Flutter website
- Issues, bugs, and requests
- Before you submit a PR
- Before you build this site
- Creating and/or editing DartPad example code
- Writing for flutter.dev
We welcome contributions and feedback on our website. Please file a request in our issue tracker or create a pull request. For simple changes (such as tweaking some text), it's easiest to make changes using the GitHub UI.
If you have an issue with the API docs on api.flutter.dev, please file those issues on the flutter/flutter repo, not on this (flutter/website) repo. The API docs are embedded in Flutter's source code, so the engineering team handles those.
We love it when the community gets involved in improving our docs! But here are a few notes to keep in mind before you submit a PR:
- When triaging issues, we sometimes label an issue with the tag PRs welcome. But we welcome PRs on other issues as well— it doesn't have to be tagged with that label.
- Please don't run our docs through Grammarly (or similar) and submit those changes as a PR.
- We follow the Google Developer Documentation Style Guidelines — for example, don't use "i.e." or "e.g.", avoid writing in first person, and avoid writing in future tense. You can start with the style guide highlights or the word list, or use the search bar that's at the top of every style guide page.
We truly thank you for your willingness and helpfulness in keeping the website docs up to date!
For changes beyond simple text and CSS tweaks, we recommend building the site.
Support for building the site locally has temporarily been removed. This README will be updated with the new building details soon.
Until then, please rely on automatic staging in pull requests. Thanks for your patience!
Note: This repo has git submodules, which affects how you clone it. The GitHub documentation has general help on forking and cloning repos.
If you're outside of the Flutter organization, we recommend you create a fork of the repo under your own account, and then submit a PR from that fork.
Once you have a fork (or you're a Flutter org member), choose one of the following submodule-cloning techniques:
Clone the repo and its submodule at the same using the
option: -
git clone --recurse-submodules https://github.com/<username-or-flutter>/website.git
If you've already cloned the repo without its submodule, then run this command from the repo root:
git submodule update --init --recursive
Note: At any time during development you can use the
git submodule
command to refresh submodules:git pull; git submodule update --init --recursive
Most of the code used to create DartPad examples is hosted on GitHub.
However, this repo also contains some *.dart
responsible for DartPad example code.
A typical DartPad example takes the form of an iframe
for example, within a codelab's Markdown file:
src="{{ site.custom.dartpad.embed-flutter-prefix }}?id=d7b09149ffee2f0535bb0c04d96987f5"
style="border:1px solid lightgrey;margin-top:10px;margin-bottom:25px"
frameborder="no" height="500" width="100%">
This iframe
depends on the following GitHub gist URL:
For detailed instructions on how to use this approach to DartPad examples, see the DartPad embedding guide.
A build that fails with the error
Error: Some code excerpts needed to be updated!
means that one or more code excerpts in the markdown file
aren't identical to the
code in the corresponding .dart
To resolve this error,
from the root of the website
run dart run flutter_site refresh-excerpts
For more information see Code excerpts .
The site-shared repo contains infrastructure shared by most of our Dart and Flutter websites. Some of this README is in the doc directory in the site-shared repo.
For more information on using and writing for this repo, refer to the following docs: