This is a matlab implementation of Realtime Multi-Person Pose Estimation using matconvnet backend, origin code is here
Code repo for personal reproducing 2017 CVPR Oral paper using MatConvNet.
This project is licensed under the terms of the license.
Copyright is owned by the [original author](Zhe Cao).
cd <Pose_matconvnet>
git clone
cd matconvnet
run matlab/vl_compilenn ;
COCO Model (The model is freely available for free non-commercial use.)
Download from google drive or BaiduYun
Convert caffe models to matconvnet by yourself.
Download caffemodel
cd <Pose_matconvnet> cd models wget
cd models Converter_caffe_matconvnet build_openpose_net
cd <Pose_matconvnet>
cd testing
- Our new C++ library openPose
- CVPR'16, Convolutional Pose Machines
- Pytorch version of the code
Please cite the paper in your publications if it helps your research:
author = {Zhe Cao and Tomas Simon and Shih-En Wei and Yaser Sheikh},
booktitle = {CVPR},
title = {Realtime Multi-Person 2D Pose Estimation using Part Affinity Fields},
year = {2017}
author = {Shih-En Wei and Varun Ramakrishna and Takeo Kanade and Yaser Sheikh},
booktitle = {CVPR},
title = {Convolutional pose machines},
year = {2016}