📌 Deprecation Notice
This repository is deprecated and no more work will be done on this by Apache Cordova. You can continue to use this and it should work as-is but any future issues will not be fixed by the Cordova community.
Feel free to fork this repository and improve your fork. Existing forks are listed in Network and Forks.
- Learn more: https://github.com/apache/cordova/blob/master/deprecated.md#deprecated-platforms
Cordova implementation for TIZEN is a JavaScript Wrapper library allowing to build and run Cordova based projects on TIZEN. Cordova based applications are, at the core, an application written with web technology: HTML, CSS and JavaScript.
Apache Cordova is an open source project at the Apache Software Foundation (ASF).
- TIZEN SDK 2.2 Release
- sync the last Cordova git repository 2.9.x branch
TIZEN is not yet integrated in Cordova 3.x branch. (This the next Goal.)
git arcane:
- looking remote repository branches : ... git branch -r
- getting and checkout a branch:.......... git checkout -t origin/2.9.x
once you are on the 2.9.x local branch, you can create a new branch from it to store your work git branch myFeature-2.9.x
/samples ..... Ready-to-run TIZEN Eclipse IDE sample projects
/templates ... Cordova TIZEN SDK projects templates for TIZEN Eclipse IDE
/www ......... Barebones project assets
- File -> Import
- Select Import Source: Widget -> Projects and Widget file -> Next
- Import Widget -> Select root directory: Point to the one of the sample projects (e.g: /cordova-basic) -> Finish
- The project should be available now in the TIZEN Eclipse IDE Project Explorer
- You can now go to the [Build and Deploy a project] section of this document
- Copy the entire /templates directory content into you TIZEN Eclipse IDE web templates directory (e.g: /home/my_username/tizen-sdk/IDE/Templates/web)
- You can now create Cordova TIZEN project by using TIZEN Eclipse IDE project templates
- File -> New -> TIZEN Web Project.
- Select: User Template.
- Select: User defined.
- Select one of the Cordova templates, fill the Project Name, then -> Finish.
- The project should be available now in the TIZEN Eclipse IDE Project Explorer
- You can now go to the [Build and Deploy a project] section of this document
- Select and Right click the project -> Select Build project, this will generate your project widget package (.wgt)
- Select and Right click the project -> Run As -> Here you can choose:
- TIZEN Web Simulator application
- TIZEN Web application (this will deploy you application to a pre-launched TIZEN emulator or a TIZEN connected device)
The www
folder contains the Cordova specific assets that must be available in a TIZEN Web project to make it 'Cordova enabled'.
If you have an existing TIZEN Web application project, copy/merge these files into its root directory.
config.xml .............. TIZEN configuration file
cordova-x.y.z.js ........ TIZEN Cordova JavaScript API implementation library
beep.wav ............ Needed for Cordova Notification API implementation
Add the following lines into the <head>
section of your index.html
project file:
<script type="text/javascript" src="js/cordova.x.y.z.js"></script>
is a sample that you are free to alter or merge with an existing TIZEN configuration file.
It gives privileges access to TIZEN API, possible access to the web (URL), as well as other elements they may be required by a project as described by TIZEN SDK Documentation.
Sample proposed here contains all elements required by Cordova API.
Note that the "system" is necessary to get the Cordova "Device Ready" event to fire telling application Cordova is ready to be used In TIZEN SDK previous to SDK 2.1, the privileges was named "systeminfo". In TIZEN SDK 2.1, the config.xml editor was not proposing the system privileges, and it had to be added manually. This issue was fixed in TIZEN SDK 2.2
config.xml file generated by TIZEN SDK Eclipse IDE TIZEN Web Wizard is referring application's icon as icon.png. In framework and www folders you will find icon.png and cordova_117.png files.
In TIZEN SDK 2.2 application icons are 117 by 117 pixels wide as png files. If you use cordova_117.png or another named file you have to change it in your application's config.xml file.
- Cordova home
- Cordova Documentation
- Cordova Issue Tracker
- TIZEN Developers Site
- TIZEN Developers Guide
- TIZEN Developers Forum
www/ framework/
- cordova icon, for TIZEN we are not quite sure about the size to use...now it is a 64*64 png
- index html, a starter html file
- cordova-tizen.css, for notifications UI
- sounds/ beep.wav, a file that should be used by notifications to play a "beep"
js/ where to put javascript files generated files from cordova-js build and used by makefile to generate the codova-x.y.z.js file
lib/ cordova.js, generated by make file
mobile-spec: samples/ TizenCordovaMobileSpec/ mobile-spec adapted to TIZEN SDK 2.2
notifications/index.html is loading the cordova-tizen.css file for notifications
config.xml that is granting all TIZEN related features as most of them are required by the Codova JavaScript lib