Update: June 2018 moved to Gitlab
Installing the JBoss BPM Dashboard Builder standalone on OpenShift was never easier!
This git repository helps you get up and running quickly with the JBoss BPM BAM Dashboard Builder.
Create an account at http://openshift.redhat.com/
Create a JBoss AS instance
rhc app create -t jbossas-7 --from-code git://github.com/eschabell/openshift-bpm-bam-dashboard.git bampreview
There is one step to add the user login files that are not being correctly copied to the JBoss server. Wsing the RHC SCP command, copy the following files, then the login will work below.
rhc scp bampreview bampreview/.openshift/config/bam-*.properties jbossas/standalone/configuration/
That's it, you can now checkout your application at:
Just follow the link provided to the designer login:
Login credentials
user: erics
password: erics
v1.1 running on JBoss AS 7, standalone product BAM Dashboard Builder.
v1.0 running on JBoss AS 7, standalone BAM Dashboard Builder.