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Welcome to the htpclientapi wiki! This will cover some of the basics of automation.


First we need to make a new project, so make a new folder and then clone this repo as a sub directory or sub module or something:

git clone

Test connection and access

import hashtopolis

handle = hashtopolis.Hashtopolis(endpoint="https://<location on internet here>/api/user.php",port=443,api_key="<YOUR API KEY HERE, or someone eles's, i'm not your dad>")
print(handle.test.connection()).get("response","No Response Error")
print(handle.test.access()).get("response","No Response Error")

List Users

now as an example we will list the users

import hashtopolis

handle = hashtopolis.Hashtopolis(endpoint="https://<location on internet here>/api/user.php",port=443,api_key="<YOUR API KEY HERE, or someone eles's, i'm not your dad>")

user_list = handle.user.listUsers().get("users",[])
for user in user_list:
    user_data = handle.user.getUser(userId=user.get("userId"))
    for property_name, value in user_data.items():
        print("{property_name}: {value}".format(property_name= property_name, value=value))

Integgroll has not updated the documents below here, he decided to take a break for food and to pack. So they are just flat out wrong for the version of things for now.

Create Hashlist

This is a fairly easy example, lets say now that we want to create a hashlist, we can do the following:

from htpclientapi.functions import *

import config
import base64

data = open("ntlm.hash", "r").read()
encoded = base64.b64encode(data)

result = createhashlist("EvilMog - Hashes - NTLM", False, True, False, ":", 0, 1000, 1, encoded, False,
print result

Create Multiple Attacks like Pathwell

If we wanted to create 100 mask attacks on the hashlist we could do something like this. First get the pathwell masks from and make a file called pathwell.txt and from there run this script

from htpclientapi.functions import *
import config

hashlistid = str(21) # replace this
priority = 102 # replace this if you want it higher or lower
# benchmark = "runtime"
benchmark = "speed"

pathwellfile = open("pathwell.txt", 'r')
for line in pathwellfile:
    priority = priority - 1
    pmask = line.rstrip()
    newtask = createtask(
                         ("PATHWELL -a3 - " + pmask), hashlistid,
                         ("#HL# -a 3 " + pmask), 1200, 5, benchmark,
                         "#FFFFFF", False, False, 0, 1, str(priority), [], False)
    print newtask

List Cracked Hashes per Task

from htpclientapi.functions import *

import config

taskId = '361'

endpoint =['host'] + ':' +['port'] + '/api/user.php'
data = listtasks(endpoint, certpath, apikey)

results = gettaskcracked(taskId)

if results['response'] == 'OK':
    for result in results['cracked']:
        print result

Get all cracked hashes for NTLM hashlists

from htpclientapi.functions import *

import config

data = listhashlists()

for hashlist in data['hashlists']:
  if hashlist['hashtypeId'] == 1000:
    crackeddata = gethashlistcracked(hashlist['hashlistId'])
    for crackedhashlist in crackeddata['cracked']:
      print crackedhashlist['plain']


Python Bindings for Hashtopolis Client API







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