Wandering off the happy path
Reduces boilerplate from your re-frame HTTP requests, while helping you handle errors and track the state of your request. Using an FSM makes dealing with errors and edge cases a breeze.
Still early, expecting minor bugs and possibly some breaking APIs in the short term.
(require '[re-frame.core :as rf])
(require '[glimt.core :as http])
(require '[re-statecharts.core :as rs])
;; First we shape our HTTP request the way we want it.
(def fsm {:id :customer-loader
:http-xhrio {:uri "http://example.com/customer/123"
:method :get
:response-format (ajax/json-response-format {:keywords? true})}
:max-retries 5
:path [::customers 123]})
;; Then, when we are ready to start contacting the server
(rf/dispatch [::http/start fsm])
;; The FSM provides you with a simple data representation of where we are in the process
(def state (rf/subscribe [::http/state :customer-loader]))
;; => [:glimt.core/loading]
;; First request failed, because of transient error, trying again
;; => [:glimt.core/error :glimt.core/retrying :glimt.core/loading]
;; Request succeeded, machine reached it success end state
;; => [:glimt.core/loaded]
;; Or, if after trying again 5 times, FSM reaches its failure end state
@(rf/subscribe [::http/state-full :customer-loader])
;; => {:_state [:glimt.core/error :glimt.core/halted]
;; :error {:uri "/error"
;; :last-method "GET"
;; :last-error "Service Unavailable [503]"
;; :last-error-code 6
;; :debug-message "Http response at 400 or 500 level"
;; :status 503
;; :status-text "Service Unavailable"
;; :failure :error
;; :response nil}]}
;; At your leisure, remove FSM from app db
(rf/dispatch [::rs/stop :customer-loader])
;; => nil
Everything is optional, unless specified otherwise.
Required The globally unique identifier for this FSM. Can be any type.
Required Request map as defined by https://github.com/day8/re-frame-http-fx
Number of times the FSM will retry a failing request. Default 0.
Number of milliseconds between each retry. Alternatively, you can pass in a function that accepts the current number of retries and returns a number of milliseconds. Default 2000.
A re-frame event vector to dispatch to with the data from a successful response.
An alternative to on-success
, where the response data is inserted into the app DB under the given path.
You need to specify either :on-success
or :path
. Not both.
Re-frame event vector to dispatch when request starts
Re-frame event vector to dispatch when an error occurs
Re-frame event vector to dispatch when final failure state is reached
Request FSM is started with either an event, like this:
(rf/dispatch [::http/start fsm-configuration])
Or by returning an effect from an event handler, like this:
{:db (assoc db :some :prop)
:dispatch [::some-dispatch]
::http/start fsm-configuration}
FSM state is exposed through re-frame subscriptions:
(rf/subscribe [::http/state fsm-id])
=> [::http/loading]
(rf/subscribe [::http/state-full fsm-id])
=> {:_state [::http/error ::http/retrying ::http/waiting]
:retries 1}
You can also embed an HTTP FSM inside another FSM. Like this:
{:id :polling-fsm
:initial ::running
:states {::running {:initial ::loading
:states {::waiting {:after [{:delay 10000
:target ::loading}]}
::loading (http/embedded-fsm
{:http-xhrio "url"
:path [:store :data :here]
:state-path [:> ::running ::loading]
:success-state [:> ::running ::waiting]})}}}}
In this context, we get a few more settings that need to be considered.
Required The path within the containing FSM where this embedded one resides. Needed for computing state transitions relative to the embedded machine. Also, we may want to transition to some arbitrary state when the HTTP FSM fails or succeeds.
Transition to this state when request succeeds
Transition to this state when request fails.
, :on-error
and :on-failure
are optional events that are called when entering the corresponding
states. Used for cases where you need to trigger additional side effects or store some state.
The full event vector dispatched is [:on-loading state event]
When the FSM handles all possible states, the UI code becomes a simple declaration of recipies for each state.
(defn http-loader-view [fsm-id body]
(r/with-let [state (f/subscribe [::http/state fsm-id])]
(let [[primary-state secondary-state] @state]
(case primary-state
[:div "Nothing much happened yet"]
[:div "Loading..."]
[:div [:h3 "An error occurred"]
(case secondary-state
[:div "Please wait, trying again"]
"Could not load data"
[:button {:on-click #(f/dispatch [::http/restart fsm-id])}
"Click to try again"]]])]