-featured eCommerce platform built using the MERN (MongoDB, Express, React, Node.js) stack. This project demonstrates a complete online shopping experience with user authentication, product management, shopping cart functionality, and more.
This project serves as both a learning resource and a production-ready template for building modern eCommerce applications. It showcases:
- Modern React development with Vite for lightning-fast builds
- Responsive UI design with Tailwind CSS and Daisy UI components
- RESTful API architecture with Express.js
- NoSQL database modeling with MongoDB and Mongoose
- JWT-based authentication and authorization
User Authentication
Secure signup, login, and logout
JWT-based session management
Password encryption with bcrypt
Product Management
Browse categorized product listings
Search and filter functionality
Detailed product views with images, descriptions, and pricing
Shopping Experience
Add/remove items to cart
Adjust product quantities
Cart persistence across sessions
Order summary with pricing details
Responsive Design
Mobile-first approach with Tailwind CSS
Modern UI components from Daisy UI
Consistent experience across devices and screen sizes
- Core Framework: React with hooks and context API
- Build Tool: Vite (for faster development and optimized builds)
- Styling:
- Tailwind CSS for utility-first styling
- Daisy UI for pre-built component styling
- State Management: React Context API
- API Communication: Axios for RESTful requests
- Routing: React Router v6
- Form Handling: React Hook Form with Yup validation
- Runtime: Node.js
- API Framework: Express.js
- Database:
- MongoDB for data storage
- Mongoose for object modeling
- Authentication:
- JWT (JSON Web Tokens)
- bcrypt for password hashing
- Middleware:
- CORS for cross-origin resource sharing
- Express Validator for request validation
- Multer for file uploads
- Version Control: Git/GitHub
- Frontend Hosting: Vercel
- Backend Hosting: Heroku/Vercel
- Database Hosting: MongoDB Atlas
- Environment Variables: dotenv for configuration
- Node.js (v14 or later)
- npm or yarn package manager
- MongoDB (local installation or MongoDB Atlas account)
- Git
git clone https://github.com/yourusername/ecommerce-website.git
cd ecommerce-website
Create .env
files in both the client and backend directories:
Backend (.env)
# Server Configuration
# MongoDB Connection
# Authentication
# Optional
Client (.env)
# Navigate to backend directory
cd backend
# Install dependencies
npm install
# Start development server
npm run dev
# Or for production
npm start
# In a new terminal, navigate to client directory
cd client
# Install dependencies
npm install
# Start development server
npm run dev
- Frontend: http://localhost:5173
- Backend API: http://localhost:5000/api
npm start
: Start production servernpm run dev
: Start development server with nodemonnpm test
: Run tests
npm run dev
: Start development servernpm run build
: Build for productionnpm run preview
: Preview production buildnpm run lint
: Run ESLint
Method | Endpoint | Description | Request Body | Response |
/api/auth/register |
Register new user | {name, email, password} |
{user, token} |
/api/auth/login |
Login user | {email, password} |
{user, token} |
/api/auth/logout |
Logout user | - | {success: true} |
/api/auth/profile |
Get user profile | - | {user} |
Method | Endpoint | Description | Request Body | Response |
/api/products |
Get all products | - | [{product}] |
/api/products/:id |
Get single product | - | {product} |
/api/products/category/:category |
Get products by category | - | [{product}] |
/api/products |
Create product (admin) | {name, price, ...} |
{product} |
/api/products/:id |
Update product (admin) | {name, price, ...} |
{product} |
/api/products/:id |
Delete product (admin) | - | {success: true} |
Method | Endpoint | Description | Request Body | Response |
/api/cart |
Get user cart | - | {cart} |
/api/cart |
Add to cart | {productId, quantity} |
{cart} |
/api/cart/:itemId |
Update cart item | {quantity} |
{cart} |
/api/cart/:itemId |
Remove from cart | - | {cart} |
Method | Endpoint | Description | Request Body | Response |
/api/orders |
Create order | {shippingDetails, paymentMethod} |
{order} |
/api/orders |
Get user orders | - | [{order}] |
/api/orders/:id |
Get order details | - | {order} |
Contributions are welcome! If you'd like to improve this project, please follow these steps:
- Fork the repository.
- Create a new branch (
git checkout -b feature-name
). - Commit your changes (
git commit -m 'Add some feature'
). - Push to the branch (
git push origin feature-name
). - Create a pull request.
This project is licensed under the MIT License. See the LICENSE file for details.
Create a .env
file in the server
folder using the following format:
├── client/ # Frontend code
│ ├── public/ # Static files
│ ├── src/
│ │ ├── assets/ # Images, fonts, etc.
│ │ ├── components/ # Reusable UI components
│ │ ├── contexts/ # React Context API states
│ │ ├── hooks/ # Custom React hooks
│ │ ├── pages/ # Page components
│ │ ├── services/ # API service modules
│ │ ├── utils/ # Helper functions
│ │ ├── App.jsx # Root component
│ │ └── main.jsx # Entry point
│ ├── .env # Environment variables
│ ├── vite.config.js # Vite configuration
│ └── package.json # Frontend dependencies
├── backend/ # Backend code
│ ├── controllers/ # Request handlers
│ ├── database/ # Database configuration
│ ├── middlewares/ # Express middlewares
│ ├── model/ # Mongoose schemas
│ ├── routes/ # API endpoints
│ ├── utils/ # Utility functions
│ ├── index.js # Entry point for the server
│ ├── .env # Environment variables
│ └── package.json # Backend dependencies
├── .gitignore # Git ignore file
├── README.md # Project documentation
└── LICENSE # License file
We're actively developing new features to enhance the platform. Contributions are welcome!
- Advanced Product Management
- Product reviews and ratings
Special thanks to the creators of React, Tailwind CSS, Node.js, Express, and MongoDB for making this project possible.
🎉 This project is participating in Hacktoberfest 2025! 🎉
We welcome contributions of all types, whether you're fixing bugs, improving documentation, or adding new features. Check out our CONTRIBUTING.md for guidelines and Issues labeled hacktoberfest
to get started.
Happy hacking! 🚀
Feel free to fork this repo and improve it! Happy coding! 😊