OLMost every recipe you need to perform data interventions with the OLMo family of models.
See src/cookbook/recipes/train-1b-1xC-dclm.yaml for an example to clone
olmo-cookbook launch -c src/cookbook/recipes/train-1b-1xC-dclm.yaml
Follow the interactive prompts. A link to the Beaker job will be provided upon successful submission.
Monitor your training job in wandb or Beaker
olmo-cookbook-eval convert \
-i /oe-training-default/kevinf/checkpoints/OLMo-medium/peteish7-medlr/step477000 \
-t olmo2 \
--use-beaker \
--huggingface-tokenizer allenai/dolma2-tokenizer
olmo-cookbook-eval convert \
"/oe-training-default/ai2-llm/checkpoints/peteish32-anneal/OLMo2-32Bparams-5Ttokens-100Banneal/step11921" \
-t olmo-core \
--use-beaker \
--huggingface-tokenizer allenai/OLMo-2-1124-7B
olmo-cookbook-eval evaluate \
"/oe-training-default/ai2-llm/checkpoints/OLMoE/a0125/olmoe-8x1b-newhp-newds-dolmino-seed-42/step23842-hf" \
--tasks core:mc --tasks mmlu:mc --tasks mmlu:rc --tasks gen \
--priority high \
--cluster aus80g \
--num-gpus 1 \
--model-backend vllm \
--dashboard olmoe-0125
Another example is running evaluation for a Hugging Face model
olmo-cookbook-eval evaluate \
--tasks gen-no-jp
--priority high
--cluster aus80g
--num-gpus 1
--model-backend vllm
--dashboard peteish32