A playground of experiments related to the Doom fire effect implemented in JavaScript. Feel free to submit your experiment with a Pull Request.
- First implementation using plain JavaScript and a Table to render (@filipedeschamps)
- Implementation using plain JavaScript and Canvas's
to render (@leocavalcante) - Implementation using plain JavaScript and Canvas's
to render (@mccraveiro) - New structure using parcel-bundler and live-reload (@lucianopf)
- Implementation using PixiJS Graphics (@leocavalcante)
- Implementation using Rust and rendered in Terminal (@moog)
- First implementation at the upside down using plain JavaScript and a Table to render (@lucianopf)
- First implementation but with comments all around the code (@WhoisBsa)
- Transparent fire and with new buttons to interact (@mmoraisa)
- Render using particles with P5 + more fire controls (@SharkSharp)
- Embedded version implemented in C using SMT32F429 board and mbed (@agaelema)
- Rendering with a Table and Manual wind control (@hfabio)
- Rendering with a Table and Random wind direction (@hfabio)
- Lua/Love2D Implementation (@wesleycsj)
- Kotlin on Android Implementation (@kassiano)
- Random Walker (@filipedeschamps)
- SDL2 Implementation (@mrcsxsiq)
@leocavalcante |
@mccraveiro |
@AcePetrucci |
@eduardosilvapereira |
@brunooomelo |
@lucianopf |
@moog |
@WhoisBsa |
@mmoraisa |
@SharkSharp |
@agaelema |
@hfabio |
@wesleycsj |
@kassiano |
@mrcsxsiq |
@filipedeschamps |