OpenType-SVG version of Noto Emoji. OpenType-SVG is a font format that has some or all glyphs represented as SVG (scalable vector graphics) artwork. This allows glyphs to be displayed in multiple colors and gradients. OpenType-SVG fonts are also known as "color fonts". For more information, visit
As a derivative of Noto Emoji, the same licenses apply for Noto Emoji SVG:
Emoji fonts (in the fonts/ subdirectory) are under the
SIL Open Font License, version 1.1.
Tools and most image resources are under the Apache license, version 2.0.
Flag images under flags/ are in the public domain or
otherwise exempt from copyright (more info).
The repository contains aliases/symlinks. Cloning on Windows
requires using the option -c core.symlinks=true
and running the command with
Admin privileges.
git -c core.symlinks=true clone
You may also need to pull using this command,
git -c core.symlinks=true pull
and configure the repository with this command,
git config core.symlinks true
As of July 9th 2022, browsers that do not support OT-SVG fonts are Google Chrome (tested in v103.0) and Opera (tested in v89.0).
Firefox supports OT-SVG (tested in v102.0). A former bug where non-1000 UPM fonts were displayed at the wrong size has been fixed.
Safari also supports OT-SVG, but the number of SVG elements on a page is limited (tested in v15.5). SVGs on the test.html page will drop out after approximately 800 test samples (which implies 3200 SVGs rendered). This is why the test has been split into multiple html files.
- Python 3.6+
- FontTools
When building the black-and-white font and color font, make sure to build the black-and-white font first before building the color font. Since the data in the color font is dependent on the data in the black-and-white font, the color font will not build properly if it is built first.
To build the black-and-white font use the following command,
python3 -o fonts -r --gsub GSUB.fea --gpos GPOS.fea --uvs UVS.txt svg_bw flags_bw
and to build the color font use the following command,
python3 -z -r svg flags fonts/NotoEmoji.otf -v
is the version number to be assigned to the font (e.g 1.082
It's possible to build both fonts (and to subroutinize the BW font) using the shell script that combines all commands,
The OT-CFF fonts can be subroutinized with the following command:
sh <font file path>
Subroutinizing requires AFDKO's tx
and sfntedit
To help thoroughly test the fonts, a script was developed that generates an HTML file that lists all official emoji and emoji sequences. The current output shows Unicode version 13.1. To generate the file run this command:
python3 test/
To divide the output into multiple files use the --paginate
python3 test/ -p
To generate a subset of the test.html file —named test-changes.html— containing only the changes from the previous font build, use the -c/--changes
option. Keep in mind that this option depends on the contents of the changes.txt file.
Another script was developed that generates the test document in simple TXT format. To generate the TXT test file run this command:
python3 test/ -e 20
This file can be easily imported into Illustrator, Photoshop or InDesign.
The emoji-test.txt file was obtained from
As with the HTML test document, it's possible to generate a subset file named
test-changes.txt by using the -c/--changes
Aliases/symbolic links are used extensively to avoid having multiple copies of the same artwork.
To generate SVG black-and-white aliases run this command:
python3 emoji_bw_aliases.txt svg_bw
To generate SVG color aliases run this command:
python3 emoji_color_aliases.txt svg
To generate PNG color aliases run this command:
python3 emoji_color_aliases.txt png
To generate SVG black-and-white flag aliases run this command:
python3 flag_bw_aliases.txt flags_bw
To generate SVG color flag aliases run this command:
python3 flag_color_aliases.txt flags
To generate PNG color flag aliases run this command:
python3 flag_color_aliases.txt flags_png
In the event that only the original Ai artwork files are provided, use the following steps to generate PNG or SVG files:
- Open the Adobe Illustrator file(s)
- Select the menu File > Scripts > Other Script...
- Pick one of the scripts from the folder ai_scripts
- Select a folder to save the output files into
Whenever the SVG files are edited and saved with Adobe Illustrator they contain unnecessary data that can and should be removed.
To clean the black-and-white artwork run this command:
python3 -k bw svg_bw
To clean the color artwork run this command:
python3 svg
To remove any CSS in-line styles from all SVG files (CSS is incompatible with macOS in this context), run: