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Next.js + Drizzle + Supabase + Cloudflare Pages

This is a modern web application built with Next.js, using Drizzle ORM with Supabase as the database, and deployed on Cloudflare Pages.


  • Node.js 18 or later
  • npm or yarn
  • Supabase account
  • Cloudflare account

Environment Variables

Create a .env.local file in the root directory with the following variables:



  1. Clone the repository:
git clone <your-repo-url>
cd next-drizzle-supabase
  1. Install dependencies:
npm install

Code Quality and Formatting

This project uses several tools to ensure code quality and consistent formatting:

  1. Prettier for code formatting:

    npm run format        # Format all files
  2. ESLint for code linting:

    npm run lint         # Run ESLint
  3. Git Hooks (using Husky):

    • Pre-commit hook automatically formats and lints staged files
    • Ensures consistent code style across the team
    • Prevents commits with formatting issues

The following files are automatically formatted on commit:

  • JavaScript/TypeScript files (.js, .jsx, .ts, .tsx)
  • Configuration files (.json, .yml)
  • Markdown files (.md)

To manually run formatting checks:

npx lint-staged    # Check staged files only
npm run format     # Format all files

UI Components with shadcn/ui

This project uses shadcn/ui for beautiful and accessible components. To add new components:

  1. Install the shadcn CLI:
npm install -D @shadcn/ui
  1. Initialize shadcn/ui (if not already initialized):
npx shadcn-ui@latest init
  1. Add new components as needed:
npx shadcn-ui@latest add [component-name]
# For example:
npx shadcn-ui@latest add button
npx shadcn-ui@latest add dialog

Available components can be found at shadcn/ui website

Font Optimization

This project uses next/font for optimized font loading:

  • Inter for main text (sans-serif)
  • JetBrains Mono for monospace text


  • Zero layout shift
  • Built-in performance optimizations
  • Self-hosted fonts (no external requests)
  • Automatic font subsetting

Usage in components:

// Default text uses Inter
<p>This uses Inter font</p>

// For monospace text
<code className="font-mono">This uses JetBrains Mono</code>

Font configuration can be found in src/lib/fonts.ts.


Run the development server:

npm run dev

Generate Drizzle migrations:

npm run generate

Introspect database:

npm run introspect

Cloudflare Pages Deployment

  1. Install Cloudflare Pages dependencies:
npm install --save-dev @cloudflare/next-on-pages wrangler
  1. Build for Cloudflare Pages:
npm run pages:build
  1. Login to Cloudflare (if not already):
npx wrangler login
  1. Deploy to Cloudflare Pages:
npm run pages:deploy

Available Scripts

  • npm run dev - Start development server
  • npm run build - Build the application
  • npm run start - Start production server
  • npm run lint - Run ESLint
  • npm run generate - Generate Drizzle migrations
  • npm run introspect - Introspect database schema
  • npm run pages:build - Build for Cloudflare Pages
  • npm run pages:deploy - Deploy to Cloudflare Pages
  • npm run pages:watch - Watch mode for Cloudflare Pages
  • npm run pages:dev - Local development with Cloudflare Pages

Project Structure

├── src/
│   ├── app/          # Next.js app directory
│   ├── components/   # React components
│   ├── lib/          # Utility functions and configurations
│   ├── providers/    # React context providers
│   └── db/          # Database schemas and configurations
├── .cloudflare/     # Cloudflare configuration
├── public/          # Static assets
└── package.json     # Project dependencies and scripts

Important Notes

  1. When deploying to Cloudflare Pages, make sure to:

    • Add your environment variables in the Cloudflare Pages dashboard
    • Configure your custom domain if needed
    • Set up any required build settings
  2. For local development with Cloudflare Pages:

    npm run pages:dev
  3. To watch for changes during development:

    npm run pages:watch

Tech Stack


  • Authentication using Supabase Auth
  • File Uploads using Supabase Storage
  • Database access with Drizzle ORM
  • Full Row Level Security (RLS) support
  • Dark Mode with Theme Provider
  • Form state management using the new useFormState and useFormStatus hooks
  • Fully responsive design using Tailwind CSS

Set up database user that respects RLS and grant access to all tables

create role app_user with login password 'app_user';
grant select, insert, update, delete on all tables in schema public to app_user;
alter default privileges in schema public grant select, insert, update, delete on tables to app_user;

Manually enable RLS policies after creating tables

Use the dashboard to enable RLS policies for each table.

Set up Storage

  • Create a new storage bucket and set the STORAGE_BUCKET environment variable to the bucket name.
  • Create the following storage policies for the bucket:

Access own files

  • Name: Access own files
  • Allowed operation: SELECT
  • Target roles: (default)
  • Policy definition:
bucket_id = 'Files' and owner_id = auth.uid()::text and (storage.foldername(name))[1] = auth.uid()::text

Allow upload

  • Name: Allow upload
  • Allowed operation: INSERT
  • Target roles: (default)
  • Policy definition:
bucket_id = 'Files' and (storage.foldername(name))[1] = auth.uid()::text

Delete own files

  • Name: Delete own files
  • Allowed operation: `


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