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Preact, TypeScript, Vite, @benchristel/taste

Creating a new project from this template repo

  1. Click the "Use this template" button on GitHub.
  2. Clone the created repo.



make setup    # one-time setup
make deps     # install/update NodeJS packages listed in package.json
make dev      # run the dev server
make ts       # run the typechecker in watch mode
make lint     # check code for problems
make fix      # autofix (some) problems, e.g. formatting
make build    # build for deployment
make smoke    # serve the built code locally

One-time setup

  1. If this is your first ever JavaScript project, welcome! See setting up a JavaScript development environment to get started.

    You will need:

    • node >= 20.9.0
    • yarn 1.x.x, >= 1.22.22
    • GNU make 4.2.1 or compatible version
  2. Run the one-time setup script to install dependencies and git hooks:

    make setup

make is used for dev tools, to decouple them from the specific NodeJS package manager being used.

Server and Typechecker

  • Opening the project in Visual Studio Code automatically starts the dev server and typescript typechecker.
  • The dev server runs at http://localhost:5173 (the port number is vite in 1337... sort of).
  • Output appears in the terminal pane (accessed via ctrl+~).
  • Type errors also show up in the problems pane (ctrl+shift+M).
  • The server and typechecker stop automatically when VS Code quits.
  • If you are not using VS Code, you can run these commands manually:
    make dev  # Run the dev server
    make ts   # Run the typechecker in watch mode


  • Tests run in the browser. The test report appears at the top of the screen.
  • The page will refresh (re-running the tests) whenever you save a file.
  • The tests and test report are completely removed from production builds.
  • You can write tests in-source, or in files named *.test.*, e.g. example.test.ts. The test file pattern is configured in src/test-results.ts.

The test framework is @benchristel/taste. For more information, see @benchristel/taste on NPM.

Linting and formatting

  • The linter and formatter run on changed files when you git commit. If problems are detected, the commit will fail with a descriptive message. You can fix the formatting with make fix and try again.

    To disable the pre-commit style check, delete .husky/pre-commit.

  • To fix formatting and lint in all files (not just the ones you've changed since the last commit), run make fix-all.

  • ESLint is used to format JavaScript and TypeScript files. Prettier is used for other files. See eslint.config.js and .prettierrc for configuration.

Building for production

make build

This outputs files in the dist directory, which is symlinked to docs for easy deployment to GitHub Pages.

To smoketest your production build locally before deploying it, run:

make smoke

This runs an HTTP server (via vite preview) and opens the built app in your browser.


To deploy your built app to GitHub Pages, go to the Pages tab of your repo's settings and change the directory to deploy from to /docs.

This template repo is deployed at


Browser app dev, perfected






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