Simillimum is a fork of SourceMod.
Right now it serves as a playground for those who would like to contribute to a more open repository.
It's not meant to be as a competitor, Simillimum may not be in a usable state (although we aim to only accept tested changes to the core) and it uses experimental code.
Anyone interested in becoming a contributor should get in touch with Zephyrus.
Simillimum will always maintain ABI compatibility with SourceMod.
- Forked SourceMod
- Changed all SourceMod references to Simillimum while keeping ABI compatibility
- New signature scanning algorithm using a version of the Boyer-Moore-Horspool algorithm
- Introduced a new gamedata type for POSIX platforms to prevent offset breaks in case of updates
- Converted the sdktools/game.cstrike.txt gamedata to use Dynamic Offsets
- Added option to core.cfg to enable/disable listing of extensions and plugins
- Updated SQLite libraries to the latest version so we can benefit from its smaller memory footprint
and better performance thanks to memory mapped I/O
- Updated cURL libraries
- Minor cleanup
- Swapped the MySQL connector to the connector of MariaDB
- Added native HandleError:GetHandleStatus(Handle:hndl)
- Updated SDKHooks gamedata for CStrike to utilise Dynamic Offsets
- Add support for CSS to the ExtinguishEntity function
- Updated makefiles and msvc solutions
- Refactored and merged a few patches by Afronanny:
- Using @aim while specatating someone will select the spectated player now
- Added AwardClientAchievement native
- Fixed a crash with Precache natives if they are supplied a bogus string
- Added initial LUA support, considered highly experimental, stuff:
- More cleansing
- A lot of LUA improvements
- Finished updating makefiles so we can remove ambuild completely
- Major cleanup
- Expose cURL functions to plugins
- Implement a Socket extension without Boost dependencies
- Use the Boyer-Moore-Horspool algorithm for strstr/stristr
- Review all string handling functions and use a faster algorithm where possible
- Convert more gamedata to use dynamic offsets
- Expose Trie iteration to plugins
- Write a trie iterator that doesn't actually suck......
- Major improvements to the default plugins
- Add a universal way to change the players' name
- Implement color code formatting to PrintToChat and PrintToChatAll
- Add full LUA support:
- Add plugin hash support for plugin blacklist
- Begin exposing natives to LUA
- Rewrite all stock plugins in LUA
- Add an exception handler to log all errors
- Modify ExecuteString to use formatting