Eventually, hopefully, a 2D graphics library using gfx-rs, to serve as a basis for ggez as well as anything else that wants it.
Run with
cargo run --features=vulkan
Essentially dictated by gfx-hal, which is dictated by WebRender
- OpenGL 3.2 or better
- OpenGL ES 3.0
- WebGL (version?)
- Vulkan (version?)
- Metal (version?)
- DirectX 11 or better
- https://github.com/omni-viral/rendy -- Amethyst's equivalent, might be better to just use that.
- https://github.com/draw2d/rfcs/issues/1 and other content by that project
- https://raphlinus.github.io/rust/graphics/2018/10/11/2d-graphics.html
- https://nical.github.io/posts/rust-2d-graphics-01.html
- https://nical.github.io/posts/rust-2d-graphics-02.html
- https://github.com/Connicpu/direct2d-rs
- Can we use webrender? I doubt it, but it'd be interesting to examine. Talk to kvark and nical about it.
- Can we make a good particle system as part of this? It sounds fun. :D
See ggez/ggez#418
I need to go through and document it good and hard. :F
If factory::Factory is a higher level device interface, what's the lower level one?
I'm not sure that Config
being a collection of trait-y things
actually helps anything. You're literally just selecting things from
a list. Just select things from a list.
rendy::memory: What's the difference between LinearConfig and DynamicConfig?
For our API, we want to be able to present the user with a list of GPU's (with text strings) and have them choose one, or have the ability to automatically choose one based on broad criteria ("performance", "low-power", "whatever looks best").
Init: We create a Factory, create a Winit window, then create a Surface from the factory that gets our final render target. This should also be configurable, cause we might want our final render target to be off screen!
Either way, once that's all set up we make our Graph
stuff, which is
a chain of nodes. The possible node types seem to be DescBuilder
whatever that is, RenderPassNodeBuilder
, and PresentBuilder
RenderPass's contain Subpasses, which contain images, colors(?), depth
stencils (irrelevant), and RenderGroup's. Not sure yet what a
RenderGroup represents.
Why does disposing of a graph involve Graph::dispose(self, &mut Factory, ...)
instead of Factory::dispose(&mut self, Graph)
? I
guess it comes down to the same thing, it's just weird. Especially
since we have Factory::destroy_semaphore(Semaphore)
In the sprite example we have SpriteGraphicsPipeline
, which impl SimpleGraphicsPipeline
and SimpleGraphicsPipelineDesc
respectively. The Desc
appears to create shaders, hand out shader layouts, and create shader
resources like textures(?). The SpriteGraphicsPipeline
then does
the actual drawing, but by that point it's just binding vertex buffers
and stuff and pushing the "go" button.
Why are there these aux: &mut T
arguments everywhere? They seem
reminiscent of Vulkan's various hooks. Can we get rid of them? Are
they actually used for anything?
only has Nearest and Linear so far XD. Well, that's
all I need, so... However, there's also no mention of blend
in the
docs. Can we not set blending modes yet? Texture address modes?
Oooooh, blending is in the Pipeline, as colors
which has type
which is a gfx_hal
construct and so doesn't
appear in the rendy
doc search.
Okay, so this has definitely been a reality check for my nice simple
model vs. reality. rendy::graph::render::Pipeline
seems to be the
heart of how it all connects together, but the docs don't quite match
what's in git, and the simplified versions of it might not actually be
that simple, and it might not be directly what we want. Either way:
it contains a Layout
which connects our shader variables to the
whatever they're coming from -- buffers, textures+samplesr, etc. It
also contains vertex info, in the form of vertex formats (offsets,
strides, etc).
So the hard part is going to be constructing a Layout
, but once we
do it should probably serve just fine for ALL drawing with a
particular set of shaders.
The other hard thing is resource management, so. As Rendy does it,
resources seem to be connected to a particular Pipeline
That's not really how ggez does it, any resource may be visible from
any pipeline. That may be more awkward since certain resources seem
to be specific to particular pipeline's or queues. Hmmmm.
Okay, so we're going to be drawing with rendy::command::DrawIndexedCommand. This deals with two buffers, one of instance data and one of geometry data, though only indirectly through descriptors of some kind. This takes three offset+length's into those buffers: uniform, vertex, and instance starts. Great, that lets us have our conceptual Geometry and DrawParam types, and globals like projection and such go into a global uniform buffer. So far so good.
We then have different descriptor sets or something like that for each Geometry, keep track of which one we're currently using, and only switch when we change Geometry? 100% sure how that all fits together yet; Rendy does some of the stuff for you but it's kinda hidden. But that model basically gives us automatic sprite batching, as well as automatic batching of whatever other geometry we happen to end up using, so we can give sprites an arbitrary Mesh and it will be just as fast as drawing quads. Sauce.
We ARE going to have to do memory management of instance data, it looks like. This should be fairly simple since we just have to fill a buffer up to a point, and expand the buffer when necessary. Contracting the buffer if it gets small MIGHT be useful. Or you can provide a hint to the renderer or whatever someday; for now just expand it if it runs out and don't sweat it otherwise. Rendy probably can help with this but idk how yet.
Okay, how do we fit textures in with instanced drawing? Looks easy
actually; a texture and sampler get put into the SetLayout
. Then
changing those is basically the same as changing the geometry. Looks
like rendy mostly just handles samplers for us? Make sure. Either
way, since the sampler settings we are actually interested in are
discrete, there's realistically a fairly limited number of samplers
that may get used. We can can maybe just create all the ones possible
ahead of time, if necessary. Samplers and textures are passed to the
shader in uniforms, basically like anything else.
Need to wrap my mind around how instanced vs. vertex/pixel data works in shaders more. I'm just shaky on which is specified how.
Blending is controlled by SimpleGraphicsPipelineDesc::colors(). I'm
not sure exactly where render targets happen yet but it appears to be
in the Graph, which is several levels above the Pipeline; it looks as
though it's something like Graph's contain Pass's which contain
SubPass's which contain Pipeline's. Each RenderPassNodeBuilder
takes subpass's, and a single subpass can be trivially turned into a
pass containing just that. It looks like the SubpassBuilder
color and depth buffers (as inputs or outputs???) as well as some
dependency info that the Graph
uses to order its various Node
ooooooh, color and depth buffers are created by
and then handed to a subpass with
and such. That subpass is created from your
that impl's SimpleGraphicsPipeline
Then the
connects the color buffer up to the surface
actually gets presented.
example from meshes
let mut graph_builder = GraphBuilder::<Backend, Aux<Backend>>::new();
let color = graph_builder.create_image(
[1.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0].into(),
let pass = graph_builder.add_node(
let present_builder = PresentNode::builder(&factory, surface, color).with_dependency(pass);
This code is kinda hacked up, don't trust it to be 100% correct. Also just trivially omitting a depth buffer causes a crash somewhere, so.
Is this a reasonable place to ask for feedback with how to design stuff with Rendy, or should I just bug their issue tracker directly? So I don't forget what I'm talking about while making lasagna, I am trying to make a setup that just renders many quads with one texture, based off the meshes example, and I'm getting some dependency inversion stuffs. If I load a Texture inside a PipelineDesc it feels weird 'cause then textures can't be shared between them, but if I try to create it outside it I need to be able to get my hands on the sampler and imageview for the texture to pass it into the pipeline's build() method. FriziToday at 6:15 PM you should use TextureBuilder to build a texture outside and slap it into your aux type in amethyst_rendy, we basically store those Texture as asset in asset storage, then reference them on ecs via handles. That way I can query the world for objects which can share textures, then dereference and bind those textures in the render pass. I don't want to spoil the fun, we have that one already implemented. If all you need is a working implementation of batching sprite renderer, go ahead and use it. unless you need that outside of amethyst that is 😉 icefoxToday at 6:27 PM that's what I'm more or less trying to do but I need the Graph to build the texture and properties from the texture to build the Graph node I think. Let me look at it more. Yeah, TextureBuilder::build() takes an ImageState which needs a NodeId which comes from graph.node_queue(pass) so the Graph has to be built before the texture and GraphBuilder::build() calls my SimpleGraphicsPipelineDesc::build() which sets up the descriptor sets, and Descriptor::Image()needs the ViewKind, which looks like it's just plain ol data but Descriptor::Sampler() needs a Sampler which is a handle you need to get from somewhere. And this is for a Rendy graphics backend for ggez, so depending on Amethyst would be hilarious but not what I want. 😛 Anyway, I'm going a little by voodoo at the moment still, so there might be a way to reorder that. Maybe I should dig into Amethyst... but I"m already dealing with the inner workings of two poorly-documented and in-flux codebases so I don't really want to start trying to figure out a third one. FriziToday at 7:06 PM ImageState doesn't need NodeId for anything you only need queue id and image layout ImageState::new icefoxToday at 7:07 PM queue id might be what I'm thinknig of then... let me look at that. looks like the main way you get a QueueId is from Graph::node_queue though? FriziToday at 7:08 PM yeah, that one is a bit tough to be foolproof. Currently i just hardcoded queueid 0 :/
let queue_id = QueueId {
family: self.families.as_mut().unwrap().family_by_index(0).id(),
index: 0,
icefoxToday at 7:09 PM hmmmm FriziToday at 7:09 PM where system has families: Option<Families> it's not ideal ofc but we really only use this queue for everything involving textures anyway and there is currently no way of knowing how else it would be used. It's just an assumption that textures loaded as assets are always for queue 0 of family 0 you can still do a queue transition if needed later, so it's not that big of a deal icefoxToday at 7:10 PM Aha. I will try that then, thank you.
Okay, so of course, handling descriptor sets is a little more complicated than I had thought. From termhn:
from omniviral:
- If resources are changing from one frame to the next, you basically need one copy of them per frame-in-flight.
- "Data from uniform/storage buffer can be accessed by device any time between moment set is bound and last command recorded to that buffer, and also between command buffers submission and fence submitted with it or later signalled. ie at time of command recording and execution. Which means you should use separate buffer ranges for data that gets updated each frame because multiple frames can be in flight. That's what frame indices serve for. They help you choose unused buffer range to write data into". THIS EXPLAINS A LOT ABOUT THE MESH EXAMPLE. "Each time particular index received, rendy guarantee that commands recorded last time this index was received are complete. Which means you can safely access resources used previously with this index."
- Again per omniviral, we can have one set of buffers/descriptors per frame-in-flight but it
- In ggez's case, meshes and textures are not going to change, but uniforms and instance data will. Those aren't really in the main buffer anyway, so.
Okay, so for each frame in flight we need:
- A buffer (uniforms, instances, maybe indirect draw info)
- A descriptor set
- Some way of knowing what mesh, texture and sampler we're using.
For each different thing we're drawing, we need:
- A mesh, a texture, a sampler, a DescriptorSetLayout, and a descriptor set matchin the layout.
Read-only data (meshes, textures, samplers, descriptor set layouts) can be shared between frames in flight. R/W data (buffers, descriptor sets) cannot.
Switching shaders involves switching pipelines, which we're not doing yet.
We have three places to do stuff:
which is called when the graph
node is built. (Other methods on it are as well but they mostly seem
to return read-only data.) SimpleGraphicsPipeline::prepare()
called at the beginning of a frame before any drawing is done. It's
intended to do things like upload instance/uniform data per frame. And
does the actual drawing.
Do we want to actually used draw_indexed_indirect()
? It may or may
not make life simpler. It appears to basically walk down a list of
commands and execute each one. However those are
stored in the buffer along with instance and uniform data, so it's one
more thing to manage. Hmm, well, if we had multiple pieces of
geometry that needed to be drawn per InstanceData
that would be
great, but we don't, so draw_indirect()
seems like it would be
just fine.
For reference:
Rendy provides
is made ofNode
s Some nodes can beRenderPass
's are made ofSubpass
's are made ofRenderGroups
s And finallyRenderGroup
s can be made of one or multiple pipelines. And for simple caseSimpleRenderingPipeline
can serve asRenderGroup
And, again from omniviral:
Note that SimpleGraphicsPipeline is called Simple because it is simplifiction, good for learning, PoCs and stuff like that. RenderGroup should be used for anything serious in mind.
For instance you would like to create pipelines on the fly which is not feasible with SimpleGraphicsPipeline as you'd have rebuild whole graph to insert new one. Also RenderGroup would allow to conveniently share state between pipelines.
Sooooo. Looks like SimpleGraphicsPipeline
are implemented through
and SimpleRenderGroupDesc
. Those don't look too
complex. The main differences seem to be:
- Slightly simplified inputs
- A few shortcuts
- A little extra mongling of pipelines and subpasses that I don't yet fully understand.
Depth buffer???
Selectable backends
graph LR;
subgraph RenderGroup
subgraph Inputs
input1[Input buffer];
input2[Input buffer];
input1-->Render_Pass[Render pass];
Render_Pass-->OutputBuffer[Output buffer];
subgraph Render_Pass
subgraph Code
subgraph Data
subgraph Configuration
subgraph DrawCall