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Number of citations:

Number of downloads:

  • Python

    • pypi: PyPI
    • conda: Conda
    • github releases: 1000 per month (as of January 2024) (
  • Matlab

    • 1100 per month (as of January 2024) (
  • Octave

    • 65 per month (as of January 2024) (
  • Github releases lumped together

    • GitHub all releases

Number of users (internation_kpi sheet, as of January 2024)

  • 77 universities (subscribed to newsletter and/or training activities)
  • 30 organizations (commercial and subsidized)

GitHub Repo stars

YouTube Channel Views YouTube Channel Subscribers

Projects depending on CasADi:

List of software tools dependent on CasADi (see e.g.

  2. omg-tools
  3. MPCTools: MPC and MHE, Rawlings' group
  4. RTC-tools
  6. rockit: KU Leuven MECO
  7. yop
  8. do-MPC: Robust multi-stage MPC, MHE, Lucia's group
  9. hilo-mpc
  10. MATMPC
  11. Optimization Engine
  12. acados: Real-time MPC, Diehl's group
  13. PyBaMM
  14. Tasho
  15. Bioptim
  16. 3dpredictsim
  17. Horizon
  18. NOSNOC
  19. Modelon impact
  20. Forces PRO
  21. OASE, Flanders Make
  22. paresto: Parameter estimation, Rawlings' group
  23. TuneMPC: economic tuning of MPC, uses acados and casadi, from Zanon and Diehl
  24. UKF-SNMPC: Stochastic MPC with UKF (Bradford)
  25. SDD-GP-MPC: Gaussian processes and MPC (Bradford)
  26. casiopeia: Parameter estimation and optimal experiment design
  27. NLoed: optimal experiment design
  28. ml-casadi: PyTorch + CasADi (superseded by L4CasADi below)
  29. Fatrop
  30. L4CasADi: Use PyTorch models within CasADi
  31. OpTaS
  32. csnlp
  33. nmpyc
  34. OpenAP Trajectory Optimizer
  35. Alpaqa
  36. matADi: Material Definition with Automatic Differentiation.
  37. SIPPY: System identification
  38. Monomers to Polymers (m2p)
  39. MPOPT: pseudo-spectral collocation methods
  40. AeroSandbox
  41. Pymoca

List of books featuring CasADi

  1. Model Predictive Control: Theory, Computation, and Design
  2. Learning with Python and CasADi model predictive control

Companies using CasADi (public disclosure)

  1. ionworks
  2. Modelon
  3. IAV

Research projects using CasADi

  1. ROCSIS (KULeuven as partner)
  2. ID2CON (KULeuven as partner)
  3. AVCON (KULeuven as partner)
  4. DriveTrain codedesign (KULeuven as partner)
  5. Dirac SBO (KULeuven as partner)
  6. ARENA SBO (KULeuven as partner)
  7. WORKDRIVE SBO (KULeuven as partner)
  8. FROGS (KULeuven as partner)
  9. Assistant IRVA (KULeuven as partner)
  10. ELOX Marie Curie (KULeuven as partner)