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Emit a warning if source is part of a cycle
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josevalim committed Feb 28, 2025
1 parent b42dbd9 commit c2c331d
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Showing 2 changed files with 111 additions and 42 deletions.
100 changes: 76 additions & 24 deletions lib/mix/lib/mix/tasks/xref.ex
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Expand Up @@ -34,13 +34,44 @@ defmodule Mix.Tasks.Xref do
(for example, by invoking its macro or using it in the body of a module)
which also have their own dependencies.
Therefore, if your goal is to reduce recompilations, the first step is to run:
The most harmful form of compile-connected dependencies are the ones
that are also in a cycle. Imagine you have files `lib/a.ex`, `lib/b.ex`,
and `lib/c.ex` with the following dependencies:
└── lib/b.ex (compile)
└── lib/c.ex
└── lib/a.ex
Because you have a compile-time dependency, any of the files `lib/a.ex`,
`lib/b.ex`, and `lib/c.ex` depend on will cause the whole cycle to
recompile. Therefore, your first priority to reduce compile times is
to remove such cycles. You can spot them by running:
$ mix xref graph --format stats --label compile-connected
This command will show general information about the project, but
focus on compile-connected dependencies. In the stats, you will see
the following report:
Whenever you find a compile-time dependency, such as `lib/a.ex` pointing
to `lib/b.ex`, there are two ways to remove them:
1. Run `mix xref trace lib/a.ex` to understand where and how `lib/a.ex`
depends on `lib/b.ex` at compile time and address it
2. Or run `mix xref trace lib/b.ex` and make sure it does not depend on
any other module in your project because a compile dependency makes
those runtime dependencies also compile time by transitivity
We outline all options for `mix xref trace` and the types of dependencies
over the following sections.
If you don't have compile cycles in your project, that's a good beginning,
but you want to avoid any compile-connected dependencies in general, as they
may become cycles in the future. To verify the general health of your project,
you may run:
$ mix xref graph --format stats --label compile-connected
This command will show general information about the project, but focus on
compile-connected dependencies. In the stats, you will see the following report:
Top 10 files with most incoming dependencies:
* lib/livebook_web.ex (97)
Expand All @@ -62,17 +93,9 @@ defmodule Mix.Tasks.Xref do
The trouble here is precisely that, if any of the files in the latter
command changes, all of the files in the first command will be recompiled,
because compile time dependencies are transitive.
Having compile time dependencies is a common feature in Elixir projects.
However, the modules you depend on at compile-time must avoid dependencies
to modules within the same project. You can understand all of the
dependencies of a given file by running:
$ mix xref trace lib/livebook_web.ex
The command above will output three types of dependencies, which we
detail next.
because compile time dependencies are transitive. As we did with cycles,
you can use `mix xref trace` to understand why and how these dependencies
### Dependency types
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -911,20 +934,20 @@ defmodule Mix.Tasks.Xref do
if files == [], do: nil, else: files

defp write_graph(file_references, filter, opts) do
{file_references, aliases} = merge_groups(file_references, Keyword.get_values(opts, :group))
defp write_graph(all_references, filter, opts) do
{all_references, aliases} = merge_groups(all_references, Keyword.get_values(opts, :group))

file_references =
exclude(file_references, get_files(:exclude, opts, file_references, aliases))
all_references =
exclude(all_references, get_files(:exclude, opts, all_references, aliases))

sources = get_files(:source, opts, file_references, aliases)
sinks = get_files(:sink, opts, file_references, aliases)
sources = get_files(:source, opts, all_references, aliases)
sinks = get_files(:sink, opts, all_references, aliases)

file_references =
cond do
sinks -> sink_tree(file_references, sinks)
sources -> source_tree(file_references, sources)
true -> file_references
sinks -> sink_tree(all_references, sinks)
sources -> source_tree(all_references, sources)
true -> all_references

{found, count} =
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -966,6 +989,12 @@ defmodule Mix.Tasks.Xref do

Mix.Utils.print_tree(Enum.sort(roots), callback, opts)

if sources do
# We compute the tree again in case sinks are also given
file_references = source_tree(all_references, sources)
print_sources_cycles(file_references, sources, opts)

{:references, count}

other ->
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -1219,6 +1248,29 @@ defmodule Mix.Tasks.Xref do

defp print_sources_cycles(references, sources, opts) do
with_digraph(references, fn graph ->
shell =

|> cycles(:compile, opts)
|> Enum.sort(:desc)
|> Enum.each(fn {length, cycle} ->
if source = Enum.find(sources, &List.keymember?(cycle, &1, 0)) do"""
WARNING: Source #{source} is part of a cycle of #{length} nodes \
and this cycle has a compile dependency. Therefore source and the \
whole cycle will recompile whenever any of the files they depend \
on change. Run "mix xref graph --format stats --label compile-connected" \
to print compilation cycles and "mix help xref" for information on \
removing them\

## Helpers

defp apps(opts) do
Expand Down
53 changes: 35 additions & 18 deletions lib/mix/test/mix/tasks/xref_test.exs
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -205,14 +205,14 @@ defmodule Mix.Tasks.XrefTest do

defp assert_callers(opts \\ [], module, files, expected) do
defp assert_callers(args \\ [], module, files, expected) do
in_fixture("no_mixfile", fn ->
for {file, contents} <- files do
File.write!(file, contents)

capture_io(:stderr, fn ->
assert"xref", opts ++ ["callers", module]) == :ok
assert"xref", args ++ ["callers", module]) == :ok

assert ^expected = receive_until_no_messages([])
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -392,14 +392,14 @@ defmodule Mix.Tasks.XrefTest do

defp assert_trace(opts \\ [], file, files, expected) do
defp assert_trace(args \\ [], file, files, expected) do
in_fixture("no_mixfile", fn ->
for {file, contents} <- files do
File.write!(file, contents)

capture_io(:stderr, fn ->
assert"xref", opts ++ ["trace", file]) == :ok
assert"xref", args ++ ["trace", file]) == :ok

assert receive_until_no_messages([]) == expected
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -715,16 +715,25 @@ defmodule Mix.Tasks.XrefTest do

test "sources" do
assert_graph(~w[--source lib/a.ex --source lib/c.ex], """
`-- lib/b.ex (compile)
|-- lib/a.ex
|-- lib/c.ex
`-- lib/e.ex (compile)
`-- lib/d.ex (compile)
`-- lib/e.ex
~w[--source lib/a.ex --source lib/c.ex],
`-- lib/b.ex (compile)
|-- lib/a.ex
|-- lib/c.ex
`-- lib/e.ex (compile)
`-- lib/d.ex (compile)
`-- lib/e.ex
WARNING: Source lib/a.ex is part of a cycle of 2 nodes and this cycle has a compile \
dependency. Therefore source and the whole cycle will recompile whenever any of the \
files they depend on change. Run "mix xref graph --format stats --label compile-connected" \
to print compilation cycles and "mix help xref" for information on removing them
warnings: true

test "source with compile label" do
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -1151,20 +1160,28 @@ defmodule Mix.Tasks.XrefTest do

defp assert_graph(opts \\ [], expected, params \\ []) do
defp assert_graph(args \\ [], expected, opts \\ []) do
in_fixture("no_mixfile", fn ->
nb_files =
Enum.count(params[:files] || @default_files, fn {path, content} ->
Enum.count(opts[:files] || @default_files, fn {path, content} ->
File.write!(path, content)

assert"xref", opts ++ ["graph"]) == :ok
assert"xref", args ++ ["graph"]) == :ok
first_line = "Compiling #{nb_files} files (.ex)"

assert [
^first_line | ["Generated sample app" | result]
"Generated sample app" | result
] = receive_until_no_messages([]) |> String.split("\n")

result =
if Keyword.get(opts, :warnings, false) do
Enum.take_while(result, &(not String.starts_with?(&1, "WARNING: ")))

assert result |> Enum.join("\n") |> normalize_graph_output() == expected
Expand Down

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