Like television, but for humans.
Hosted at
- There are a lot of videos on YouTube. The bad ones look like clickbait. The good ones also look like clickbait. They're all competing for your attention, and as a result, just choosing something to watch is exhausting.
- If you just let YouTube autoplay it will feed you absolute garbage.
The solution? Curate a set of videos that have some chance of being delightful or informative, and that have rewatch potential, and then just shuffle them.
Fork this repo.
See below for how to run a dev environment.
Open the "info" pane in the Culture Machine UI and bookmark the "Bookmarklet to scrape videos from YouTube" link. See "What is a bookmarklet?" below for details.
Run the bookmarklet on YouTube pages to copy the video links on the page to your clipboard. The bookmark works on the following pages:
- Individual video pages like
- Playlist pages like
- Channel video lists like
Note that only videos whose thumbnails have loaded onto the page will be scraped. If you want to get all videos for a channel, you'll have to scroll down until no more videos load, and then run the bookmarklet. This can take a lot of scrolling.
Paste the videos into
. -
(Optional) Edit the set of channels in
. Each channel is initialized with an array ofEpisode
s, each of which has a list of videos. The videos of an episode always play in sequence, which is how Channel 3 (the music channel) shuffles by album, not by song. -
Commit your changes and follow the deployment steps below.
These instructions assume you have Node and Yarn installed.
- Run
yarn install
to install dependencies. yarn flow
runs the typechecker.yarn dev
runs the dev server. Tests run as part of the UI. You'll see a red banner at the top of the screen if there are any failures.
This repo is configured for deployment to GitHub Pages.
- Run
yarn build
and commit the changes. - Push.
- Set up GitHub pages to deploy from the
If you click the "info" button below the video player, you'll see a "Bookmarklet to scrape videos from YouTube" link. A bookmarklet is a small JavaScript program that you can bookmark, like a link. Clicking the bookmark in your browser runs the program in the context of whatever page you're currently looking at.
To bookmark the bookmarklet, right-click the link and select "Bookmark Link" (or the equivalent in your browser). To learn how to use the bookmarklet, see the section "How can I change the library of videos?" above.