Example Pen: https://codepen.io/bfintal/pen/zYzOGpZ
Counter-Up is a lightweight (only 1.3kb gzipped) module with zero dependencies that counts up to a targeted number when the number becomes visible.
- Floats:
- Integers:
- With commas:
- Commas and dots:
- With non-numeric characters:
- Multiple countable values:
604,800 seconds in 10,080 minutes in 168 hours in 7 days
npm install --save counterup2
<div class="counter">1,123,456 downloads</div>
Importing as a module will import the modern JavaScript code.
import counterUp from 'counterup2'
const el = document.querySelector( '.counter' )
// Start counting, do this on DOM ready or with Waypoints.
counterUp( el, {
duration: 1000,
delay: 16,
} )
If you want to stop the counter immediately:
// Stop counting. This brings back the original value.
counterUp( el, { action: 'stop' } )
Example Pen: https://codepen.io/bfintal/pen/zYzOGpZ
<script src="https://unpkg.com/[email protected]/dist/index.js"> </script>
<div class="counter">1,123,456.78</div>
const { counterUp } = window.counterUp
const el = document.querySelector( '.counter' )
// Start counting, typically you need to call this when the
// element becomes visible, or whenever you like.
counterUp( el, {
duration: 5000,
delay: 16,
} )
It is up to you to perform the triggering on when to start the count up. Here are some common ways on how to do it:
Example Pen: https://codepen.io/bfintal/pen/zYzOGpZ
const callback = entries => {
entries.forEach( entry => {
const el = entry.target
if ( entry.isIntersecting ) ) {
counterUp( el, {
duration: 2000,
delay: 16,
} )
} )
const IO = new IntersectionObserver( callback, { threshold: 1 } )
const el = document.querySelector( '.counter' )
IO.observe( el )
The counting is performed when counterUp
is called. To make the counting start when the element becomes visible, use a visibility library like Waypoints
For example:
// On DOM ready.
require( 'waypoints/lib/noframework.waypoints.js' )
const el = document.querySelector( '.counter' )
new Waypoint( {
element: el,
handler: function() {
counterUp( el )
offset: 'bottom-in-view',
} )
An improvement to https://github.com/bfintal/Counter-Up