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🐞 Bug
🐞 Bug
Something isn't working as expected in the documentation.
👥 Core Team Only
👥 Core Team Only
Restricted to the core Coolify team for work.
♻️ Duplicate
♻️ Duplicate
Tasks or issues that are repeated and should be merged or closed.
✨ Enhancement
✨ Enhancement
Suggestions to improve or add detail to existing docs.
🌱 Good First Issue
🌱 Good First Issue
Simple tasks ideal for new contributors.
⚠️ High Priority
⚠️ High Priority
Critical documentation tasks requiring immediate attention.
🐢 Low Priority
🐢 Low Priority
Non-urgent tasks or updates for documentation.
⚖️ Medium Priority
⚖️ Medium Priority
Important tasks to be addressed soon, but not urgent.
⭐️ New Content
⭐️ New Content
Adding entirely new content or guides.
⏱️ PR - Waiting for Changes
⏱️ PR - Waiting for Changes
PR needs changes from the author before proceeding.
Requires clarification or additional explanation in docs.
💤 Stale
💤 Stale
Inactive for a while, may need to be closed.
🧐 Triage
🧐 Triage
Needs review and prioritization by maintainers.
⏳ Waiting for feedback
⏳ Waiting for feedback
Awaiting a response or more info from the author.
🚫 Won't Fix
🚫 Won't Fix
Problems that will not be addressed.