DEPRECATED: project is outdated and doesn't maintain for a while. Alternatives:
- If you interested in gonzales, take a look at gonzales-pe, this is a fork of gonzales with post processors support (sass, less) and other improvements.
- We also recommend looking at CSSTree, which began as refactoring of gonzales, but later became a brand new solution for parsing and processing CSS.
- If you are looking for the fastest parser, see the CSS parsers benchmark by PostCSS team to choose your favourite one.
Gonzales — fast CSS parser.
This document is an installation guide.
Usage: [CSSP.USAGE.en] (
CSSP AST description: [AST.CSSP.en] (
Please report issues on Issues.
- nodejs 0.6.x —
- npm —
To install (global):
- run
npm install gonzales -g
To update:
- run
npm update gonzales
To uninstall:
- run
npm uninstall gonzales -g
- idea, implementation — Sergey Kryzhanovsky ([email protected])
- english translation — Vera Gavryushina ([email protected])
- Gonzales is licensed under MIT