A collection of amazing open source projects built by brazilian developers
- Apps, Softwares & Tools
- Awesomes & Lists
- Bend
- C
- C#
- C++
- Clojure
- Dart
- Delphi
- Elixir
- Go
- Haskell
- JavaScript
- Lua
- Python
- Quint
- Ruby
- Rust
- Shell
- Typescript
- vim
contrata-se-dev by LarissaAbreu
Job aggregator for developers
DevHub by brunolemos
GitHub Notifications manager for Desktop and Mobile (99% code sharing using react-native-web)
Dracula Theme by zenorocha
A dark theme for Atom, Alfred, Emacs, Highlight.js, Hyper, iTerm, JetBrains, Pygments, Slack, Sublime Text, TextMate, Terminal.app, Vim, Xcode, Zsh and many more
Egua by eguatech
A programming language in portuguese to help beginners to start
FunnyAlgorithms by Otacilio Maia
A repository with a bunch of funny algorithms, beginners friendly
i-Educar by portabilis
Open source software of education in Brasil
LangFlow by langflow-ai
Langflow Γ© um construtor de aplicaçáes de low-code para aplicaçáes de RAG e IA multiagente. Γ baseado em Python e compatΓvel com qualquer modelo, API ou banco de dados. -
Operação Serenata de Amor by okfn-brasil
Serenata de Amor is an open project using artificial intelligence for social control of public administration
pliim by zehfernandes
Safely share your screen with one click
RastreioBot by GabrielRF
This is a Telegram Bot that tracks packages from the Brazilian Mail Service
Refined Bitbucket by andremw
Chrome and Firefox extension that improves Bitbucket's user experience
SpeakerFight by luanfonceca
The Easier way to choose the best talks
webBudget by arthurgregorio
A free and open-source software to control your personal finances or of your small company
4noobs by He4rtDevs
List of repos with a Quick Start to a lot of programming languages, frameworks and tools for beginners
awesome-a11y by Bruno Pulis
A curate list about A11Y
awesome-brazilian-devblogs by Mitrut
An awesome list list of development-centered blogs made by Brazilian devs that write in PT-BR
awesome-canvas by Raphael Amorim A curated list of awesome HTML5 Canvas with examples, related articles and posts.
awesome-csirt by Spacial Awesome-CSIRT is a curated list of links and resources in security and csirt daily activities
awesome-go by Avelino
A curated list of awesome Go frameworks, libraries and software
Awesome hacktoberfest by Otacilio Maia
A curated list of awesome Hacktoberfest repositories
Awesome ideas by Teles
A free list of software ideas, all written in portuguese
awesome-mlops by kelvins
A curated list of awesome MLOps tools
awesome-seo by Teles
A curated list of SEO links
awesome-shadcn-ui by birobirobiro
A curated list of awesome things related to shadcn/ui -
awesome-svg by willianjusten
A curated list of SVG
awesome-techleads by gabiduarte
A curated list about Tech Lead contents in pt-br
awesome-wpo by davidsonfellipe
A curated list of Web Performance Optimization. Everyone can contribute here!
backend-challenges by joviane, CollabCodeTech
A public list of open-source challenges from jobs around the world
Bancos Brasileiros by guibranco
A curated list of brazilian banks
cypress-docs-pt-br by pedrohyvo
Tradução da documentação oficial do framework Cypress.io
game-datasets by leomaurodesenv
A curated list of awesome game datasets, and tools to artificial intelligence in games
frontend-challenges by felipefialho
A lot of open-source's challenges of jobs to test your knowledge
Frontend Infrastructure by TK
Research on Frontend Infrastructure -
Functional Programming Learning Path by TK
A Learning Path for Functional Programming -
Links-uteis by OfficialMarinho
useful links for the development of programming and design projects
magictools by ellisonleao
A list of Game Development resources to make magic happen
modelo de contrato by apsantos-dev
Assist in the creation of a document to formalize the provision of some type of service.
MunicΓpios Brasileiros by kelvins
List os brazilian cities
Programming Language Research by TK
Research on programming languages, compilers, interpreters -
remote-jobs-brazil by lerrua
Companies with remote job on Brazil
Web Performance Research by TK
Research on Web Performance -
women-teaching-tech by compiladoras
List of channels and courses on technology made by women
- Bend by VictorTaelin
A high-level, massively parallel programming language
Balde by rafaelmartins
A fast, simple, and memory efficient microframework written in C. It can run on any web server that supports CGI and/or FastCGI.
ffmpeg-libav-tutorial by leandromoreira
FFmpeg libav tutorial - learn how media works from basic to transmuxing, transcoding and more
EquinoxProject by EduardoPires
Implement the most common used technologies
FluentValidator byandrebaltieri
A fluent way to use Notification Pattern with your entities
NLua by viniciusjarina
Bridge between Lua and the .NET.
bgslibrary by Andrews Cordolino Sobral
A C++ Background Subtraction Library with wrappers for Python, MATLAB, Java and GUI on QT
Brasilino by Otacilio Maia, Thiago Augusto, Erick SimΓ΅es
A library that allows programming in Arduino using commands in PT-BR
cvui by Fernando Bevilacqua
A (very) simple UI lib built on top of OpenCV drawing primitives
material-de-aprendizado by cppbrasil
Material for C++, videos, tutorials, examples, books and etc.
matplotplusplus by Avatar Alan de Freitas
Matplot++: A C++ Graphics Library for Data Visualization
pgModeler by Raphael AraΓΊjo e Silva
PostgreSQL Database Modeler - is an open source data modeling tool designed for PostgreSQL
QHot by Patrick JosΓ© Pereira
A hot reload for QML files.
balloon.css by kazzkiq
Simple tooltips made of pure CSS
Banana CSS by afonsopacifer
The brazilian CSS preprocessor writen in NodeJS
css2wind by LukeberryPi
A wonderful game that translates the CSS property to its Tailwind CSS equivalent
CSS Components ny felipefialho
Using the power of CSS and without Javascript
CSS Loader by raphaelfabeni
Simple loaders for your web applications using only one div and pure CSS
Chlorine by MaurΓcio Szabo Socket REPL and nREPL plug-in for the Atom editor, supporting interactive coding and custom visualization of results
Pathom by Wilker LΓΊcio A Clojure library designed to help you write Clojure(script) graph query processing parsers for the query notation used by EQL
state-flow by Nubank
Integration testing framework using a state monad in the backend for building and composing flows
workspaces by Nubank
Live development environment for Clojurescript
Flutter para iniciantes by rubensdemelo
Book about Flutter
Flame engine by luanpotter
Game engine 2d pra Flutter
Photo view by renancaraujo
Widget pra galeria de imagens
DataSet-Serialize by Vinicius Sanchez, Mateus Vicente
Set of features to make working with JSON and DataSet simple
Horse by Hashload
Horse is an Express inspired web framework for Delphi
Elixir Programming Language by josevalim
Elixir language, created by a Brazilian, JosΓ© Valim
Floki by philss
Floki is a simple HTML parser that enables search for nodes using CSS selectors
Gitql by filhodanuvem
A git query language
GoCity by rodrigo-brito
Code City metaphor for visualizing Go source code in 3D
go-dockerclient by Francisco Souza
Go client for the Docker Engine API
gofn by avelino
Function process via docker provider (serverless minimalist)
goreleaser by caarlos0
Deliver Go binaries as fast and easily as possible
Learn Go with tests by Lauren Ferreira
Learn Go with test-driven development
Minha Receita by cuducos
Sua API web para consulta de informaçáes do CNPJ da Receita Federal
Pitaya by TFG Co
Scalable game server framework with clustering support and client libraries for iOS, Android, Unity and others through the C SDK.
pREST by Avelino
(PostgreSQL REST), simplify and accelerate development, instant, realtime high-performance on any Postgres application, existing or new
ShellHub by gustavosbarreto
ShellHub enables teams to easily access any Linux device behind firewall and NAT
Task by andreynering
Task is a task runner / build tool, alternative to Make
teresa by luizalabs
Open source tool to deploy apps to Kubernetes clusters
tsuru by tsuru
Open source, extensible and Docker-based Platform as a Service (PaaS)
- Kind by HigherOrderCO
A modern proof language
33-js-concepts by leonardomso
33 concepts every JavaScript developer should know
Algorithms & Data Structures by TK
Algorithms & Data Structures studies -
Brasil API by filipedeschamps
An API that gives access to resources available on Brazil
brazilian-utils by hyanmandian
Utils library for Brazilian-specific businesses
cep-promise by filipedeschamps
Search for CEP using Correios, ViaCEP e etc
clipboard.js by zenorocha
Modern copy to clipboard. No Flash. Just 3kb gzipped
creditcard.js by Conta Azul
A simple credit cards validation library in JavaScript
Docz by pedronauck
Docz makes it easy to write and publish beautiful interactive documentation for your code
extenso.js by PortuJS
Convert number to words (in Portuguese).
fast-memoize.js by caiogondim
Fastest possible memoization library
Glorious Demo by Rafael Camargo
The easiest way of creating animations to show your code in action
javascript-datastructures-algorithms by loiane
collection of JavaScript and TypeScript data structures and algorithms for education purposes. Source code bundle of JavaScript algorithms and data structures book
JavaScript Docs by brunormferreira and leonardocesca
A JavaScript Documentation made in PT-BR.
kratos-boilerplate by felipefialho
A simple and fast boilerplate for creating statics PWA
mini-video-me by maykbrito
A small webcam player focused on providing an easy way to add and control your webcam during recordings
mussum-ipsum by diegofelipece
JS Lorem Ipsum generator
Node Cron by Lucas Merencia
Tiny task scheduler in pure JavaScript for node.js based on GNU crontab.
node4noobs by anabastos
A repository for learning Node working on a project from scratch. Helps people with little programming experience.
Nullstack by Christian Mortaro
Framework to develop feature-driven full-stack vanilla JS components. With SSR, SSG, SPA, PWA, SEO and "too much magic to fit in a line" out-of-the-box.
poku by Weslley AraΓΊjo
Poku makes testing easy for Node.js, Bun, Deno, and you at the same time.
qualy-presenter by willianjusten
A boilerplate to create presentations
react-awesome-styled-grid by santosfrancisco
A react responsive grid flexbox based
react-native-3dcube-navigation by zehfernandes
Cube transition for React Native
React95 by ggdaltoso
A React components library with Win95 UI
Rocket.Chat by RocketChat
The ultimate Free Open Source Solution for team communications
sharer.js by ellisonleao
Create your own social share buttons with no extra dependencies
subtitle.js by gsantiago
Parse and manipulate subtitles
svelte-i18n by kaisermann
Internationalization for Svelte.
svelte-loadable by kaisermann
Dynamically load a svelte component.
svelte-preprocess by kaisermann
A Svelte preprocessor with sensible defaults and support for: PostCSS, SCSS, Less, Stylus, CoffeeScript, TypeScript, Pug and much more.
Unform by Rocketseat
Easy peasy highly scalable ReactJS & React Native forms!
zuck.js by ramon82
A javascript library that lets you add stories EVERYWHERE
Vue Page Title by vinicius73
Vue.js html/page title manager
Lua Programming language by roberto-ieru
Lua language, created by a Brazilian, Roberto Ierusalimschy
luarocks by hishamhm
LuaRocks is the package manager for the Lua programming language
tl by hishamhm
The compiler for Teal, a typed dialect of Lua
Corcel by jgrossi
WordPress backend with Laravel or any PHP application
Dephpugger by tacnoman
Debug PHP applications in terminal
Siler by leocavalcante
Flat-files and plain-old PHP functions rockin'on as a set of general purpose high-level abstractions
Validation by henriquemoody
The most awesome validation engine ever created for PHP
Calculadora do CidadΓ£o by cuducos
Tool for Brazilian Reais monetary adjustment/correction
dateutil by niemeyer
Useful extensions to the standard Python datetime features
django-htmlmin by cobrateam
HTML minifier for Python frameworks
django-react-boilerplate by Vinta Software
Django, React, Bootstrap 4 with Python 3 and webpack project boilerplate
django-tenant-schemas by bernardopires
Tenant support for Django using PostgreSQL schemas
Dynaconf by rochacbruno
Configuration Management for Python
HTTPretty by gabrielfalcao
HTTP client mocking tool for Python - inspired by Fakeweb for Ruby
isk-daemon by ricardocabral
Open source database for content-based (visual) image search
keyboard by BoppreH
Hook and simulate global keyboard events on Windows and Linux.
lettuce by gabrielfalcao
Behavior-driven-development tool for python, inspired by Cucumber for Ruby
prettyconf by osantana
A extensible library for Settings/Code separation
pynubank by andreroggeri
Acesse seus extratos do Nubank pelo Python
python-decouple by henriquebastos
Strict separation of config from code
rows by turicas
A common, beautiful interface to tabular data, no matter the format
scanapi by ScanAPI
Automated Integration Testing and Live Documentation for your API
splinter by cobrateam
Python test framework for web applications
querido-diario by okfn-brasil
Brazilian government gazettes, accessible to everyone.
sure by gabrielfalcao
Idiomatic assertion toolkit with human-friendly failure messages, inspired on RSpec Expectations and should.js
browser by fnando
Do some browser detection with Ruby. Includes ActionController integration
Rails gem devise by josevalim, carlosantoniodasilva.
Rails gem devise for user authentication
Rails gem simpleform by josevalim, carlosantoniodasilva, rafaelfranca
Rails gem simple form for forms
vagrant-lxc by fgrehm
LXC provider for Vagrant
Bend by HigherOrderCO
A massively parallel, high-level programming language
HVM by HigherOrderCO
A massively parallel, optimal functional runtime in Rust
KFtray by hcavarsan
A cross-platform app for managing Kubernetes port forward configurations in the menu bar. -
py2rs by rochacbruno
A quick reference guide for the Pythonista in the process of becoming a Rustacean
Rio by raphamorim
A hardware-accelerated GPU terminal emulator that runs in desktops and browsers
bullet-train.zsh by caiogondim
oh-my-zsh shell theme based on the Powerline Vim plugin
Zim by ericbn
Modular, customizable, and blazing fast Zsh framework
ariakit by diegohaz
Toolkit for building accessible web apps with React
concurrently by gustavohenke
Run commands concurrently. Likenpm run watch-js & npm run watch-less
but better.
ExpressoTS Framework by Richard Zampieri
A Typescript + Node.js lightweight framework for quick building scalable, easy to read and maintain, server-side applications π
vscode-project-manager by alefragnani
Project Manager Extension for Visual Studio Code
whatsapp-bot by caioagiani
BOT - WhatsApp Web in TypeScript
Neovim by tarruda
Neovim is the most popular vim fork and refactor that simplifies maintenance, enable advanced UIs and maximize extensibility
vim-bootstrap by avelino
Generator provides a simple method of generating a .vimrc configuration for vim
(the same measurement rule as awesome-made-by-russians )
It's hard to calculate project popularity so we use stars as a measurement. It's not quite fair, but it is what we have here on Github.
If you want to add a project to this list, please make sure that:
- The project was created by developers born in Brazil
- The project can't be just a personal, experimental or sample project
- The project has more than 100 stars on Github
- Place them in alphabetical order
- If they meet the requirements above, feel free to create a PR!
- Zeno Rocha for the idea in 2018 (π)
- schirrel for reminding me about this project
- π·πΊ awesome-made-by-russians for some ideas to improve template and change the project name (initially