$ go install github.com/beatlabs/proton/v2@latest
Or download from Releases
Or using Homebrew 🍺
brew tap beatlabs/proton https://github.com/beatlabs/proton
brew install proton
proton json [flags]
-m, --end-of-message-marker string Marker for end of message used when piping data
-f, --file string Proto file path or url
-h, --help help for json
--indent Indent output json
-p, --package string Proto package
Defaults to the package found in the Proton file if not specified
-t, --type string Proto message type
Defaults to the first message type in the Proton file if not specified
Proto file from URL with input message as argument
proton json -f https://raw.githubusercontent.com/protocolbuffers/protobuf/master/examples/addressbook.proto testdata/out.bin
Proto file from local with input message as argument
proton json -f ./testdata/addressbook.proto testdata/out.bin
Proto file from URL with input message piped
cat testdata/out.bin | proton json -f https://raw.githubusercontent.com/protocolbuffers/protobuf/master/examples/addressbook.proto
Proto file from local with input message piped
cat testdata/out.bin | proton json -f ./testdata/addressbook.proto
Multiple proto files from a producer with input messages piped
./testdata/producer.sh '--END--' | proton json -f ./testdata/addressbook.proto -m '--END--'
Because Proto bytes can contain newlines (\n
) and often do,
we need to use a different marker to delimit the end of a message byte-stream and the beginning of the next.
Proton expects an end of message marker, or will read to the end of the stream if not provided.
You can add markers at the end of each messae with tools like kafkacat, like so:
kcat -b my-broker:9092 -t my-topic -f '%s--END--'
You can consume messages and parse them with Proton by doing the following:
kcat -b my-broker:9092 -t my-topic -f '%s--END--' -o beginning | proton json -f ./my-schema.proto -m '--END--'
Don't see messages?
If you execute the above command, but you don't see messages until you stop the consumer, you might have to adjust your buffer settings:
You can do this with the stdbuf
stdbuf -o0 kcat -b my-broker:9092 -t my-topic -f '%s--END--' -o beginning | proton json -f ./my-schema.proto -m '--END--'
If you don't have stdbuf
, you can install it via brew install coreutils
Proton can consume from Kafka directly. The syntax of all the parameters is kept as close as possible to the same from Kafkacat.
$ proton consume --help
consume from given topics
proton consume [flags]
-b, --broker string Broker URL to consume from
-f, --format string
A Kcat-like format string. Defaults to "%T: %s".
Format string tokens:
%s Message payload
%k Message key
%t Topic
%p Partition
%o Offset
%T Message timestamp (milliseconds since epoch UTC)
%Tf Message time formatted as RFC3339
\n \r \t Newlines, tab
-f 'Key: %k, Time: %Tf \nValue: %s' (default "%Tf: %s")
-h, --help help for consume
--key string Grep RegExp for a key value (default ".*")
-o, --offsets strings
Offset to start consuming from
s@<value> (timestamp in ms to start at)
e@<value> (timestamp in ms to stop at (not included))
--proto string A path to a proto file an URL to it
-t, --topic string A topic to consume from
-v, --verbose Whether to print out proton's debug messages
The minimal configuration to run Proton as a standalone consumer is
proton consume -b my-broker -t my-topic --proto ./my-schema.proto
This would consume all the messages from the topic since its start and use default formatting.
You can specify the start and/or the end offset timestamp in milliseconds. Both are optional.
proton consume -b my-broker -t my-topic --proto ./my-schema.proto -o s@1646218065015 -o e@1646218099197
If the end offset is set, proton will stop consuming once it's reached. Otherwise, it will keep consuming.
You can specify the format of the output.
$ proton consume -b my-broker -t my-topic --proto ./my-schema.proto -f "Time: %T \t %k\t%s"
# ...
Time: 1646218065015 key {"field1":"value1","field2":"value2"}
Time: 1646218099197 key {"field1":"value1","field2":"value2"}
# ...
Run proton consume -h
to see all the available formatting options.
To filter out keys, you can use --key <regexp>
option like in this example:
proton consume -b my-broker -t my-topic --proto ./my-schema.proto --key "my-key"
proton consume -b my-broker -t my-topic --proto ./my-schema.proto --key "my-k.*"