This is an experimental release of the OK1IAK's ExtIO_Omnia for the HDSDR console. Just unpack the binaries into the HDSDR installation directory and enjoy.
This release integrates control of Vojtech's firmware based CW keyer and transmit functionality. You will need to install Vojtech's firmware to your Omnia:
To install the firmware, please follow the guide:
You will find the CW keyer controls at the bottom of the secondary waterfall.
You can set the output power and the transmit IQ balance from the "ExtIO" control dialog, which opens when the "ExtIO" button on the HDSDR interface is clicked.
Newly, you can control amplifier sequencing to avoid relay hot switching, wear and audio noise: The signal may b delayed from the side tone by 0 to 15ms, and a AMP hold off time may be set. Additionally it is now possible to enable / disable amplifier from the HDSDR UI.